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Bug 164143 - Note location and dimensions are lost.
Note location and dimensions are lost.
Product: gnome-applets
Classification: Other
Component: stickynotes
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-applets Maintainers
gnome-applets Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-15 04:26 UTC by Peter McDermott
Modified: 2005-01-15 05:00 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.7/2.8

Description Peter McDermott 2005-01-15 04:26:40 UTC
Please describe the problem:
After logging back into gnome previously positioned notes apear at the top left
of the screen with different dimensions. This behaviour is not consitant.
Sometimes several notes keep the correct dimensions or location on the screen.
They also always apear in the first workspace rather than the one they were on
before logout.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create several notes (more than five so it is more likely to happen).
2. Resize and relocate them on the screen and workspaces.
3. Logout and back in.
4. Repeat step 3 to see inconsitancy.

Actual results:
Notes lose their dimension and location settings.

Expected results:
Notes apear with the same dimensions, in the same locations, and on the same
workspace as they were before last logout.

Does this happen every time?
No, it is inconsistant. However, with 5 or 6 notes it will occur with one or
more. They never go to the right workspace.

Other information:
Comment 1 Danielle Madeley 2005-01-15 04:35:30 UTC
These issues have been resolved in GNOME 2.9.4. They will unfortunately not be
backported to GNOME 2.8 as the fixes required significant refactoring of the
code base.
Comment 2 Peter McDermott 2005-01-15 05:00:32 UTC
Thankyou. I look forward to upgrading.