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Bug 324857 - MinGW build fixes
MinGW build fixes
Product: libxslt
Classification: Platform
Component: general
git master
Other Windows
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: Daniel Veillard
libxml QA maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-12-23 04:02 UTC by Mark Junker
Modified: 2016-04-30 19:07 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch that fixes the MinGW build and the resulting libs/executable (3.38 KB, patch)
2005-12-23 04:08 UTC, Mark Junker
none Details | Review

Description Mark Junker 2005-12-23 04:02:41 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1. Try to compile libxslt (fails because attrvt.o isn't specified in
Makefile.mingw and it references libxml2 using "-llibxml2" which should be
"-lxml2.dll" or "-lxml2")
2. xsltproc enters endless recursion and produces stack overflow as soon as the
application tries to use *snprintf

Stack trace:
None available because it takes a loooong time to produce the crash due to stack

Other information:
I'll apply a patch that fixes the problem.
Comment 1 Mark Junker 2005-12-23 04:08:48 UTC
Created attachment 56320 [details] [review]
Patch that fixes the MinGW build and the resulting libs/executable

I also replaced all "-llibxml2" with "-lxml2.dll" to always use the dynamic libxml2. I don't know if this makes sense but it seems more natural for the Win32 environment.

Another thing that I had to modify was the order of the $(LD) call arguments because otherwise $(LD) was unable to find the libraries for the link process. So I replaced

	$(LD) $(APP_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(APPLIBS) $(subst .c,.o,$(UTILS_INTDIR)/$(<F))


	$(LD) $(APP_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(subst .c,.o,$(UTILS_INTDIR)/$(<F)) $(APPLIBS)
Comment 2 Nick Wellnhofer 2016-04-30 19:07:58 UTC
Fixed with the following commit:

I didn't include the snprintf and -lxml2.dll changes. They weren't necessary for me.