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Bug 313046 - can't copy recurring meetings between local and exchange
can't copy recurring meetings between local and exchange
Product: Evolution Exchange
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Connector
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Chenthill P
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Blocks: 273910 317266
Reported: 2005-08-10 00:54 UTC by mark krischer
Modified: 2006-07-07 18:41 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Description mark krischer 2005-08-10 00:54:40 UTC
Please describe the problem:
if a meeting has a recurrance, it can't be copied between local and exchange

Steps to reproduce:
1. create a meeting either locally or on exchange
2. add a recurrance of a day or so
3. try to copy it to the other calendar

Actual results:

Expected results:
a copy of the meeting to be made

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 C Shilpa 2005-10-24 10:06:11 UTC
moving component to connector
Comment 2 Sushma Rai 2006-01-03 12:10:03 UTC
Tested with 2.5.4 and it is working fine.
Can you please use 2.4.2 or any other later versions
and see if it is working for you?
Comment 3 André Klapper 2006-07-07 18:41:03 UTC
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug if you can provide the information Sushma asked for.