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Bug 117010 - Remove the User Install Dialogs (or reduce them)
Remove the User Install Dialogs (or reduce them)
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: Future
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-08 18:08 UTC by Alan Horkan
Modified: 2004-07-09 22:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description Alan Horkan 2003-07-08 18:08:29 UTC
when you first run the GIMP you are presented with the user installer

this should eventually be removed entirely.  
in the short term much of it could be removed to leave only questions that
are absolutely essential and at most only one page would be needed (any
further explanation could be provided in the documentation).  

in a vain effort to try and be more to the point just read the main
sentences and ignore the more complex verbose justifications and comments
that are in brackets [].  The rest of this report is really just verbose
justfication why almost of all of the user install dialog/wizard should be

when a new user runs the GIMP for the first time it is confusing to be
asked these questions.  
[Even if they wanted to read the manual most people access the manual by
opening the program and choosing from the help menu from there].  

the first page shows the GPL, this is not needed.  
[you dont need to agree to the GPL to use the software, it only matters if
you want to redistribute the GIMP.  
While is nice to advertise the GPL and to try and get the user to
understand it, it is not necessary.]

the second page tells you that configuration files will need to be created.  
the third page shows the personal directory being created, 
the users dont need to know about this unless something goes wrong.  
[there are some many other programs that create folders and configuration
files and dont ask]

fourth page ask you about the is the tile cache and the swap directory.  
this can be set from preferences, it is not needed here.  
[when the user first runs GIMP they are unlikely to know what this means. 
Using the user directory for swap is a reasonable.  Those know enough to to
want it else where should be able to figure out how set it some other way.]

fifth page: monitor resolution
by default the GIMP should just get this from the windowing system and only
ask if that does not work properly.  

[Why dont i do this myself?  I suck at programming.  If no one else does
this I will get around to it eventually.  I suck at programming.  It is a
huge effort to provide patches, I dont want to spend all that time on
patches that will not be accepted.  I suck at programming, so GIMP hacking
is a really inefficient use of my time even bug reporting is a huge

[Just near the start of the HIG the sections "Keep it simple and pretty"
and "Put the User in Control" i think help justify my suggestions]

[Another issue is that on smaller displays (800x600) the user install
screen it too large to fit onscreen.]
Comment 1 Michael Natterer 2003-07-08 18:35:23 UTC
First of all, it's absolutely unacceptable to install files in
the user's home directory without asking first, so we can't
skip page 2 of user_install.

Then, not showing the GPL on initial startup is not an option,
since we *want* people to know that they install free software
and not some binary-only crap.

The tile_cache and swap_dir page is about the settings which
are most crucial for good performance and we added them
for exactly the reason that a new user should be aware of

The monitor_resolution page is not really needed, granted,
but then most users are absolutely unaware that using inches,
cm etc. is useless without having set the monitor_res right.

(And, an 800x600 screen is nothing i would call suitable
 for running GIMP anyway...)

IMHO this bug should be closed as NOTABUG or WONTFIX.
Comment 2 Alan Horkan 2003-07-08 19:21:17 UTC
> First of all, it's absolutely unacceptable to install files in

I dont accept that, just look at most Gnome and KDE applications.  
Even if you did you would not need a whole page.  
At most all you would need say is one sentence, something like 
GIMP will need to install configuration files which take up roughly
500 kb 

> Then, not showing the GPL on initial startup is not an option,
since we *want* people to know that they install free software
and not some binary-only crap.

Evangelism is alright but to most people it is the same as the
annoying advertising and branding that the proprietary "binary-only
crap" likes to inflict on users.  
The Help menu or the About Dialog are appropriate places to put a link
to the License file.  It is reasonable to include something in the
Documentation about how important free and open software is.  

Users dont read license agreements, you cant force them to.  
Taking a user hostile attitude is a really bad idea.  

> And, an 800x600 screen is nothing i would call suitable for running
GIMP anyway...) 

Popularity is a bitch.  Like it or not the GIMP is the defacto
standard for image editing on Linux and BSD enviroments.  

Why exclude users?
Why take a user hostile attitude?

Comment 3 Sven Neumann 2003-07-08 19:26:48 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 113165 ***
Comment 4 Alan Horkan 2003-07-08 20:26:00 UTC
I dont think that was fair.  
This is not some whim I came up with on the spur of the moment, it is
something that has bothered me since the first time I used the GIMP
four years ago and bothers me every time i see it.  

that bug report was vague and tried to deal with several issues.  

If nothing else the Installer could stand to be reduced by at least a
page or two.  
Comment 5 Raphaël Quinet 2003-07-09 09:12:43 UTC
Please read the description of the bug status.  The status NEEDINFO is
when we need info from the reporter (you) before doing anything else
with this bug.  Anyway, I agree that your descriptions of what should
be improved is much clearer than what is described in bug #113165, so
in this case it would have been better to set the duplicate in the
opposite direction (although this is unusual).  However, bug #113165
deals with other issues as well, so we should first decide whether these
other things will be dropped or not before marking it as a duplicate of
this one.
Comment 6 Sven Neumann 2003-07-09 09:14:08 UTC
The bug report is a duplicate, that's a fact. Whether the original
report should be reopened or not is a different thing.

We had a close look at the user install dialog yesterday evening and
we did a number of small improvements but overall we still think that
it should stay and that reducing it by a page or two will not improve
the user experience.
Comment 7 Sven Neumann 2003-07-14 13:22:36 UTC
IMHO this report suggests a regression but since there is no such
severity level, I will mark it as a possible enhancement instead. I am
willing to consider the removal of the Monitor Resolution page and I
could also imagine to hide the Installation log unless there's a
problem. If someone comes up with such a patch, we will consider to
apply it. If this patch is supposed to go into the next release, it
should be available soon (mainly because I want to avoid further
string change whenever possible).
Comment 8 Alan Horkan 2003-07-23 15:08:30 UTC
Changing target milestone to future (for several of my bugs at once) as
requested by the developers.  
Most of my reports are things that would be nice but non-essentail and certainly
are not blockers for 2.0.  
Comment 9 Sven Neumann 2004-06-10 11:08:38 UTC
2004-06-10  Sven Neumann  <>

        * app/gui/user-install-dialog.c: removed the monitor calibration
        from the user installation process. It's not a vital setting and
        can be done from the Preferences dialog later.

Can this be closed as FIXED now?
Comment 10 Henrik Brix Andersen 2004-06-10 12:25:04 UTC
I would say so.