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Bug 329932 - Constraints bug--didn't keep gdict-applet window onscreen
Constraints bug--didn't keep gdict-applet window onscreen
Product: metacity
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Metacity maintainers list
Metacity maintainers list
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-02-04 21:00 UTC by Elijah Newren
Modified: 2006-02-04 21:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Selected portions of a verbose debugging log showing the bug (8.20 KB, text/plain)
2006-02-04 21:01 UTC, Elijah Newren

Description Elijah Newren 2006-02-04 21:00:19 UTC
I found this while investigating bug 329650.  Basically, if you have a gnome-dictionary applet on a bottom or maybe right panel and you

1. killall -HUP gnome-dictionary-applet
2. Click on 'reload' when the panel asks whether to reload the applet
3. Click on dictionary icon of the applet

Then a window appears partially hidden under the panel and additionally is part way offscreen.  Clicking the button again a couple times will remove the window and then have it placed again at the appropriate location.  So there's still a gdict but, but there's also a metacity one because we shouldn't be allowing this window offscreen.  It appears that this might be due to the window somehow getting placed at 0,0 initially and then the constraints failing to move it out of the way of the top panel.  I'll attach portions of a verbose debugging log in a minute.
Comment 1 Elijah Newren 2006-02-04 21:01:35 UTC
Created attachment 58715 [details]
Selected portions of a verbose debugging log showing the bug
Comment 2 Elijah Newren 2006-02-04 21:20:38 UTC
Uh, nevermind -- we don't constrain docks to be onscreen and this window is considered a dock.  So this is entirely a gdict bug.  Sorry for the false alarm.