GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 102471
Confused by Emacs backup files
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
Balsa doesn't ignore Emacs backup files (#*# and *~) and hence will list mboxes such as #inbox# for display. Originally filed on the Debian BTS by Robert Millan at:
If we ignored those files we wouldn't be able to have mailbox names starting with '#'. Is that important ? no clue :)
No one in their right mind would sandwich a mailbox's names with #'s. Perhaps there might be someone who will name their mailbox #foo, but I really doubt #foo# will ever be used. Most UNIX users know that #*# is a reserved filename and some sysadmins have a cronjob to purge systems of these files from time to time. Even the GNOME filemanager Nautilus hides #*# and *~ files by default.