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Bug 429167 - Need context sensitive strings in the weather applet's location po file
Need context sensitive strings in the weather applet's location po file
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 529057
Product: gnome-applets
Classification: Other
Component: gweather
git master
Other All
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-applets Maintainers
gnome-applets Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-04-12 22:27 UTC by Jakub Friedl
Modified: 2008-06-18 14:53 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Jakub Friedl 2007-04-12 22:27:07 UTC
In the weather applet's location po file, there is only one translatable string for multiple locations sharing the same English name. Georgia is an example of that (U.S. state / country in Eurasia) - the problem is that Czech name for the Eurasian country is "Gruzie", but "Georgie" should be used for the US state.

I found this bug when I saw Gruzie listed as a US state - it sounds extremely funny in Czech - as if USA and former USSR merged in one superstate :)

There are more such examples (US Athens / Greek Athens and more).

Please don't use one translatable string for multiple locations.
Comment 1 Jakub Friedl 2007-05-25 10:29:53 UTC
Hey, this is a serious issue.
Comment 2 Dan Winship 2008-06-18 14:53:28 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 529057 ***