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Bug 519067 - Improve accessibility documentation for users, developers, and system integrators
Improve accessibility documentation for users, developers, and system integra...
Product: gnome-devel-docs
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-devel-docs maintainers
gnome-devel-docs maintainers
: 564996 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-02-27 14:58 UTC by Willie Walker
Modified: 2021-06-06 12:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Willie Walker 2008-02-27 14:58:28 UTC
This is a "GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility" task that covers both gnome-devel-docs and gnome-user-docs.  It is being places here as a means to track the progress.  Please refer to the "TASK: Documentation" section of for detailed information on the task.
Comment 1 Shaun McCance 2008-03-12 17:51:51 UTC
Note that an accessibility guide for developers has been on the wishlist for gnome-devel-docs for some time.  See

I'd be glad to help anybody working on such a guide, or on the current Accessibility Guide for users in gnome-user-docs.  I'm certainly not the person to mentor, because I don't know the accessibility stuff well enough to help with content.  But I can help with documentation-related issues (markup, style, etc.)
Comment 2 SteveLee 2008-03-17 19:12:00 UTC
I'm not exactly sure of the format but I'd like to put in a proposal for this work. I know 2 of the panel already know me, but I'd like to give a little background: while I'm a developer and not formally trained in technical writing, I have been explaining and promoting Open Source and accessibility to users and hackers for some time, including efforts on, and I recently wrote the Python/GNOME a11y article:

I'm convinced that clear documentation is vital and the lack of it is a significant barrier, especially when people first approach GNOME a11y. My aim will be to clearly introduce the great a11y features of GNOME in enough depth while also providing jump off points for using GNOME a11y or contributing.

As described in this is a BIG and rather open-ended task, plus the exchange rate with GBP is a killer.  I therefore suggest a phased approach:

1) Review the current situation and create clear entry-point documentation as outlined in the task notes. Provide links to existing docs, reorganise and cull dead docs as required. The idea is to give a good starting point for anyone visiting the docs in a relatively short time and with clear signposts to the detailed documentation.

2) Scope the next phases based on what has been learnt from 1)

3) Detailed documentation in key areas identified from 1 and 2. A significant quantity of new content is to be expected. More detailed analysis of key projects and interviews with developers, distos and users will be critical here.

It will be great to work with Shaun or any one else who would like to help out.

Comment 3 SteveLee 2008-03-18 11:35:14 UTC
I claim this task
Comment 4 Shaun McCance 2008-03-19 18:09:00 UTC
Adding gnome-user-docs-maint to the CC list, as this affects user documentation as well.  (Should we have a separate bug in gnome-user-docs?)
Comment 5 SteveLee 2008-04-05 16:23:54 UTC
I *unclaim* this task :-)

Vincent, have fun.
Comment 6 Vincent Alexander 2008-10-29 06:14:56 UTC
I haven't claimed "fun" in over 10 years - that's practically an endorsement for public office. :)

Things are coming along pretty well and I welcome any suggestions, criticisms or other improvements to - "If I Don't Do It, Someone Else Will!"

Comment 7 David King 2014-01-26 13:31:27 UTC
*** Bug 564996 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 André Klapper 2021-06-06 12:17:45 UTC
Closing as obsolete - if there are still specific issues, please follow and create a ticket in Thanks a lot!