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Bug 409230 - No keyboard accelerators in CC shell
No keyboard accelerators in CC shell
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: shell
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
GNOME main menu maintainers
: 680940 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-02-18 11:22 UTC by Karderio
Modified: 2013-01-16 09:35 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Karderio 2007-02-18 11:22:02 UTC
Hi :o)

There are no keyboard accelerators in the CC. Thus a user who only uses the keyboard will have to navigate with the keyboard arrows, which is significantly slower and will be a pain for these users.

Love, Karderio.
Comment 1 Jens Granseuer 2007-02-18 16:39:00 UTC
I admit I haven't thought long and hard, but what would be a good way to add accelerators to the shell launchers?
Comment 2 Denis Washington 2007-02-19 16:39:55 UTC
One accelerator that could be implemented is CTRL+F for the "Filter" entry.
Comment 3 Bastien Nocera 2011-02-01 13:43:29 UTC
commit 233287ee85c032d60c95f8222fcb74d6ae004a16
Author: Bastien Nocera <>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 13:41:01 2011 +0000

    shell: Add shortcuts to focus search entry
    Ctrl+S and Ctrl+F are used in overview mode to focus the search entry.

Other key bindings would include:
- make "down" work as expected from the search box to select the shown item
- make cursor keys able to jump from category to category
- make cursor keys able to wrap around (select next line when right is pressed for example)
Comment 4 Bastien Nocera 2012-05-17 14:51:07 UTC
Jon, we also want another "go back to overview" shortcut. Ideas?
Comment 5 Tomáš Hnyk 2013-01-12 12:43:25 UTC
Bastien: backspace seems to be the logical choice as it works also in Nautilus (and Opera and possible other things). I opened a bug about it before discovering this one:
Comment 6 Tomáš Hnyk 2013-01-12 12:49:31 UTC
Bastien: as for your other suggestions:
- make "down" work as expected from the search box to select the shown item
When control center is launched, focus is on "all settings". Right arrow goes to search box, down arrow does nothing. I would expect it to move focus to the first component (Appearance on my system). So I think the down arrow should start selecting items from either search box and all settings. (I was going to open a new bug about it, will this comment suffice?)

- make cursor keys able to jump from category to category
That seems to work already.

- make cursor keys able to wrap around (select next line when right is pressed
for example)
That would be nice too.
Comment 7 Matthias Clasen 2013-01-12 14:19:47 UTC
fwiw, backspace was removed in nautilus
Comment 8 Tomáš Hnyk 2013-01-12 14:30:48 UTC
Matthias: So there is not way to go up in nautilus now? Or have you cahnged it to something else? One would think this were a usefull shortcut (that I use daily). If there is some other shortcut, maybe it could be implemented for gnome control center too. (also, I know this is off topic but have you removed the ability to use a text-entry address bar for consistency sake too? Backspace was the only way to go up when one dislikes breadcrumbs)
Comment 9 Bastien Nocera 2013-01-14 16:45:37 UTC
Added the missing bits of keyboard navigation in the icon view. I think this is enough keyboard navigation for one day.

File separate bugs if you want particular keyboard combinations handled, and we'll judge them one-by-one.
Comment 10 Bastien Nocera 2013-01-16 09:35:18 UTC
*** Bug 680940 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***