GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 132847
GtkComboBox widget is not accessible
Last modified: 2011-02-04 16:16:49 UTC
I am looking at providing accessibility support for GtkComboBox in gail. I need the following: 1) Access to the GtkMenu inside the GtkComboBox in order to represent the GtkComboBox to am assitiver technology in a similar way to a GtkOptionMenu or Java's JCopmboBox. 2) A way to popup or popdown the menu programatically. If I had access to the GtkToggleButton I could activate it. 3) Access to the GtkEntry inside a GtkComboBoxEntry.
1) Why do you need the menu, isn't the model enough to present the available options to ATs ? 2) Should be as easy as exporting gtk_combo_box_pop{up,down}. 3) No entry inside, its a GtkCellView AFAICS. Why do you need it, considering you can get/set the active iter ?
1) When an AT sees a object with role combo-box it expects them to appear in a similar way. Currently we have GtkCombo and GtkOptionMenu and Java's JComboBox. The conevntion used is that the first child of a combo-box contains the menu or list which may be popped down and the second child is the text entry field if the combo-box has one. 3) A GtkComboBoxEntry does have a GtkEntry. It is needed to report the text in it and the location of the text. I have noticed another problem: When the GtkComboBox menu is popped down it is not possible to report the text in a GtkCellViewMenuItem. Thus a screen reader will have a problem reporting the menu items to a blind user.
I don't understand the response for 1). There is no guarantee that a GtkComboBox will always have a menu .. the intention for the future is that some themes may present a Windows-style list. I think it's best to expose whatever functionality that ATK needs in the GtkComboBox interfaces rather than letting it drill down and manipulate the menu. How much API would you need for that? For 3) gtk_bin_get_child() provides the child of GtkComboBoxEntry.
I assume that the GtkComboBox will always have something, e.g. a menu or list on which selection can be done. I would like access to that object.
Padraig, I've made gtk_combo_box_popup/down public now.
Thanks. I still have two problems with make GtkComboBox accessible: 1) I am unable to get at the popup widget in order to represent it as a child of the accessible object for the GtkComboBox. 2) I cann get the text in a GtkCellViewMenuItem. I need this so that when the menu is popped up gnopernicus can read it to a blind user.
Padraig, I still don't see why you insist on getting a "list-like" widget (which may be a private thing and won't make you happy). Why can't you get the necessary information from the tree model + cell renderers ? How is accessiblity handled for treeview ?
I explained above why I think I need it. I do not see the harm in having a function gtk_combo_box_get_popup_widget(). The implementation for treeview is in gailtreeview.c. A GailTreeView object which is an AtkObject is created for the treeview. It implements AtkSelection, AtkTable and AtkComponent interfaces. A GailCell object is created for each cell, i.e. row, column pair, if required.
The popup_widget might be a private widget.
What does "private widget" mean in this context?
No installed header, like e.g GtkHSV.
This should not matter from an accessibility point of view. I expect to be calling gtk_widget_get_accessible() on it. As the widget will appear on the screen if the user pops down the combo box we will need to be able to deal with it from an accessibility point of view.
But I think it would be awkward to have an API which returns private widgets. Maybe we can add a gtk_combo_box_get_popup_accessible() method for you, which directly returns the accessible of the popup, whatever its type. But who would be responsible for creating the accessible for that widget ? I thought there was a problem with putting accessibles for private widgets into gail, didn't we discuss this for GtkHSV ?
This subject of GtkHSV and accessibility is bug #132745. My view is that if the .h file is not available to gail then the accessibility implementation for the widget will need to be in the widget's source file; this is the approach taken in Java and in eel and some other parts of GNOME. I note that Owen has not commented on that. Do we currently have a private widget or this this something which may happen in the future?
Currently it seems to be either a menu or a window containing a frame containing a treeview. I thought there was a GtkCellView (which is private) involved, but the cell view is the widget left of the arrow.
Padraig, I discussed location of a11y implementations with Owen yesterday, and there are no principle objections to doing a11y implementations for new widgets inside gtk. Maybe we can test-drive this with the combobox widget, and avoid exposing the guts of the widget in the api.
As far as I can se the only issue with GtkCOmboBox is the need for a function such as gtk_combo_get_popup_accessible(). If we were to move accessibioity support for GtkCOmboBox within the widget it would require moving the code in gailcombobox.c tp gtkcombobox.c. Would it be better to just provide the function gtk_combo_get_popup_accessible() rather than have to deal with the issues of moving that code just as you are trying to finalize GTK 2.4. The more worrying problem from my point of view is getting the text displayed in a GtkCellViewMenuItem. I do not think that this is possible even in gtkcellviewmenuitem.c as GtkCellView isa opaque in that it does not seem to be possible to get the text specified in a call to gtk_cell_view_new_with_text.
And we get the accessible to return by calling gtk_widget_get_accessible() on the popup, I assume ?
We're still worrying about exposing different objects depending on the style, regardless wether they are widgets (via get_popup()) or accessibles (via get_popup_accessible()). Therefore, we will have to put this to 2.4.1. Hopefully, Padraig can work with us to get an accessible implementation for the combobox inside libgtk, so that we can avoid questionable api. Here is the discussion leading to this decision: <maclas> owen: the latest info from padraig is that he just needs a way to get at the accessible object of the popup + a11y support for the cellview <owen> Well, that's what he said earlier, too, right? <maclas> owen: yes, more or less. But its now much clearer that the bigger issue is the cellview. gtk_combo_box_get_popup_accessible() would be trivial <owen> I don't think we care whether he can get at the widget for the popup or th accessible object of the popup, what we are worried about exposing is "its' a menu" vs. "It's a list" and that distinction is there whether you get the widget or accessible <owen> maclas: Sure, the cellview is an issue, but do we have any idea of what the exact proposal is being made? Did we find out how gailis handling GtkTreeView? <maclas> owen: i din <maclas> owen: i didn't look much further, since I don't think we can implement that before 2.4 anyway. <maclas> owen: regarding the get_popup_accessible(): it is certainly not nice to return different things depending on the style, but since it is an _accessible() function, its pretty much a gail-only api... <owen> maclas: Did you catch what I was saying yesterday about this percolating down to AT impleentations? <owen> maclas: (s/yesterday/a couple of days ago/) <maclas> owen: I don't recall anything about percolation...wasn't here yesterday <owen> maclas: What I mean is that GAIL will expose "It's a menu" to ATK, ATK will expose "It's a menu" to AT-SPI, the AT implemention (e.g., the screen reader) will assume that get_accessible always returns a menu <maclas> owen: ah, I see. Well, I was kind of assuming that if we return a "menu accessible" or a "list accessible" (actually, it would the accessible of a window), that gail would provide an adapter to handle this and make sure that AT implementations always see what they expect. <owen> maclas: Well, it *might* happen... <maclas> owen: the easier alternative is to declare that combobox a11y has to wait until 2.4.1, and then get Padraig to provide us with an accessible implementation to include in gtkcombobox.c; I think he's away for two weeks now <owen> maclas: I think doing that is best. I'm not sure we can sort out the cellview stuff without him properly anyways. <maclas> owen: its certainly not nice to regress in this way, but its probably unavoidable now; adding get_popup_accessible() won't give us an accessible combobox anyway without the cellview stuff...
an inaccessible gtkcombo for gnome-2.6 is not a nice thought. I think we need to do something to prevent regression from gnome-2.4/gtk-2.2 even if it means not doing things exactly as we'd like. I don't understand the concern about 'assumptions' from the AT client; maybe there's a misunderstanding here. Depending on the object type gail gets internally in response to its (internal) query, it will expose a different ATK_ROLE/SPI_ROLE to the client; so there should be no assumption about this always being a menu, as opposed to a table/list, etc. I think the right thing to do is expose gtk_combo_get_popup() on gtk_combo, and have gail use type reflection to determine what kind of object it is. For 2.4.0. This is marked as a candidate stopper for accessibility, meaning that we think it may be serious enough to block release (ok, block any claims for accessibility of the release). It does however fall short of the "definately too broken" category.
My point is that if in testing the popup widget from a GtkCombo is always a menu, this assumption is going to get implicitely hardcoded into the AT. If the user then changes the theme and it suddenly is a list, then this breaks the AT. Note that just exposing the popup doesn't do any good here anyways by itself, since the popup will have a bunch of CellView menu items in it.
owen: how is that assumption going to get 'implicitly hardcoded' into the AT? The same could be said for anything that someone could empirically test, and such an assumption would clearly be unsafe. The AT doesnt know anything about the backing GTK+ widget, all it gets is the 'ROLE' from AT-SPI, and the interfaces. We try to remind the AT folks not to hard-code things like that into their heuristics (interface-based heuristics, the more general the better, are preferred). We would strongly urge apps not to use GtkComboBox until we can expose its children via AT-SPI - otherwise significant functionality will regress, particularly for GOK users. I have been testing/exploring GtkCombo from an at-client point of view and it is a very serious regression from GtkOptionMenu indeed.
I would note at this point that I wrote the GOK code which interacts with comboboxes of all kinds. It makes no assumptions about the children of comboboxes except the following: * editable comboboxes are expected to have a descendant somewhere that implements (Atk)EditableText; [if they don't nothing blows up, but the user cannot easily enter text in the combo via the AT] * comboboxes have, somewhere inside them, a container whose children are ROLE_LISITEM or ROLE_MENUITEM, or which implements AtkTable. I believe that the above pretty much covers the bases. But at the moment I cannot do anything with GtkComboboxes at (in GOK).
If 2.4.1 is feasible for gnome 2.6 RC then that would of course be fine. With Padraig ready to assist; I sure hope so.
Bill, I believe any action at this point has to come from your side, we hardly have time to fix the more embarrassing combobox bugs which don't require a disability to be seen. Since we will not add any more API between Monday and 2.4, any work on this will have to happen inside gtk. The plan would be roughly the following: - take the gail accessible implementations for gtkoptionmenu and gtkcombo - merge them somehow, so that the right thing happens depending on the style of the gtkcombobox - dump it into gtk, adjust it for gtkcombobox - see if that gives you a reasonable a11y implementation for GtkComboBoxEntry in both styles - GtkComboBox will still suffer from the non-accessability of the cell view.
Matthias: Adding the _single_ API call for getting the popup object would still, in my opinion, be the best solution for 2.4.X; it would require much less gtk+ code and the gail implementation code would not have to change very much. Introducing such accessibility regressions with new gtk+ widgets is not good, we should aim to make sure it doesn't happen in the future. The minumum requirement for GtkCombo accessibility is API with which gail can obtain the child widgets from gtk+; gail won't need to make assumptions about their type or role however. If you add such API then we (a11y team) can fix this for gnome 2.6, in all likelihood. It seems that fixing this without the simple new piece of api (similar to Padraig's proposals) would be much harder to do in time and require a lot more of the gtk+ team's time.
*** Bug 135462 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Created attachment 25389 [details] [review] Proposed patch
The propsoed patch will allow me to complete acessibility support for GtkCombo, except for the problem with GtkCellViewMenuItem which is bug #136637.
*** Bug 134971 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Mass changing gtk+ bugs with target milestone of 2.4.2 to target 2.4.4, as Matthias said he was trying to do himself on IRC and was asking for help with. If you see this message, it means I was successful at fixing the borken-ness in bugzilla :) Sorry for the spam; just query on this message and delete all emails you get with this message, since there will probably be a lot.
I've added gtk_combo_box_get_popup_accessible() to cvs HEAD now.