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Bug 114424 - add day# of previous month selections to date choices.
add day# of previous month selections to date choices.
Product: GnuCash
Classification: Other
Component: Reports
Other other
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Lyttle
Chris Lyttle
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-06-04 21:47 UTC by Rob Brown-Bayliss
Modified: 2018-06-29 20:33 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Rob Brown-Bayliss 2003-06-04 21:47:53 UTC

I have an idea for a feature.  In the reports setup (ie pie chart etc)
we can select dates like start of previous month etc.

My Idea is to have a day number of previous month.  for example to
select an expenses pie chart and alwyas have it show the expenses from
the Nth of the 2 months ago till the Nth of the previous month.

Did that make sense?  I get paid monthly on the 14th, and have two
expense pie charts that each month I must change the dates they
represent.  I use these to get an idea of where I spent my money in the
last pay period an where I am spending it in this pay period.

If I could tell a chart to run from the 14th 2 months ago till the 14th
one month ago and anther to run from the 14th one month ago till the
14th this month with out actually specifying the name of the month that
would be excellent...

So to sum up, add a new feature where the user can select a day number, and
a number of months where the day number is simply the day of the month and
the month number is number of months relative to the current month (+ or -)
Comment 1 Derek Atkins 2003-06-04 21:59:12 UTC
fix the version and summary
Comment 2 Christian Stimming 2010-12-31 11:24:43 UTC
Thank you for taking the time to explain your enhancement request.

The described enhancement is a good proposal and would be an advantage for the software. However, as a volunteer-driven project with limited resources, the GnuCash developers have their own priorities about the features which are most likely being worked on in the near future. In that sense, the current GnuCash developers decided not to work on your proposed feature in the next 4-6 months. In case you would like to have this feature implemented in any case, you have the following option: 1. Start to program in gnucash yourself - see . 2. Convince someone who is not yet part of the GnuCash team to join the team and implement your feature. 3. Pay some of the GnuCash developers to implement your feature - ask on the mailing list in that case. Thank you very much.

Feel free to file other bugs or enhancement requests that you find, though.
Comment 3 John Ralls 2018-06-29 20:33:07 UTC
GnuCash bug tracking has moved to a new Bugzilla host. This bug has been copied to Please update any external references or bookmarks.