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Bug 362831 - Error messages from external sources (e.g. mail server) should have a suitable prefix
Error messages from external sources (e.g. mail server) should have a suitabl...
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Mailer
3.2.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-mail-maintainers
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Blocks: 502515
Reported: 2006-10-17 11:44 UTC by Duncan Lithgow
Modified: 2021-05-19 11:31 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description Duncan Lithgow 2006-10-17 11:44:13 UTC
As in bug 362546 there is no useful information for a basic user as to the causes or possible solutions for this error.

Error while performing operation.

DATA command failed: Illegal Attachment l22sm361487nfc

I will continue looking into the causes, maybe someone can look at a more useful error message.
Comment 1 Jeffrey Stedfast 2006-10-17 15:25:38 UTC
that's the error message your server provides us... no way for evo to know what it means or parse it and try to replace it with something meaningful.
Comment 2 Duncan Lithgow 2006-10-17 19:43:29 UTC
In that case I would suggest this bug stays open. Now my request for enhancement is that errors from external sources have a suitable prefix. For example it could read:

The server $servername gave the following response:

Error while performing operation.

DATA command failed: Illegal Attachment l22sm361487nfc
Comment 3 André Klapper 2007-12-09 00:36:38 UTC
we can at least say that it is the server message displayed, and not evolution's fault that it's geeky
Comment 4 Duncan Lithgow 2007-12-09 22:10:31 UTC
Yes it's the server which causes the problem. But if the server simply doesn't respond I would expect Evolution to make some useful and informative error message. I still think that Evolution can easily provide better context in this case, perhaps as suggested earlier.
Comment 5 André Klapper 2021-05-19 11:31:06 UTC
GNOME is going to shut down in favor of 
As part of that, we are mass-closing older open tickets in
which have not seen updates for a longer time (resources are unfortunately
quite limited so not every ticket can get handled).

If you can still reproduce the situation described in this ticket in a recent
and supported software version, then please follow
and create a new enhancement request ticket at

Thank you for your understanding and your help.