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Bug 105676 - Big number in libgtop should be written with %ld
Big number in libgtop should be written with %ld
Product: libgtop
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Martin Baulig
Martin Baulig
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-02-09 21:48 UTC by Christian Rose
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Description Christian Rose 2003-02-09 21:48:19 UTC
#: sysdeps/names/procmem.c:62
msgid ""
"Current limit in bytes on the rss of the process (usually 2,147,483,647)."

There are l10n issues with this message, with the number to be precise. 

The choice of thousands seperators is a locale-specific matter; speakers of
the same language in different countries may very well use different
formatting of numbers. This is true for Spanish for example, where Spain
uses a different thousands seperator than the Spanish-speaking countries in

On the same time, translations are language-specific. In this case this
means that the "es" translation of this message will always be wrong for
some Spanish-speaking user.

The proper solution is to replace the number in the message with %d, %u, or
%ld, and let the locale deal with the correct formatting of the number.
Comment 1 Carlos Perelló Marín 2003-02-10 20:32:53 UTC
It does not seems to be an easy fix...

const char *glibtop_descriptions_proc_mem [GLIBTOP_MAX_PROC_MEM] =
	N_("Total # of pages of memory"),
	N_("Number of pages of virtual memory"),
	N_("Number of resident set (non-swapped) pages"),
	N_("Number of pages of shared (mmap'd) memory"),
	N_("Number of pages the process has in real memory, minus 3 "
	   "for administrative purposes. This is just the pages which "
	   "count towards text, data, or stack space. This does not "
	   "include pages which have not been demand-loaded in, or which "
	   "are swapped out."),
	N_("Current limit in bytes on the rss of the process "
	   "(usually 2,147,483,647).")
Comment 2 Christian Rose 2003-02-10 21:03:13 UTC
Ouch. Why on earth would one do a message design like that?
Comment 3 Abel Cheung 2003-08-08 01:46:27 UTC
This looks like beating dead horse, considering the current state of
Comment 4 Christian Rose 2003-08-08 11:21:46 UTC
Sure, but we still need to know the problems with the old dead horse.
Comment 5 Carlos Perelló Marín 2003-09-13 18:51:54 UTC
I was looking a way to fix this bug but it's not easy at all.

So, I looked at procman and it does not use those strings, so I have
just removed the es_ES.po file and I think that we could close this
bugreport because that string will not be shown ever.

I'm closing the bug now, please, reopen it if you think that is should
remain here lost with other bugreports against libgtop that never will
be fixed...
