GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 407645
Checks incorrectly for small straights
Last modified: 2007-04-25 23:53:09 UTC
This bug was reported to the Debian BTS. "As I understand it, "small straight" is meant to be the sequence 1-2-3-4-5. I'm not sure precisely how, but tali checks incorrectly for this - just now it accepted 2-4-2-4-3. It should be easy to reproduce this, just start new games and try to assign the first roll to Small Straight. An incorrect score should turn up pretty soon, unless I've completely misunderstood something."
A short straight is a sequence of 4 consecutive numbers, i.e.: 1-2-3-4 or 2-3-4-5 or 3-4-5-6 (the long straight is 5 numbers) It behaves correctly for me, please confirm if it is working. The dice 2-4-2-4-3 would be incorrect. I suspect these were either written down wrong or this is the set of dice after the dice used in the small straight?
I thought I reproduced this on 2.16, but I can't seem to be able to now. I have directed the original reporter to this bug, hoping he can give a better explanation. I notice he filed this with an ancient version of gnome-games, 2.8.3.
I'm the original bug reporter. I was certainly confused about what "small straight" means (now that I think about it, my interpretation of it being the "low straight" is pretty irrational), and with that in mind I'm not finding the bug anymore. I did originally think it accepted the 2-4-2-4-3 I cited, but it seems likely that what happened is indeed that I stupidly looked at the dice after assigning the roll to small straight. Looks like there's no bug, sorry about the confusion.
No problem, thanks for taking the time to report! Closing.