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Bug 318483 - Bug 317871: error about 'art_render_gradient.c' when opening some files strikes again
Bug 317871: error about 'art_render_gradient.c' when opening some files strik...
Product: libart
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Other
Other All
: High critical
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-10-10 15:48 UTC by surak
Modified: 2009-02-21 23:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

This one produces the effect. (6.61 KB, image/svg+xml)
2005-10-10 15:50 UTC, surak
This one too. (18.59 KB, image/svg+xml)
2005-10-10 15:52 UTC, surak

Description surak 2005-10-10 15:48:53 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
This bug has been opened here: 
rsvg-view button_apply.svg
rsvg-view: art_render_gradient.c:338: art_render_gradient_linear_render_8:
Assertion `offset_fraction <= stops[ix].offset' failed.

It is issue present at
Attaching more svg files.

Stack trace:

Other information:
Comment 1 surak 2005-10-10 15:50:51 UTC
Created attachment 53300 [details]
This one produces the effect.
Comment 2 surak 2005-10-10 15:52:58 UTC
Created attachment 53301 [details]
This one too.
Comment 3 Caleb Moore 2005-10-10 17:38:58 UTC
I'm pretty sure the fix for that has been backported to the 2.12 branch. Try
getting the latest version.
Comment 4 surak 2005-10-10 17:46:18 UTC
Caleb, the backport fix was done. The previous bug presented a issue with a
specific file, which now shows up ok. But those two I've put here are still with
Comment 5 Caleb Moore 2005-10-10 17:51:09 UTC
Ah, I see, it's a different problem... in cases like these it's best not to link
to an old bug that has been fixed because it's confusing. Ok, well, those work
really well with CVS librsvg-cairo, but I'll check them out with the libart backend.
Comment 6 Caleb Moore 2005-10-10 18:28:49 UTC
Ok, I found the problem, it is with libart. Currently, it's not possible to fix
this in librsvg, but if you want to hack your file so it doesn't make libart
crash you can.

Change line 332 of the question mark one to:

And you should be right. Basically by subtracting one from the number you stop
it from crashing. The same thing happens if you add one to it, or change any of
the other numbers in that gradient by one. Does it make sense? No of course not.

This sort of crap is exactly why we are using cairo now. I hate libart.

I'm reassigning to libart, but I wouldn't hold your breath for a fix.
Comment 7 André Klapper 2008-08-04 17:01:12 UTC
Is this still an issue nowadays or can this be closed as OBSOLETE?
Comment 8 Tobias Mueller 2009-02-21 23:20:30 UTC
I assume it's OBSOLETE by now. If not, please reopen!