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Bug 143154 - Key release events not captured, leading to stuck grab
Key release events not captured, leading to stuck grab
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 103584
Product: metacity
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Metacity maintainers list
Metacity maintainers list
Depends on:
Blocks: 155457
Reported: 2004-05-25 19:31 UTC by Havoc Pennington
Modified: 2005-01-26 17:11 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Havoc Pennington 2004-05-25 19:31:40 UTC
See debug logs at
Comment 1 Rob Adams 2004-05-25 21:32:52 UTC
This is fixed for mouse-release event.  Elijah, did you fix this for keyboard
release events as well?
Comment 2 Elijah Newren 2004-05-26 16:06:07 UTC
I tried looking through the redhat bug and the logs that were attached, but I
really don't understand them.  There's a lot in those logs and there's nothing
telling me which parts of the log go with which parts of the behavior.  Maybe if
I understood whatever language the comments in the smaller log were written in...  

For it to be similar to the ButtonRelease problem I corrected, it'd have to be
caused by a serial timestamp of a release being equal to the serial timestamp of
the corresponing press event.  I did find at least one such case in the log, but
again, I don't know if that's the one he's complaining about. 

While my patch might have covered his problem as well, I sort of doubt it.  The
actual patch I committed to fix the ButtonRelease events problem was (from bug 136587).
 However, (1) Almost all the code was within cases for Button Press/Release,
LeaveNotify, etc. which seem mouse-specific to me (I really don't know what the
XSYNC case is for, though, as I don't understand XSYNC), and (2) There have been
two reports on Red Hat's bugzilla (both on #107149) of the button-release
problem still occurring with my patch or having occurred with a version of
metacity before the change which caused the ButtonRelease problem that my patch
Comment 3 DmD (Spider) Ljungmark 2004-06-07 11:18:27 UTC
translation message:
--- Låt oss provocera lite!
--- Let us provoke a little!

--- Pause fungerade.
--- Pause worked

--- Scroll_Lock fungerade.
    Scroll_Lock worked

--- Nyyyyyyaaaah! Här! Här borde det ha kommit ett upp-event! Print är
fortfarande nedtryckt!
--- Nyyyyyyah!  Here!  Here is where it should have been an key-up event!. PRint
is still pressed.

--- Det var Print, det. Och nu en gång till:
   That was print, that. And now once more:

--- Uppe igen. Hm.
   Up again. Hmm

--- Nu provar vi igen:
  Lets try again

--- Nyah, fortfarande nere. Så, vad händer med övriga tangentbordet?
   Nyah. Still depressed. So, what happens with the rest of the keyboard?

--- Tihi, då fick keybindingsaken förvirring.
   Tihi. Then the keybinding-thingie got confused.

--- Har inte en aning om vad Return ska föreställa vara.
   Have no idea about what Return is supposed to be.

--- Möp. Nån skrev nåt i internkommet.
   - beep. Somone wrote something in internal kom.

--- Nå, bara för att vara säkra på vår sak:
   Well, just to be certain of our sake :

--- Nu ska vi hitta vilken knapp det var som låste sig.
    Lets find what key it was that hung

--- Var det månne Pause?
   Was it perhaps Pause?

--- Näh.

--- Scroll_lock, då?
   Scroll_lock, then?

--- Nännemen.

--- Ett tryck på Print ger en KeyRelease. Och Return funkar igen.
   A touch on "print" gives a KeyRelease. And return works again.

--- Ctrl
--- C
Comment 4 Elijah Newren 2004-10-14 23:47:41 UTC
Is this a duplicate of bug 103584?  If so, that bug reports that it appears to
be fixed with metacity-2.6.5.  DmD Ljungmark: Can you reproduce with a more
recent version?
Comment 5 Elijah Newren 2005-01-26 17:11:09 UTC
No response, I'll mark as a duplicate of 103584, but feel free to reopen if it's
still a problem.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 103584 ***