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Bug 542788 - totem does not play ZDF livestream
totem does not play ZDF livestream
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: gst-plugins-good
Other All
: Normal normal
: 0.10.15
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-07-13 14:59 UTC by Martin Jürgens
Modified: 2009-08-10 23:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.21/2.22

Description Martin Jürgens 2008-07-13 14:59:26 UTC
Please describe the problem:
I am trying to watch the ZDF livestream on Fedora 9 (WMV). I am using the gstreamer backend.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to
2. Play WMV stream

Actual results:

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
[New Thread 0xb2768b90 (LWP 7352)]
[Thread 0xb6804b90 (LWP 7337) exited]
** Message: NP_Initialize
** Message: NP_Initialize succeeded
** Message: totemPlugin ctor [0x9f12820]
** Message: Init mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' mode 1
** Message: Base URI is ''
** Message: Real mimetype for 'video/x-ms-asf' is 'video/x-ms-asf'
argv[0] class wmp
argv[1] id mediaplayer
argv[2] type video/x-ms-asf
argv[3] data
argv[4] height 513
argv[5] width 912
argv[6] SRC
argv[7] PARAM 
argv[8] URL
argv[9] src
argv[10] AutoStart true
argv[11] CurrentPosition 0
argv[12] DisplaySize 4
argv[13] AutoSize false
argv[14] AllowChangeDisplaySize true
argv[15] stretchToFit true
argv[16] maintainAspectRatio true
argv[17] uiMode full
argv[18] ShowControls 1
argv[19] ShowPositionControls 1
argv[20] ShowStatusBar true
** Message: mSrc:
** Message: mCache: 0
** Message: mControllerHidden: 0
** Message: mShowStatusbar: 1
** Message: mHidden: 0
** Message: mAudioOnly: 0
** Message: mAutostart: 1, mRepeat: 0
** Message: Launching: /usr/libexec/totem-plugin-viewer --plugin-type gmp --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061712 Fedora/3.0-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0 --mimetype video/x-ms-asf --statusbar 
Detaching after fork from child process 7354.
** Message: Viewer spawned, PID 7355
** Message: GetValue variable 14 (e)
** Message: Initial window set, XID 4002313 size 912x513
** Message: No viewer proxy yet, deferring SetWindow
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' URL ''
** Message: Viewer not ready, aborting stream
** Message: GetValue variable 15 (f)
** Message: Unhandled variable NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject
** Message: GetValue variable 11 (b)
** Message: GetValue variable 268435466 (1000000a)
** Message: GetScriptable [0x9f12820]
** Message: totemGMPPlugin ctor [0x8f6a7c8]
** Message: Viewer DBus interface name is 'org.gnome.totem.PluginViewer_7355'
** Message: NameOwnerChanged old-owner '' new-owner ':1.59'
** Message: Viewer now connected to the bus
** Message: ViewerSetup
** Message: Calling SetWindow
Viewer: SetWindow XID 67117843 size 912:513
TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' URL ''
** Message: Not expecting a new stream; aborting stream
** Message: SetWindow reply
** Message: ViewerReady
** Message: IsSchemeSupported scheme 'http': yes
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_stream called: uri, base_uri:
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'fd://0' is-browser-stream 1 start-play 1
TotemEmbedded-Message: BEFORE _open
TotemEmbedded-Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1)
TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: PLAYING
** Message: OpenStream reply
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' URL ''
** Message: Should be dual type 'audio/x-ms-asx', making sure now
** Message: Is dual type 'audio/x-ms-asx'
** Message: Is playlist; need to wait for the file to be downloaded completely
** Message: StreamAsFile filename '/home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/117D5130d01'
TotemEmbedded-Message: Setting the current playlist to /home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/117D5130d01 (base:
** Message: DestroyStream reason 0
** Message: URLNotify URL '' reason 0
added URI 'rtsp://'
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'rtsp://' is-browser-stream 0 start-play 0
TotemEmbedded-Message: BEFORE _open
TotemEmbedded-Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1)
** Message: Error: Konnte nicht in die Ressource schreiben.
gstrtspsrc.c(3787): gst_rtspsrc_setup_streams (): /play/source:
Error (400): Bad Request

TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'Konnte nicht in die Ressource schreiben.'
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error_logo called by browser plugin
[Thread 0xb2768b90 (LWP 7352) exited]
Comment 1 Martin Jürgens 2008-07-13 15:41:34 UTC
As they've shutdown the livestream here's another one. With other sympthoms which are more weird:

Windows Media: Sound works, video does not (black screen). When opening it with Totem, both works (right click -> open with video player).

VLC: Works, great

Quicktime: Sound works, video does not (goom visualization). Opening with totem: same symthoms.

You can change the video format by clicking on the wrench on the left side on the bottom.
Comment 2 Bastien Nocera 2008-07-14 14:58:38 UTC
GStreamer doesn't like the RTSP WMV video.
Comment 3 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2008-07-22 06:42:00 UTC
For me this works great. We're watching this daily. Although somethimes the servers are overloaded and then one gets either black video or no saound or none of both.

I have the fluendo plugins installed. When I disable them it still plays, but somewhat choppy.
Comment 4 Martin Jürgens 2008-07-22 10:29:17 UTC
WMV and VLC work fine for me there, but when selecting QuickTime I only get sound and virtualization..
Comment 5 Bastien Nocera 2008-08-13 13:26:11 UTC
"virtualization"? For Quicktime, it's most likely a missing codec. You'd need to file a separate bug about that (although Totem 2.23.x's browser plugin will warn you about missing codecs).
Comment 6 Martin Jürgens 2008-08-13 15:43:18 UTC
i mean visualization ;)
Comment 7 Wim Taymans 2009-02-23 16:47:42 UTC
Seems to work fine for me too. Closing.
Comment 8 Martin Jürgens 2009-03-06 12:54:33 UTC
Does not work for me (Windows Media and VLC streams). QuickTime works though.


Windows Media Player:

** Message: Stream requested (force viewer: 0)
** Message: mSrcURI:
** Message: mCache: 0
** Message: mControllerHidden: 0
** Message: mShowStatusbar: 1
** Message: mHidden: 0
** Message: mAudioOnly: 0
** Message: mAutoPlay: 1, mRepeat: 0
** Message: Launching: /usr/libexec/totem-plugin-viewer --plugin-type gmp --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009020410 Fedora/3.0.6-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.6 --mimetype video/x-ms-wmv --statusbar 
Detaching after fork from child process 11242.
** Message: Viewer spawned, PID 11243
** Message: Initial window set, XID 3a00cf7 size 912x507
** Message: No viewer proxy yet, deferring SetWindow
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'application/x-ms-wmp' URL ''
** Message: Not expecting a new stream; aborting stream
** Message: GetScriptableNPObject [0xba9d658]
** Message: totemGMPPlayer [0xba94258]
** Message: Viewer DBus interface name is 'org.gnome.totem.PluginViewer_11243'
** Message: NameOwnerChanged old-owner '' new-owner ':1.181'
** Message: Viewer now connected to the bus
** Message: ViewerSetup
** Message: Calling SetWindow
Viewer: SetWindow XID 60820727 size 912:507
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' URL ''
** Message: Not expecting a new stream; aborting stream
TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
** Message: SetWindow reply
** Message: ViewerReady
** Message: Stream requested (force viewer: 0)
** Message: IsSchemeSupported scheme 'http': yes
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_stream called: uri, base_uri:
totem_embedded_set_uri uri (null) base (null) => resolved (null)
totem_embedded_set_uri uri base => resolved
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'fd://0' is-browser-stream 1 start-play 1
TotemEmbedded-Message: BEFORE _open
TotemEmbedded-Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1)
TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: PLAYING
** Message: OpenStream reply
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' URL ''
** Message: Should be dual type 'audio/x-ms-asx', making sure now
** Message: Is dual type 'audio/x-ms-asx'
** Message: Is playlist; need to wait for the file to be downloaded completely
** Message: StreamAsFile filename '/home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01'
TotemEmbedded-Message: Setting the current playlist to /home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01 (base:
totem_embedded_set_uri uri (null) base (null) => resolved (null)
totem_embedded_set_uri uri file:///home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01 base => resolved file:///home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01
** Message: DestroyStream reason 0
** Message: URLNotify URL '' reason 0
added URI 'mms://'
totem_embedded_set_uri uri mms:// base => resolved mms://
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'mms://' is-browser-stream 0 start-play 0
TotemEmbedded-Message: BEFORE _open
TotemEmbedded-Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1)
** Message: Error: Could not determine type of stream.
gsttypefindelement.c(806): gst_type_find_element_activate (): /GstPlayBin:play/GstDecodeBin:decodebin1/GstTypeFindElement:typefind

TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'Could not determine type of stream.'
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error_logo called by browser plugin


** Message: ~totemPlugin [0xb87d0a0]
** Message: ~totemConeInput [0xdf2c770]
** Message: ~totemCone [0xdf2c718]
** Message: NP_Shutdown
** Message: NP_Initialize
** Message: NP_Initialize succeeded
** Message: totemPlugin [0xe4f8c10]
** Message: Init mimetype 'application/x-vlc-plugin' mode 1
** Message: Base URI is ''
** Message: Real mimetype for 'application/x-vlc-plugin' is 'VLC Multimedia Plugin'
argv[0] version VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2
argv[1] progid VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2
argv[2] type application/x-vlc-plugin
argv[3] id mediaplayer
argv[4] name mediaplayer
argv[5] class vlc
argv[6] autoplay yes
argv[7] loop no
argv[8] target
argv[9] height 100%
argv[10] width 100%
** Message: Stream requested (force viewer: 0)
** Message: mSrcURI:
** Message: mCache: 0
** Message: mControllerHidden: 1
** Message: mShowStatusbar: 0
** Message: mHidden: 0
** Message: mAudioOnly: 0
** Message: mAutoPlay: 1, mRepeat: 0
** Message: Launching: /usr/libexec/totem-plugin-viewer --plugin-type cone --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009020410 Fedora/3.0.6-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.6 --mimetype VLC Multimedia Plugin --no-controls 
Detaching after fork from child process 11325.
** Message: Viewer spawned, PID 11326
** Message: GetScriptableNPObject [0xe4f8c10]
** Message: totemCone [0xe4d51f8]
** Message: GetScriptableNPObject [0xe4f8c10]
** Message: totemConeInput [0xe4f8f20]
** Message: Initial window set, XID 3a03c40 size 912x507
** Message: No viewer proxy yet, deferring SetWindow
** Message: Viewer DBus interface name is 'org.gnome.totem.PluginViewer_11326'
** Message: NameOwnerChanged old-owner '' new-owner ':1.188'
** Message: Viewer now connected to the bus
** Message: ViewerSetup
** Message: Calling SetWindow
Viewer: SetWindow XID 60832832 size 912:507
TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
** Message: SetWindow reply
** Message: ViewerReady
** Message: Stream requested (force viewer: 0)
** Message: IsSchemeSupported scheme 'http': yes
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_stream called: uri, base_uri:
totem_embedded_set_uri uri (null) base (null) => resolved (null)
totem_embedded_set_uri uri base => resolved
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'fd://0' is-browser-stream 1 start-play 1
TotemEmbedded-Message: BEFORE _open
TotemEmbedded-Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1)
TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: PLAYING
TotemEmbedded-Message: Mimetype 'VLC Multimedia Plugin' doesn't have a handler
** Message: OpenStream reply
** Message: NewStream mimetype 'video/x-ms-asf' URL ''
** Message: Should be dual type 'audio/x-ms-asx', making sure now
** Message: Is dual type 'audio/x-ms-asx'
** Message: Is playlist; need to wait for the file to be downloaded completely
** Message: StreamAsFile filename '/home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01'
TotemEmbedded-Message: Setting the current playlist to /home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01 (base:
totem_embedded_set_uri uri (null) base (null) => resolved (null)
totem_embedded_set_uri uri file:///home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01 base => resolved file:///home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/mjj4lh56.default/Cache/F2B00146d01
added URI 'mms://'
totem_embedded_set_uri uri mms:// base => resolved mms://
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_open_internal 'mms://' is-browser-stream 0 start-play 0
TotemEmbedded-Message: BEFORE _open
** Message: DestroyStream reason 0
** Message: URLNotify URL '' reason 0
TotemEmbedded-Message: AFTER _open (ret: 1)
TotemEmbedded-Message: Mimetype 'VLC Multimedia Plugin' doesn't have a handler
** Message: Error: Could not determine type of stream.
gsttypefindelement.c(806): gst_type_find_element_activate (): /GstPlayBin:play/GstDecodeBin:decodebin1/GstTypeFindElement:typefind

TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'Could not determine type of stream.'
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error_logo called by browser plugin


works but not smoothly
Comment 9 Edward Hervey 2009-03-06 13:00:06 UTC
Martin, it plays fine with git versions. Don't reopen unless you use the git versions and confirm it still doesn't work.
Comment 10 Martin Jürgens 2009-03-06 13:24:18 UTC
ok thank you!