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Bug 337751 - Keyboard shortcuts don't work in certain cases
Keyboard shortcuts don't work in certain cases
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 162726
Product: gedit
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Gedit maintainers
Gedit maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-04-08 23:22 UTC by Nicolas da Luz Duque
Modified: 2006-05-30 17:09 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Nicolas da Luz Duque 2006-04-08 23:22:55 UTC
I'm using gnome 2.14 on a current ubuntu dapper (updated daily).
The version of gedit is 2.14.1.

When I type Ctrl+q in gedit it's supposed to close, but it doesn't. It selects the whole text instead, as Ctrl+a would (and does). 

I have also discovered that Ctrl+w doesn't close a tab as it should, but instead has the same effect as Ctrl+z (cancel last operation).

I'm in Belgium but using an US keyboard (I bought my laptop in the USA).

As z and w are swapped like q and a in US versus Belgian mapping, this seems to me to be a problem in the way gtk or gnome manages the keybindings in regard of localisation and keyboard mapping.

locale shows

iceman@Kamui:~ $ locale

There's therefore absolutely no keyboard shortcut to close gedit quickly, which is a big usability problem.
Comment 1 Paolo Borelli 2006-04-09 10:27:50 UTC
sounds like a problem in the configuration of your keyboard. I suggest opening a bug in the ubuntu bug tracking system.
Comment 2 Nicolas da Luz Duque 2006-04-09 11:41:03 UTC
I should have mentionned that Ctrl+w works as expected in epiphany (closes a tab).
Ctrl+q closes evolution, nautilus, etc...

So this bug occurs really only in gedit, that's why I reported this here instead of in malone.
Comment 3 Paolo Borelli 2006-04-09 11:46:09 UTC
do you have emacs keybindings activated? or are you using an input method or something like that?
Comment 4 Nicolas da Luz Duque 2006-04-09 12:27:32 UTC
I haven't done anything to activate emacs keybindings. How do I check whether they're activated or not?

One more thing: I have spoken too fast. Evolution closes well with Ctrl+q when in the main window. However, if I type Ctrl+q when editing a new mail, it selects the whole text, too, while we would expect it to clIose the window. Just like in gedit!
Comment 5 Paolo Borelli 2006-04-09 12:38:23 UTC
to see if you have activated emacs keybindings check the /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_key_theme key in gconf
Comment 6 Nicolas da Luz Duque 2006-04-09 12:58:42 UTC
iceman@Kamui:~ $ gconftool --get /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_key_theme
iceman@Kamui:~ $
Comment 7 Nicolas da Luz Duque 2006-04-11 17:51:55 UTC
To fuel the thing a bit I have ran some tests. Here are the results by app.

  Main window:
    Ctrl+q closes the app (which is good)
    Ctrl+a selects all the mails in the current folder (which is already good)
    Ctrl+w closes the app (why not)
    Ctrl+z closes the app too (which I didn't expect (IMHO it shouldn't do that))

  New Mail Window:
    Ctrl+q selects the whole text (BAD)
    Ctrl+a selects the whole text (good)
    Ctrl+w closes the window (good)
    Ctrl+z goes bad one step (as expected)

    Ctrl+q closes the app (good)
    Ctrl+a closes the app (BAD)
    Ctrl+w ends the connection to the current server (good)
    Ctrl+z does the same (bad)

    Ctrl+q selects the whole text (BAD)
    Ctrl+a selects the whole text (good)
    Ctrl+w goes bad one step (BAD)
    Ctrl+z goes bad one step (as expected)

    Ctrl+q closes the app (good)
    Ctrl+a updates all the feeds (as expected)
    Ctrl+w has no effect
    Ctrl+z has no effect

  Main Window:
    Ctrl+q closes the app (good)
    Ctrl+a opens the account box (as expected)
    Ctrl+w has no effect
    Ctrl+z has no effect

  Chat window:
    Ctrl+q selects the whole text (BAD)
    Ctrl+a selects the whole text (good)
    Ctrl+w closes the window (good)
    Ctrl+z has no effect (could go back one step IMHO)

    Ctrl+q quits (good)
    Ctrl+a quits (BAD)
    Ctrl+w has no effect
    Ctrl+z has no effect

    Ctrl+q quits (good)
    Ctrl+a selects all the songs in the current panel (good)
    Ctrl+w reduces to tray (just discovered that, pretty cool!)
    Ctrl+z has the same effect (I don't know if it's expected)

Maybe that will help you find the relationship between the apps and the problem.

If you want me to test more apps, feel free to ask.
Comment 8 Paolo Borelli 2006-04-11 18:34:14 UTC
I don't think all those shortcuts are intended... In other words I don't think the problem is "ctrl+a in totem quits the app". There is something wrong which makes all those apps misbehave, maybe a problem with your keyboard config or something like that, but to be honest I really have no idea what it could be :(

Does the problem happen only with gnome/gtk apps?

I'll keep thinking about this, but I also suggest you to bringup the problem with the ubuntu guys, in case it is in some lower levels of the stack.
Comment 9 Sebastien Bacher 2006-05-30 16:49:02 UTC
Other Ubuntu bugs about that:

"Ctrl+Q shortcut only works if no files are open in gedit

The Ctrl+Q keyboard shortcut is supposed to close the application, but doesn't work if there are files open, even if there have been no changes to the file(s). This always worked fine in Breezy."

"Ctrl+q selects all

When I type ctrl+q in gedit, it selects all. According to the menus, it should quit. Select all is assigned to ctrl+a."

It does the same on my dapper installation, I don't think that's an issue with the keymap (I used a french keyboard and it works fine out of that)
Comment 10 Sebastien Bacher 2006-05-30 17:09:17 UTC
that's a duplicate of bug #162726 which is a GTK issue, dropping the english keymap from the lists of keymap fixes the issue for me

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 162726 ***