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Bug 321400 - mouse side-buttons for navigation
mouse side-buttons for navigation
Product: eog
Classification: Core
Component: image viewer
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: EOG Maintainers
EOG Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-11-13 22:46 UTC by pavel
Modified: 2006-09-07 01:14 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.13/2.14

Description pavel 2005-11-13 22:46:07 UTC
Distribution/Version: Ubuntu Dapper

bind mouse events 6 & 7 to previous/ next. Also using the arrows for navigation
instead of ctrl+page(up|down) would be less brainfuck.

the first issue is a global GNOME one, so perhaps I should post it somewhere
where it is more evident - I hope you can help me with that...
Comment 1 Mårten Woxberg 2005-11-15 16:24:55 UTC
Coming from gqview, I'd prefer PgUp and PgDown to be unaccelerated ways of
moving to the next and previous image.
The arrowkeys allready work for moving around a zoomed image.

What doesn't work is PgUp and PgDown on the numeric keys (with or without ctrl).
Neither do the arrows on the numeric keypad. Zoom and Unzoom does work though (+-)

* should fit to view
/ should zoom to original size
Home and End should work as they do now with ctrl but without pressing ctrl!
Comment 2 pavel 2005-12-30 12:18:49 UTC
an convenient solution for both of us might be situation sensitive controls:
if the image is not zoomed, which is the more common situation, since the default behaviuor is fit, use arrow keys for navigation - else use tehm for moving around inside the image and perhaps add ctrl + arrow keys for navigation.
Comment 3 Lucas Rocha 2006-07-25 03:12:10 UTC
This behavior is already present in 2.15.x (HEAD) and eog-ng branch: if the image is not zoomed, you can use the arrow to switch to other images. 

I've just added mouse sidebuttons navigation support in eog-ng only because we're feature frozen now for 2.16 release. Keeping this bug open for the next development cycle.

If you want to propose this as GNOME policy, you should file a bug report for HIG (Human Interface Guidelines).

2006-07-24  Lucas Rocha  <>

        * shell/eog-window.c (eog_window_class_init, eog_window_button_press):
        mouse sidebuttons (6 and 7) for image navigation (Fixes bug #321400).
Comment 4 Lucas Rocha 2006-09-07 01:14:04 UTC
Applied in HEAD. Thanks!