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Bug 170079 - The vertical and horizontal scrollbars behave differently on pgup/down
The vertical and horizontal scrollbars behave differently on pgup/down
Product: evince
Classification: Core
Component: general
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Evince Maintainers
Evince Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-12 16:17 UTC by Adrian Custer
Modified: 2005-04-08 17:39 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Adrian Custer 2005-03-12 16:17:28 UTC
Version details: mandrake 10.2 cooker

When moving between pages, the horizontal scrollbar keeps its position, but the
vertical scrollbar jumps to the top of the page. I would expect both scrollbars
to stay in place.

The movement of the vertical scrollbar may have been to allow users to move
through the document but this is being solved through the spacebar

The reason this comes up is that I want to setup evince in a 'zoom to fit text'
mode. For now, I hack around until I can get the text exactly in the view window
(and the view window with the right size). This takes a fair amount of work.
    (See the request for a 'fit to width' option

So, in that 'fit to text' setup, however I've generated it. I want to move
through the document page by page. For this to work, the veritcal scrollbar
can't move around.

1) open a doc
2) zoom in five times (+ button)
3) center the horizontal and vertical scrollbars
4) hit the pagedown button
=> the doc moves down a page, the horizontal scrollbar stays centered but the
vertical scrollbar moves to the top. This is inconsistent and a hinderance to
effective focus on one part of each page. If a user wants to work sequentially
through the doc, they can use the spacebar.

Comment 1 Bryan W Clark 2005-04-08 17:39:18 UTC
I see what you're saying, but there no way to know what the person hitting page
down in that situation actually wants to do.  If we change this, then we'll get
another very valid bug report later like this:  

Someone read the left column of a page, started the right column and skipped the
figure that was included hitting page down.  Unexpectedly they were taken to a
strange location on the next page, instead of the start of the page.

I don't want to force spacebar as the only way to get to the next page for
reading sequentially.  Thanks for the request!