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Bug 88579 - Terminal Crashes
Terminal Crashes
Product: gnome-terminal
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Solaris
: High critical
: ---
Assigned To: Havoc Pennington
GNOME Terminal Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-07-19 05:00 UTC by Mamatha
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description Mamatha 2002-07-19 05:00:46 UTC
Tested on Solaris Intel on the 15th july sources from CVS head.

I opened multiple Nautilus windows through a gnome terminal  and did some 
Dnd, cut and paste operations on the Nautilus window. All of a sudden, my 
terminal crashed.
I wasn't able to reproduce the crash again.

current	thread:	t@1
  [1] _waitid(0x34b3, 0x80461b8, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xde8bb1d0
  [2] _libc_waitpid(0x34b3, 0x80461b8, 0x0), at	0xde8d3a03
  [3] waitpid(0x34b3, 0x80461b8, 0x0), at 0xde747f34
=>[4] libgnomeui_segv_handle(signum = 5), line 620 in "gnome-ui-init.c"
  [5] __sighndlr(0x5, 0x8046488, 0x8046288, 0xdf8d9888), at 0xde737a8b
  [6] sigacthandler(), at 0xde745b61
  ---- called from signal handler with signal 5	(SIGTRAP) ------
  [7] __sigprocmask(0x0, 0x1, 0xde75a000), at 0xde746ba0
  [8] _resetsig(), at 0xde73d9d4
  [9] _sigon(),	at 0xde73d2fd
  [10] _lmutex_unlock(0xde76126c), at 0xde73ac70
  [11] _thrp_kill(), at	0xde73f953
  [12] pthread_kill(0x1, 0x5), at 0xde73f843
  [13] thr_kill(0x1, 0x5), at 0xde90745c
  [14] raise(0x5), at 0xde8cbd87
dbx: warning: can't find file "/gnome/src-2.0n-d2build-
dbx: warning: see `help	finding-files'
  [15] g_logv(0x0, 0x4,	0x80c6ec0, 0x8046a84), at 0xde9bcb3f
  [16] g_log(0x0, 0x4, 0x80c6ec0, 0x80e3dfc, 0x40e, 0x80e3e08),	at 
  [17] new_terminal_with_options(results = 0x81182b8), line 1038 
in "terminal.c"
  [18] terminal_new_event(listener = 0x80f8530,	event_name = 
0x811ccd1 "new_terminal", any = 0x8118284,	ev = 0x8046e84,	user_data 
= (nil)), line 2913 in "terminal.c"
  [19] bonobo_marshal_VOID__STRING_BOXED_BOXED(closure = 0x81130f8, 
return_value = 0x8046c98, n_param_values = 4U, param_values	= 
0x811f7e0, invocation_hint = (nil), marshal_data = (nil)), line 129 
in "bonobo-marshal.c"
dbx: warning: can't find file "/gnome/src-2.0n-d2build-
  [20] g_closure_invoke(0x81130f8, 0x8046c98, 0x4, 0x811f7e0, 0x0), at 
  [21] bonobo_closure_invoke_va_list(closure = 0x81130f8, return_value = 
0x8046c98, var_args = 0x8046ce4), line	419 in "bonobo-types.c"
  [22] bonobo_closure_invoke(closure = 0x81130f8, return_type =	4U, ...), 
line 475 in "bonobo-types.c"
  [23] impl_Bonobo_Listener_event(servant = 0x80f8544, event_name = 
0x811ccd1 "new_terminal", args = 0x8118284,	ev = 0x8046e84), line 55 
in "bonobo-listener.c"
  [24] _ORBIT_skel_small_Bonobo_Listener_event(_o_servant = 0x80f8544, 
_o_retval = (nil), _o_args = 0x8046da4, _o_ctx =	0x8046df4, _o_ev = 
0x8046e84, _impl_event = 0xdef83898 = &``bonobo-
listener.c`impl_Bonobo_Listener_event(PortableServer_Servant	servant, 
const CORBA_char *event_name, const struct CORBA_any_struct *args, struct 
CORBA_Environment_type *ev)), line 413 in "Bonobo-skels.c"
  [25] ORBit_POAObject_invoke(pobj = 0x80f8568,	ret = (nil), args = 
0x8046da4, ctx = 0x8046df4,	data = 0x8046e30, ev = 0x8046e84), line
	893 in "poa.c"
  [26] ORBit_OAObject_invoke(adaptor_obj = 0x80f8568, ret = (nil), args	= 
0x8046da4, ctx = 0x8046df4, data = 0x8046e30,	ev = 0x8046e84), line 128 
in "orbit-adaptor.c"
  [27] ORBit_small_invoke_adaptor(adaptor_obj =	0x80f8568, recv_buffer = 
0x811f5c0, m_data = 0xdeff16dc, data =	0x8046e30, ev =	0x8046e84), line 
799 in	"orbit-small.c"
  [28] ORBit_POAObject_handle_request(pobj = 0x80f8568,	opname = 
0x811f66c "event", ret	= (nil), args =	(nil), ctx = (nil), recv_buffer	= 
0x811f5c0, ev	= 0x8046e84), line 1101	in "poa.c"
  [29] ORBit_POA_handle_request(poa = 0x810d500, recv_buffer = 0x811f5c0, 
objkey = 0x811f5d8), line 1187 in "poa.c"
  [30] ORBit_handle_request(orb	= 0x810d4d0, recv_buffer = 0x811f5c0), 
line 90 in "orbit-adaptor.c"
  [31] giop_connection_handle_input(lcnx = 0x811b9f0), line 1202 in "giop-
  [32] linc_connection_io_handler(gioc = (nil),	condition = G_IO_IN, data 
= 0x811b9f0),	line 858 in "linc-connection.c"
  [33] linc_source_dispatch(source = 0x811ba38,	callback = 0xdeb67270 =
_GIOChannel *gioc, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data), user_data	= 
0x811b9f0), line 56 in "linc-source.c"
dbx: warning: can't find file "/gnome/src-2.0n-d2build-
  [34] g_main_dispatch(0x810d1f8), at 0xde9b02d9
  [35] g_main_context_dispatch(0x810d1f8), at 0xde9b1ac1
  [36] g_main_context_iterate(0x810d1f8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x80f0580), at 
  [37] g_main_context_iteration(0x810d1f8, 0x1), at 0xde9b22f1
  [38] linc_main_iteration(block_for_reply = 1), line 126 in "linc.c"
  [39] giop_recv_buffer_get(ent	= 0x8047118, block_for_reply = 1), line
	677 in "giop-recv-buffer.c"
  [40] orbit_small_demarshal(obj = 0x8115908, cnx = 0x8047130, mqe = 
0x8047118,	ev = 0x80471f4,	ret = 0x80471a4, m_data	= 0xdee728c4, args 
= 0x8047194,	recv_release = RECV_BUFFER_RELEASE), line 403 in "orbit-
  [41] ORBit_small_invoke_stub(obj = 0x8115908,	m_data = 0xdee728c4, ret = 
0x80471a4, args = 0x8047194,	ctx = (nil), ev	= 0x80471f4), line 635 
in "orbit-small.c"
  [42] ORBit_small_invoke_stub_n(object	= 0x8115908, methods = 0xdee72954, 
index = 0, ret = 0x80471a4, args = 0x8047194, ctx = (nil), ev = 
0x80471f4), line 573	in "orbit-small.c"
  [43] ConfigDatabase3_add_listener_with_properties(_obj = 0x8115908, 
where = 0x811ac38	"/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default", who = 
0x8115180, properties = 0x80471dc, ev = 0x80471f4), line	423 
in "GConf-stubs.c"
  [44] gconf_engine_notify_add(conf = 0x8113aa0, namespace_section = 
0x811ac38 "/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default",	func = 0xdee422d8 
= &``gconf-client.c`notify_from_server_callback(), 
user_data =	0x8115850, err = 0x8047244), line 667 in "gconf.c"
  [45] gconf_client_add_dir(client = 0x8115850,	dirname	= 
0x811ac38 "/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default", preload = 
GCONF_CLIENT_PRELOAD_ONELEVEL, err = 0x8047268),	line 569 in "gconf-
  [46] terminal_profile_new(name = 0x811d8b0 "Default",	conf = 0x8115850), 
line	385 in "terminal-profile.c"
  [47] sync_profile_list(use_this_list = 0, this_list =	(nil)),	line 1375 
in "terminal.c"
  [48] main(argc = 1, argv = 0x804731c), line 1192 in "terminal.c"
Comment 1 Luis Villa 2002-07-23 15:56:03 UTC
Marking high, but obviously closeable/puntable if no one can reproduce.
Comment 2 Satyajit Kanungo 2002-08-07 07:34:49 UTC
Not able to reproduce the problem with the latest source.
Mamtha could you reproduce it again with any other source
(except 15th July). Could be a problem with the build also. 
Could you verify and give your comments on it and also if it is 
not reproduciable close it marking as NOTABUG etc.  
Comment 3 Luis Villa 2002-08-20 00:53:56 UTC
Closing as not reproduceable.  Mamatha, if you still can, please reopen.
Comment 4 Mamatha 2002-08-20 04:13:41 UTC
Tested on Sun's Gnome 2.0 Beta 2 Build 3 version on a Solaris 9 Sparc 
I am not able to reproduce this bug.
So i am closing this bug