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Bug 302799 - ctrl + arrowkeys function reversely in right-to-left locales
ctrl + arrowkeys function reversely in right-to-left locales
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 136059
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkTextView
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Paolo Maggi
gedit QA volunteers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-03 07:10 UTC by Farzaneh Sarafraz
Modified: 2005-05-03 08:45 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Description Farzaneh Sarafraz 2005-05-03 07:10:25 UTC
Please describe the problem:
in right-to-left locales, ctrl + right arrowkey is supposed to jump the cursor 
to the previous word and ctrl + left arrowkey is supposed to jump to the next 
word. their function is reverse.
arrowkeys on their own, however, work properly: the right arrowkey moves 
towards the begining of the line and the left one moves towards the end.

Steps to reproduce:
1. run LANG=fa_IR gedit and choose Persian keyboard.
2. type something with some spaces.
3. hold ctrl and press righ/left keys.

Actual results:
the curser moved forward in the text with right key and moved backward in the 
text with left key.

Expected results:
the curser should have moved backward in the text with right key and should 
have moved forward in the text with left key.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Paolo Borelli 2005-05-03 07:53:50 UTC
this behavior comes from GtkTextView, which gedit uses. Reassigning to Gtk+.
Comment 2 Paolo Borelli 2005-05-03 08:45:48 UTC
actually this is a dupe

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 136059 ***