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Bug 142358 - XML decryption : Support namespace in deciphered content
XML decryption : Support namespace in deciphered content
Product: xmlsec
Classification: Other
Component: xmlsec-core
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Aleksey Sanin
Aleksey Sanin
Depends on: 142359
Reported: 2004-05-11 17:54 UTC by Jean-Marc Desperrier
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

New function xmlParseInNodeContext might be used for patching this issue (1.14 KB, patch)
2004-09-13 14:32 UTC, Matthias Jung
none Details | Review

Description Jean-Marc Desperrier 2004-05-11 17:54:01 UTC
Problem :

With xmlsec, decrypting content of type
'' or
'' does not work if the encrypted node
uses any namespace that is not defined locally.

Encrypting :
<doc xmlns:ns="#mynamespace">
<doc xmlns:ns="#mynamespace">
  <EncryptedData xmlns=""
can be done, but the decryption will always fail.

The only current work-around is to redefine "ns" locally like this before
encryting :
<doc xmlns:ns="#mynamespace">
  <ns:content xmlns:ns="#mynamespace"/>

Desired behavior :
No contraint should be present on the form of the encrypted content. 
It's very possible the document was signed before encryption, and the
modification to include add the namespace would break the signature.

A clean solution to this problem might be dependent on adding support in libxml
to parse a string within the inherited context of a node.

Some investigation could also be done to check if the support for namespace is
enough, or if it is actually required to inherit entities (and/or other
elements) to be able to interpret the fragment correctly.
Comment 1 Jean-Marc Desperrier 2004-05-11 18:10:40 UTC
Creating a related bug in libxml2 to be able to parse a string within a node
context, and marking this blocked by this bug. 

If another solution can be found to do it, the dependance may go away.
Comment 2 Matthias Jung 2004-09-13 14:32:46 UTC
Created attachment 31529 [details] [review]
New function xmlParseInNodeContext might be used for patching this issue

Libxml2 seens to have fixed this issue with version 2.6.12.
The new fuction that could be use is called xmlParseInNodeContext.

As a proof of concept I have rewritten xmlSecReplaceNodeBuffer using this new
libxml function. Decryption of a simple example document works fine now.

See the attached changes to in the attachment. (I can also provide
this as patch file if desired)
Comment 3 Jean-Marc Desperrier 2004-09-17 10:28:04 UTC
Nice looking simple patch.
I hope Aleksey can review it ...
Comment 4 Aleksey Sanin 2004-09-17 15:07:01 UTC
Yes, I have seen the patch, thanks! I am planning to integrate it but one of the
users have problems with xmlParseInNodeContext() and I want to solve this issue
Comment 5 Aleksey Sanin 2004-09-19 02:18:21 UTC

Checking in;
/cvs/gnome/xmlsec/,v  <--
new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18
Checking in;
/cvs/gnome/xmlsec/,v  <--
new revision: 1.115; previous revision: 1.114
Checking in include/xmlsec/private.h;
/cvs/gnome/xmlsec/include/xmlsec/private.h,v  <--  private.h
new revision: 1.8; previous revision: 1.7
Checking in src/xmltree.c;
/cvs/gnome/xmlsec/src/xmltree.c,v  <--  xmltree.c
new revision: 1.39; previous revision: 1.38