GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 350500
Please let scores expire N days from last use (not creation)
Last modified: 2011-12-03 18:09:22 UTC
Hello, A Debian user reported the following at --- 8< --- I've used a similar feature in MT-NW, and it's pretty nice --- the filters (as they're called in MT-NW) stay around for as long as needed, then delete themselves. I'm finding that I have to edit pan's scorefile to extend the dates on almost all of the scores. It'd be much nicer if it was 30 days after last use ( = last match) rather than 30 days after creation. --- 8< --- I definitely think that this would be a nice-to-have®. I often find myself adding low scores to trolls that change aliases frequently, or only post for a limited amount of time. This feature would allow scores to remain in the score file only for as long as a given troll remained active, thus helping to reduce the size of the score file.
I like this idea, but I'm not sure how to reconcile it with keeping the same scorefile format that slrn and Xnews use.
I am no expert on the format of the Score file, but from what I can discern from adding a specially formatted comment before each score should not be too hard? Eg. a Pan generated Score entry could look something like: %BOS %Score created by Pan on Wed Apr 5 09:41:48 2006 %Score used by Pan on Yadda Yadda [daimi.test] Score:: =-9999 Expires: 5/5/2006 Subject: ^Summerschool$ %EOS Or, alternately, an identifier could be stored, which references metadata (including the last time a score was used) stored elsewhere in XML, as: %BOS %Score created by Pan on Wed Apr 5 09:41:48 2006 %Pan Score Identifier: SomeGeneratedIdentifier [daimi.test] Score:: =-9999 Expires: 5/5/2006 Subject: ^Summerschool$ %EOS
Not a bad idea, embedding it in the comments so that the 'live' parts of the scorefile will be preserved. Riffing off that idea, we could actually position the comment on the Expires: line like this... %BOS %Score created by Pan on Wed Apr 5 09:41:48 2006 [daimi.test] Score:: =-9999 Expires: 5/5/2006 % days-to-extend-on-hit: 30 Subject: ^Summerschool$ %EOS