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Bug 116523 - Old pages should be redirected
Old pages should be redirected
Product: gimp-web
Classification: Infrastructure
Other All
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: Carol
The GIMP web bugs mail alias
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-02 11:34 UTC by Julien Wajsberg
Modified: 2008-03-17 17:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Updated list of redirects as attachment (easier to use than copying from the comments) (1.95 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-26 10:25 UTC, Raphaël Quinet

Description Julien Wajsberg 2003-07-02 11:34:10 UTC

I think old pages should still be valid somehow. For example, is working, but not

URL shouldn't change over time :)
Comment 1 Raphaël Quinet 2003-07-02 12:11:23 UTC
I just did a quick web search and I found a few hundred links to, several links to stable_ver.html
and devel_ver.html.  A few other pages seemed to be well linked:
tutorials.html, mailing_list.html, the_gimp_about.html, the
screenshots page that you listed and a few documentation pages.
Comment 2 Julien Wajsberg 2003-07-02 12:37:06 UTC
Here is this page fro; the W3C explaining why URIs shouldn't change:
Comment 3 Raphaël Quinet 2003-07-02 13:29:08 UTC
By the way, I had a quick look at the access log on and I
saw something suprising: most of the visitors following a link from an
external site do not go to the home page, but go directly to some other
page.  Here are the stats from today's access log:
* 344855 links from local web pages (including images, etc.)
*  36147 links without usable referer (bookmarks, hidden by UA, etc.)
*  10224 links from external web pages among which:
  - 3379 links to the home page
  - 6845 links to other pages
Comment 4 Manish Singh 2003-07-02 14:32:03 UTC
We should come up with a good list of important links that need
preservation and cause redirects to new pages in Apache land when the
time comes.
Comment 5 Raphaël Quinet 2003-07-02 15:44:31 UTC
I agree.  I had a look at various logfile parsers, but I could not find
one that gave a good list of the most common entry points without
consuming too much CPU time or disk space.  For example, AWstats does
almost what I need, but it is way too heavy for Wilber, IMHO.  So I
have just started writing a short Perl script that should do the job
and help us to know the most important URLs in the current site.
Comment 6 Raphaël Quinet 2003-07-02 20:01:47 UTC
Well, I wrote the script.  You can find it here:
For those who have an account on the web server (wilber), you can also
find the script in ~raphael/bin/.

I ran the script on the access log and I found that there are more
external referers than I thought.  There are also many sites linking
directly to the images.  The script can display the details of the
referers (so that one can see how many are from Google, for example)
but I have skipped it for the output below:

Number of requests in the log file: 396594 / 396594.

Details for each file linked from an external site:
3419 /
1165 /~tml/gimp/win32/
 797 /win32/
 753 /icons/gfx_by_gimp.gif
 576 /~tml/gimp/win32/downloads.html
 553 /icons/the_gimp_corner.gif
 270 /download.html
 224 /the_gimp_screenshots.html
 122 /win32/downloads.html
 106 /~tml/gimp/win32
 100 /docs.html
  88 /icons/gimp_kobus.gif
  76 /icons/frontpage-small.gif
  75 /icons/sit3-shine.7.gif
  71 /win32
  59 /~tml/gimp/win32//
  56 /~tml/gimp/win32/downloads-20030620.html
  51 /icons/gimp_in_action1.jpeg
  50 /icons/art_corner.gif
  46 /tutorials.html
  44 /win32/pappa-seal.gif
  44 /icons/the_gimp_head.gif
  44 /~tml/gimp/win32/
  39 /~tml/gimp/win32/screenshots.html
  37 /~tml/gimp/win32/pappa-seal.gif
  35 /icons/pad.gif
  34 /icons/tube-top.gif
  33 /icons/tube-button.gif
  33 /~tml/gimp/win32/
  33 /~tml/gimp/win32//downloads.html
  33 /icons/tube-subbutton.gif
  33 /icons/the_gimp_text.gif
  32 /icons/tube-prev.gif
  32 /icons/tube-next.gif
  32 /icons/tube-up.gif
  32 /icons/download_text.gif
  32 /icons/links_text.gif
  32 /icons/art_text.gif
  32 /icons/tube-elem.gif
  31 /icons/tube-mail.gif
  31 /icons/tube-home.gif
  31 /icons/docs_text.gif
  31 /icons/data_text.gif
  31 /icons/tube-button-marker.gif
  29 /icons/small_tri_right.gif
  28 /win32/screenshots.html
  28 /gallery.html
  27 /icons/the_gimp_about_text.gif
  27 /icons/webmasters_text.gif
  27 /stable_ver.html
  26 /icons/the_gimp_system_reqs_text.gif
  26 /icons/the_gimp_org_about_text.gif
  26 /icons/the_gimp_screenshots_text.gif
  24 /fonts.html
  24 /icons/fish.jpg
  23 /~sjburges/straightline/straightline.html
  21 /~tml/gimp/win32/s5.jpg
  21 /tut-basic.html
  18 /scripts.html
  18 /the_gimp.html
  17 /icons/tube-subbutton-over.gif
  17 /~xach/gimp-in-action-by-jimmac.jpg
  16 /icons/tube-next-over.gif
  16 /icons/tube-button-over.gif
  16 /icons/tube-mail-over.gif
  14 /gtk
  13 /~tml/gimp/win32/
  13 /gtk/
  12 /links.html
  12 /icons/quartic_gimp.jpg
  11 /tut-patt1.html
  10 /devel_ver.html
  10 /the_gimp_about.html
(188 files with less than 10 external referers not displayed)

  349652 links from local web pages (including images, etc.),
   36460 links without usable referers (bookmarks, blocked by UA, etc.)
   10482 links from external web pages, including:
         - 3419 links to the home page
         - 7063 links to 260 other files
Comment 7 Raphaël Quinet 2003-07-03 17:52:24 UTC
I improved the analysis script and added some command-line options
including a way to get HTML output.  The new version can be used on
other sites than, so I renamed it:

I ran it on the current log file and the one from yesterday, and I
saved the HTML output:
However, it may be more useful to look at the list of external links
without counting the search enginges such Google, especially the
Google cache that links to all images in the page.  I have also
excluded, which contains Tor's pages.  The result
of this analysis is here:
Keep in mind that this analysis covers only a bit more than a day.
It would have to be repeated periodically if we want to get a better
idea of the pages and images that are frequently linked directly from
other sites.

Anyway, after looking at this one-day snapshot, it looks like there
are many pages that should be preserved or redirected:
- the whole Windows part: /~tml/gimp/win32/ and /win32/.
- /win32/download.html
- /download.html
- /the_gimp_screenshots.html
- /docs.html
- /stable_ver.html
- /tutorials.html
- /the_gimp.html (same as the home page)
- and many others: /fonts.html, /tut_basic.html, /gallery.html, ...

But there are also many sites that use images directly from w.g.o.:
- /icons/gfx_by_gimp.gif (button "Graphics by Gimp")
- /icons/the_gimp_corner.gif (Wilber)
- /icons/gimp_kobus.gif (button "GIMP")
- /icons/art_corner.gif (Wilber + paintbrush)

Other pages contain direct links to some GIMP screenshots:
- /icons/frontpage-small.gif (the splash screen)
- /icons/gimp_in_action1.jpeg (large desktop screenshot)
- /icons/quartic_gimp.jpg ("THE GIMP" by Quartic)
- /~tml/gimp/win32/s5.jpg (Windows screenshot)

All of these should be preserved, IMHO.  Any file that gets more than
10 requests per day directly from some other sites is a good candidate
for preservation or redirection.
Comment 8 Alan Horkan 2003-07-14 17:28:17 UTC
> But there are also many sites that use images directly from w.g.o.:

In this case it would be incredibly generous of you to maintain these
links.  I dont think it would be unreasonable to thedirect links to

I would recommend replacing direct links to images on the GIMP site to
a message politely telling people which images they may copy.  
Not only is this the polite thing to do (rather than leeching
bandwidth) it should also result in these images appearing on their
page more quickly in most cases.  

For direct links to screenshots a 303 permanent redirect would be
ideal for search engines, and would allow people to find what they are
looking for but discourage people from embedding (using <img>) instead
of mirroring/caching/copying (with permission) large files such as
Comment 9 Alan Horkan 2003-07-23 18:38:09 UTC
Changes at the request of Dave Neary on the developer mailing list.  
I am changing many of the bugzilla reports that have not specified a target
milestone to Future milestone.  Hope that is acceptable.  
Comment 10 Branko Collin 2003-08-01 21:38:21 UTC
Basically, all web documents (HTML pages) should have a text saying
that they are expired and that the new content may be on page so and so.

The problem with redirects is that the referring page may raise some
expectation with the visitor that the old page fulfilled and the new
one doesn't. By explaining to the visitor what happened, the visitor
won't get disappointed as when we redirect to a page with the wrong

After some time, we could replace those messages with redirects. 
Comment 11 Raphaël Quinet 2003-08-04 15:20:20 UTC
One of the main problems is the images, especially the buttons and
icons.  Although any site that links directly to a file on some other
site does it at its own risk (and sometimes against the will of the
site owner), we have never discouraged other sites from borrowing the
button "Made with GIMP" or the Wilber icon.  As a result, there are
several dozen sites using these images directly from and
they are referenced several hundred times per day.

This could be solved by doing two things:
- Copy a part of the /icons/ directory to the new site (i.e, commit
  them to CVS so that they are available as real files and not through
  redirects).  This part would include the buttons and maybe the most
  requested screenshots.
- Add a new section to the site, titled "Linking to us" or "GIMP icons
  and buttons" (better suggestions are welcome, but not "GIMP images"
  as this would be confusing).  This page would provide the same
  images in PNG or JPEG format (not GIF - see bug #70221) and
  encourage people to copy them to their own site.
After a while, we could remove the old image files from CVS.  That
could be near the end of 2004 or maybe 2005.

P.S.: I created two new HTMLized lists of referers for today:
Comment 12 Raphaël Quinet 2003-09-21 01:52:39 UTC
I will try to come up with a list of files that should be redirected.
In the meantime, here is the latest list or referers for today:
The second version of the list excludes the search engines.
Comment 13 Raphaël Quinet 2003-09-21 19:42:53 UTC
I have added some of the old images to the web site, together with
better versions of these images (in PNG format) and a page describing
how other sites can link to us.  This fixes a part of the problem.  I
will soon include a list of redirect statements that should solve the
remaining parts of this bug.

2003-09-21  Raphael Quinet  <>
	* about/linking.htrw: New page describing how other sites can link
	to us, and providing some buttons and images that can be freely
	copied (see bug #116523 for details).

	* images/wilber_the_gimp.png
	* images/wilber_the_gimp2.png
	* images/wilber_the_gimp_idx.png
	* images/wilber_painter.png
	* images/wilber_painter_idx.png
	* images/wilber_work.png
	* images/wilber_wizard.png: Several PNG images of Wilber (based on
	the Wilber Construction Kit) that can be freely copied and used by
	other sites.

	* images/gfx_by_gimp.png
	* images/gimp_free_button.png: PNG versions of old GIF images,
	suitable for usage by other sites linking to us.

	* images/old/wilber_the_gimp.gif
	* images/old/wilber_painter.gif
	* images/old/frontpage.gif
	* images/old/frontpage.png
	* images/old/frontpage_idx.png
	* images/old/gfx_by_gimp.gif
	* images/old/gimp_free_button.gif: Old GIF images that were
	directly linked by a large number of other sites (bug #116523).

	* images/old/README: Some explanations for those who get there.

	* images/external_404.png: New image to which old images should be
	redirected so that other sites linking to us see immediately that
	some things have changed.
Comment 14 Raphaël Quinet 2003-09-21 21:02:08 UTC
Here is a list of pages and images that should be redirected, based on
the most frequent external referers.  I hope that the formatting will
not be broken because the lines are longer than what the form can

# Web pages that have moved (bug #116523)
Redirect permanent /the_gimp.html    
Redirect permanent /docs.html        
Redirect permanent /the_gimp_screenshots.html
Redirect permanent /download.html    
Redirect seeother  /stable_ver.html  
Redirect seeother  /devel_ver.html   
Redirect seeother  /stable_src.html  
Redirect seeother  /devel_src.html   
Redirect permanent /tutorials.html   
Redirect permanent /links.html       
Redirect permanent /the_gimp_about.html
Redirect seeother  /fonts.html       

# Images that have moved (and have been replaced by PNG)
Redirect permanent /icons/gfx_by_gimp.gif
Redirect permanent /icons/the_gimp_corner.gif
Redirect permanent /icons/art_corner.gif
Redirect permanent /icons/gimp_kobus.gif
Redirect permanent /icons/frontpage-small.gif

# Images that are gone and should be replaced by a message to the visitor
Redirect seeother  /icons/gimp_in_action1.jpeg
Redirect seeother  /icons/sit3-shine.7.gif
Redirect seeother  /icons/the_gimp_head.gif
Redirect seeother  /icons/fish.jpg   
# The other images in /icons/ should generate a 404 error.
Comment 15 Raphaël Quinet 2003-09-21 21:15:54 UTC
Argh!  This is completely broken.  I have sent the list to Yosh by mail.
It should work better that way.  Once the list of redirects is added
to httpd.conf, this bug can be closed.
Comment 16 Raphaël Quinet 2003-09-26 10:23:40 UTC
I have recently created a page about the UNIX fonts, so the
redirection for the fonts page can be updated:

Redirect permanent /fonts.html

Also, it would be better to use temporary redirections instead of
"seeother" for the pages about the stable and development versions,
because it is possible that such pages would be created later in the
new site.  That would be nicer for the caches and proxies:

Redirect temp  /stable_ver.html
Redirect temp  /devel_ver.html
Redirect temp  /stable_src.html
Redirect temp  /devel_src.html

There are no other important bugs remaining for the new site, so let's
hope that it can go live very soon...    Please!   ;-)
Comment 17 Raphaël Quinet 2003-12-26 10:25:06 UTC
Created attachment 22717 [details]
Updated list of redirects as attachment (easier to use than copying from the comments)
Comment 18 Dave Neary 2004-01-04 11:47:47 UTC
Changing all bugs from gimp product to the gimp-web product,
including old closed/fixed bugs, and reassigning.
Comment 19 Raphaël Quinet 2004-01-06 10:05:55 UTC
Marking as blocker for the new site, as suggested by Shawn on the
gimp-web list.  I think that the list of redirects provided above in the
attachment can be integrated easily into the config file for the
virtual host (currently /etc/apache/virtual/apache/gimp/

By the way, I think that the name of the virtual host config file, log
files and DocumentRoot should say instead of mmmaybe, even
if the ServerName is still for the moment.
Comment 20 Henrik Brix Andersen 2004-03-25 11:30:53 UTC
We need to add HTTP redirects to the new site.
Comment 21 Michael Schumacher 2005-03-18 16:57:58 UTC
Given that the comments in this report a quite old, there should be a new
anylysis of the logs. Does the current rate of 404 errors justify any effort in
redirecting ?
Comment 22 André Klapper 2006-08-24 12:53:47 UTC
this definitely isn't a blocker.
as we are missing an updated log analysis here, i am going to set the status to NEEDINFO (also see comment #21), please anybody REOPEN when there are some news on this - raphael, perhaps?
Comment 23 Pavel Šefránek 2008-03-17 17:12:19 UTC
This makes no sense since GIMP has got a new website.