GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 499361
No borders on the sidebar (and file window)
Last modified: 2009-12-10 20:27:58 UTC
Please describe the problem: In browser mode, the sidebar lacks a 1px border around it. So does the file window . Steps to reproduce: Actual results: Expected results: Does this happen every time? Other information:
Created attachment 99573 [details] Current nautilus look
Created attachment 99574 [details] rhythmbox comparision
Created attachment 99575 [details] totem comparision
Created attachment 99576 [details] nautilus with borders
Added Jody Kozey to cc, as he have a patch for this somewhere.
Jody, could you post the patch ?
Created attachment 126144 [details] [review] a first patch This is patch which add a border to the sidebar and the "file view", bonus I removed the border of the sidebar top, I thought it was prettier. The patch changes only the browser view not the spatial view, I guess the border should be fixed in spatial too Andreas? The looking doesn't seems to me perfect because we have two border side by side on top and at the bottom of the file view, and the borders for sidebar and fileview, seems to me a bit thick (I'll attach a screenshot). Any opinion how to have a thinner border?
Created attachment 126145 [details] screenshot with the patch, I show also the double border
Created attachment 126154 [details] screenshot of spatial nautilus (using clearlooks) Spatial nautilus actually looks pretty ok.
> > Spatial nautilus actually looks pretty ok. > I don't see any border on the left so I thought it was missing.
*** Bug 558791 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
(In reply to comment #8) > Created an attachment (id=126145) [edit] > screenshot with the patch, I show also the double border > On the sidebar, I would add the shadow on the listview, not around the notebook.
Created attachment 126390 [details] shadow around the listview
*** Bug 568054 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Created attachment 126937 [details] [review] Patch that add border to all sidebars
please use shadow_in, not etched in
Created attachment 126944 [details] [review] updated version I don't see the difference but I updated the patch and replace ETCHED_IN
Created attachment 126981 [details] mockup As discussed on IRC, what about some border around the main browser area and a statusbar more in the style of f-spot and banshee?
(In reply to comment #18) > Created an attachment (id=126981) [edit] > mockup > > As discussed on IRC, what about some border around the main browser area and a > statusbar more in the style of f-spot and banshee? > You can't have that statusbar without patching clearlooks and other engines. You can't avoid the double border between toolbar and file window.
Created attachment 127054 [details] Difference between file open dialog and nautilus window This screenshot shows difference between file open dialog and nautilus window. The Nautilus window lacks shadows around file list area that create 3D-like effect in the open file dialog window.
Created attachment 127055 [details] Screenshot showing the difference between file open dialog (left) and Nautilus (right) This screenshot shows difference between file open dialog and nautilus window. The Nautilus window lacks shadows around file list area that create 3D-like effect in the open file dialog window.
I think Nautilus window should use the same style as file open dialog, tree browsing area of GConf editor etc, i.e. it should be a 3D effect created by shadowing.
@andreasn (happy birthday!) @crevette: I was wrong, the code is already in clearlooks: you just need to set shadow-type to GTK_SHADOW_NONE on the statusbar to avoid drawing the border/edge/highlight on the statusbar.
@cimi: haha, thank you!
Created attachment 127153 [details] [review] Latest patch [version 3] This patch sets GTK_SHADOW_IN for sidebar widgets and various nautilus files views. @Cimi, after our discussion 2 days ago, I looked the API of GtkStatsubar, the gobject "shadow-style" is not writable so I'm not able to change it. I be thankful if you can help me for that to change the statusbar looking. Regards
Created attachment 127154 [details] screenshot of the latest patch with my theme
Created attachment 127960 [details] screenshot of nautilus with GTK_SHADOW_NONE on statusbar ... I'm using GTK_SHADOW_NONE to remove the border around the statusbar in my theme, perhaps you may want this for nautilus, too? GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
(In reply to comment #27) > > ... I'm using GTK_SHADOW_NONE to remove the border around the statusbar in my > theme, perhaps you may want this for nautilus, too? > > GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE > This is not possible in GTK, the property "shadow-type" of widget GtkStatusBar is read-only and set to GTK_SHADOW_IN
(In reply to comment #27) > Created an attachment (id=127960) [edit] > screenshot of nautilus with GTK_SHADOW_NONE on statusbar > > ... I'm using GTK_SHADOW_NONE to remove the border around the statusbar in my > theme, perhaps you may want this for nautilus, too? > > GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE > To make nautilus looks better you should change your gtk+ theme first of all :-)
Baptiste Mille-Mathias, I cannot realise from your screenshot how it was made in the latest patch. Does it use shadows to make 3D appearance like for example file open dialog (or GConf editor) or it simply makes a fixed-color frame around the icon area?
Created attachment 134777 [details] [review] Navigational - Remove borders and removing GtkStatusBar border. Fix bug 499361
Comment on attachment 134777 [details] [review] Navigational - Remove borders and removing GtkStatusBar border. Fix bug 499361 Thanks for the patch! Now it looks much better, but I think it looks too packed in spatial view. Maybe a 1px/2px padding between the folder selector and the top of the status would help. >+ /* Remove Top border on GtkStatusBar */ >+ gtk_rc_parse_string ( >+ "style \"default\"\n" >+ "{\n" >+ " GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE\n" >+ "}\n"); The way you're using gtk_rc_parse_string is slightly wrong, because this will modify the appearance of every statusbar in Nautilus, not just the one in the navigation window, as you're modifying the "default" theme. You should instead assign a name to the statusbar you want to modify, with gtk_widget_set_name; then the rc parse string would become "style \"my-style\"\n" "{\n" " /* style changes here */\n" "}\n" "widget \"*.my-custom-widget-name\" style \"my-style\""
(In reply to comment #32) > (From update of attachment 134777 [details] [review] [edit]) > Thanks for the patch! > Now it looks much better, but I think it looks too packed in spatial view. > Maybe a 1px/2px padding between the folder selector and the top of the status > would help. > the Folder selection widget make the statusbar of the spatail windows already thick, I'm afraid it'll make ticker. As susggested by Paolo Borelli, could it be possible to use the widget used in latest gedit (I can open another bug)? For the other part I changed the code to make you suggested.
Created attachment 135741 [details] [review] Updated Ukrainian translation
Comment on attachment 135741 [details] [review] Updated Ukrainian translation sorry, I made a mistake with git-bz :/
Created attachment 135742 [details] [review] Navigational - Remove borders and removing GtkStatusBar border. Fix bug 499361
Created attachment 135745 [details] [review] Baptiste in the world of git, third part
*** Bug 584644 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Created attachment 135839 [details] [review] Take 4 (damn I hate git now) Looks great to me!
Created attachment 136687 [details] mockup About the latest screenshots: would it be possible to lose the dark line above the side pane? Like in this mockup.
(In reply to comment #41) > About the latest screenshots: would it be possible to lose the dark line above > the side pane? Like in this mockup. > No I don't think it is possible to avoid that, this is the bottom border of the side bar
(In reply to comment #42) > (In reply to comment #41) > > About the latest screenshots: would it be possible to lose the dark line above > > the side pane? Like in this mockup. > > > > No I don't think it is possible to avoid that, this is the bottom border of the > side bar > It is, you mean the toolbar right? Just set the shadow-type to none
You can remove the shadow through Gnome Color Chooser utility.
So, if it's possible to remove it, is it desirable to do it by default? Do you guys think it looks better with or without the toolbar shadow? Personally, I think the window looks much cleaner WITHOUT the shadow.
First, I think it's much better with toolbar shadow, and secon, it's a global Gnome setting, affecting not only Nautilus. It is unrelated to this bugreport.
Also it depends on the GTK widget theme used. Some themes look ugly with the shadow and some look ugly without it.
Oh... so it's the GTK theme you have to modify to hide the shadow? Not Nautilus?
It's GTK settings.
You can save all the settings as a new theme through Gnome Color Chooser.
UI freeze is coming next week, can I know if some part of the patch (like only the sidebar change) can be interesting? Thanks
This is commited on master.