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Bug 559352 - Pause music- and videoplayers
Pause music- and videoplayers
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 353077
Product: ekiga
Classification: Applications
Component: Accessibility
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Ekiga maintainers
Ekiga maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-11-04 23:07 UTC by Mads Rosendahl
Modified: 2008-11-05 11:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Mads Rosendahl 2008-11-04 23:07:00 UTC
It would be great if Ekiga could pause music- and videoplayers.

Say you were listing to some music and you got an incoming call. Would it be possible to allow Ekiga to pause the music and turn it back on when the call was terminated?

I'm not a developer at all, but perhaps this could be done by having Ekiga detect if Banshee, Rhythmbox, Amarok or whatever is running and then run the --pause command for that application? 

Many people have now had enough of hearing about Windows 7 and I'm sorry for bringing it up again, but I would just like to refer to a video I saw where Larry Osterman talks about new audio capabilities and demos this "pause music- and videoplayers" feature!
So if you don't vomit every time you hear the M$ word, this video (57 min) is very interesting and inspirerring.
Comment 1 Snark 2008-11-05 11:51:11 UTC
Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 353077 ***