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Bug 415315 - List of all modules
List of all modules
Product: damned-lies
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: general
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: damned-lies Maintainer(s)
damned-lies Maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-03-06 14:35 UTC by Daniel Nylander
Modified: 2009-02-03 13:35 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Daniel Nylander 2007-03-06 14:35:40 UTC
I would really like to see a page with all modules listed (per language) in damned-lies.

That would give a pretty nice overview of which modules that need attention.

Basically, create a release set with all modules and different branches included.
Comment 1 Claude Paroz 2007-07-14 22:42:15 UTC
Daniel, maybe you could attach a sort of mockup showing how the page should look like...
Comment 2 Daniel Nylander 2007-07-28 20:14:14 UTC
Yeah, well. I was thinking about having all modules on one page.

Let's say all listed modules on (which is missing banshee by the way) and list them as a release set.

There are of course different branches used but listing trunk (HEAD) would suit most of them.

It would make things much easier if all modules (at least those who aren't in a release set) are listed. Today I have to visit each and every module to see if there are any updates.
Comment 3 Danilo Segan 2007-08-10 19:35:19 UTC
Banshee is not missing. It has a translated name in Swedish (Musikspelaren Banshee), so look near 'M' entries.

Anyway, it might be a good idea to have something like this, but it's not too high a priority, imo.
Comment 4 Gil Forcada 2009-01-15 14:15:15 UTC
I think this will be really useful now that we have the Vertimus functionality inside Damned-Lies.

For instance, if I have a committer role I could go to this page that will display all modules registered in Damned-Lies and see their state, and as I find modules with "Ready to commit" status I can download the po file and upload to GNOME SVN server.

Right now, if I don't go to 5 o 6 pages that lists GNOME official sets, GNOME extras, etc I can't know if there's something ready to commit.

It could be even better if the "show/hide completed modules" link is upgraded to filter modules by their status (that's meat for a separate bug though).

I bumping the priority to Normal (I would bump it to High though).
Comment 5 Claude Paroz 2009-01-27 21:40:08 UTC
I just committed some work on this feature.

I hope this is what you had in mind. The vertimus status is still missing, as well as a link from the team page.
Comment 6 Gil Forcada 2009-01-27 22:44:43 UTC
Maybe filtering out branches that are considered freezed.

Older branches from modules in the GNOME official release set comes to my mind.

The Vertimus information is missing though, are you still working on this I suppose.
Comment 7 Claude Paroz 2009-02-03 13:35:34 UTC
The view is now accessible from team page ("All modules" link). Branch filtering may be the object of another bug report.