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Bug 20898 - Latex export filter and text wrap
Latex export filter and text wrap
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: General
Other other
: Low enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2000-08-14 17:00 UTC by Alexander Kirillov
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Alexander Kirillov 2001-01-27 17:33:02 UTC
Package:  gnumeric
Severity: normal
Version:  0.54
Synopsis: Latex export filter and text wrap
Class:    sw-bug

Distribution: Linux Mandrake release 6.1 (Helios)
System: Linux 2.2.13-7mdk i686 unknown
C library: glibc-2.1.1-16mdk
C compiler: pgcc-2.91.66
glib: 1.2.6
GTK+: gtk+-1.2.8-0mdk_helix_1
ORBit: ORBit-0.5.1-1mdk_helix_1
gnome-libs: gnome-libs-1.2.3-0mdk_helix_1
libxml: libxml-1.8.7-2mdk_helix_1
gnome-print: gnome-print-0.20-0mdk_helix_1
gnome-core: gnome-core-1.2.1-0mdk_helix_1

Latex export filter does not use the column widths set in gnumeric;
 instead, it uses tabular environment which sets column widths 
automatically to fit the widest entry. It is acceptable in most cases; 
however, when some of spreadsheet cells contain long text entries 
which use "Wrap text" option (from "cell format->alignment->Control"), 
the  latex export becomes a disaster.

Possible fix: use \parbox{<colwidth>}{<cell entry>} for cells which use
text wrap option


------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-01-27 12:33 -------
This bug was previously known as bug 20898 at
Originally filed under the Gnumeric product and general component.

The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the exporter,
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Jody Goldberg 2001-02-04 03:52:29 UTC
The maintainers of the latex exporter are looking into this.
Comment 2 Andreas J. Guelzow 2001-12-04 18:24:24 UTC
fixed in cvs