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Bug 785376 - The link "Settings" in the "No Photos Found" screen does not work
The link "Settings" in the "No Photos Found" screen does not work
Product: gnome-photos
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME photos maintainer(s)
GNOME photos maintainer(s)
: 787822 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-07-24 22:47 UTC by Josh Berkus
Modified: 2017-12-12 13:15 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Screenshot of "No albums found". (13.49 KB, image/png)
2017-07-24 22:47 UTC, Josh Berkus
application, source-manager: Add an option to run without any content (6.07 KB, patch)
2017-12-08 18:26 UTC, Debarshi Ray
committed Details | Review
spinner-box: Hide it when stopped even if it didn't animate (1.28 KB, patch)
2017-12-08 18:27 UTC, Debarshi Ray
committed Details | Review
preview-nav-buttons: Hide the controls even if they didn't animate (1.39 KB, patch)
2017-12-08 18:27 UTC, Debarshi Ray
committed Details | Review

Description Josh Berkus 2017-07-24 22:47:26 UTC
Created attachment 356326 [details]
Screenshot of "No albums found".

Platform: Fedora 25 / Wayland
Photos version: 3.22.6

Summary: in Photos I cannot access any photos, folders, or albums either locally or online.  App appears completely non-functional.


I just installed Photos.  When I bring up the application, I'm presented with a screen which says "No Photos Found: You can add your online accounts in Settings".  The "link" for Settings is not clickable.  There is no menu item or widget for settings, either.

Albums displays "No Albums Found: name your first album".  Again, nothing is clickable, either right or left click.

Photos appears DOA on my system.  Is it Wayland?  Or something else?

Screenshot attached.
Comment 1 Debarshi Ray 2017-07-25 07:23:12 UTC
(In reply to Josh Berkus from comment #0)
> I just installed Photos.  When I bring up the application, I'm presented
> with a screen which says "No Photos Found: You can add your online accounts
> in Settings".  The "link" for Settings is not clickable.  There is no menu
> item or widget for settings, either.

The "link" is unclickable?! That's strange. It is meant to open Settings -> Online Accounts. Are you using the default theme (ie. Adwaita) or something else? Maybe it just looks unclickable, but isn't? I'll try to reproduce once I am at my development machine.

The application pulls content from ~/Pictures, ~/Desktop and ~/Downloads.
Comment 2 Debarshi Ray 2017-07-25 11:09:34 UTC
(In reply to Debarshi Ray from comment #1)
> (In reply to Josh Berkus from comment #0)
> > I just installed Photos.  When I bring up the application, I'm presented
> > with a screen which says "No Photos Found: You can add your online accounts
> > in Settings".  The "link" for Settings is not clickable.  There is no menu
> > item or widget for settings, either.
> The "link" is unclickable?! That's strange. It is meant to open Settings ->
> Online Accounts. Are you using the default theme (ie. Adwaita) or something
> else? Maybe it just looks unclickable, but isn't? I'll try to reproduce once
> I am at my development machine.

Indeed. I tested with Fedoras 24 and 26. Looks like a regression in gtk+, and not specific to Wayland.

I'll follow through from here on. Thanks!
Comment 3 Josh Berkus 2017-07-25 18:02:24 UTC
It's also not pulling anything from any local directory automatically.

As a feature request, I'd like to also ask for a Settings menu item.
Comment 4 Debarshi Ray 2017-07-28 09:29:24 UTC
Does this help you figure out why your local content is missing: ?

(I wrote that page just now, so its rough, but its a start.)
Comment 5 Josh Berkus 2017-08-07 17:49:57 UTC
Debug content follows:

16:37 $ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all GNOME_PHOTOS_DEBUG=all gnome-photos
(gnome-photos:16196): Gtk-DEBUG: Connecting to session manager
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT ?urn nie:url (?urn) nfo:fileName (?urn) nie:mimeType (?urn) nie:title (?urn) tracker:coalesce (nco:fullname (?creator), nco:fullname (?publisher), '') tracker:coalesce (nfo:fileLastModified (?urn), nie:contentLastModified (?urn)) AS ?mtime nao:identifier (?urn) rdf:type (?urn) nie:dataSource(?urn) ( EXISTS { ?urn nao:hasTag nao:predefined-tag-favorite } ) ( EXISTS { ?urn nco:contributor ?contributor FILTER ( ?contributor != ?creator ) } ) tracker:coalesce(nfo:fileCreated (?urn), nie:contentCreated (?urn)) nfo:width (?urn) nfo:height (?urn) nfo:equipment (?urn) nfo:orientation (?urn) nmm:exposureTime (?urn) nmm:fnumber (?urn) nmm:focalLength (?urn) nmm:isoSpeed (?urn) nmm:flash (?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type  WHERE { ?urn a nmm:Photo  } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && nie:mimeType(?urn) != 'image/gif')}ORDER BY DESC (?mtime) LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT ?urn nie:url (?urn) nfo:fileName (?urn) nie:mimeType (?urn) nie:title (?urn) tracker:coalesce (nco:fullname (?creator), nco:fullname (?publisher), '') tracker:coalesce (nfo:fileLastModified (?urn), nie:contentLastModified (?urn)) AS ?mtime nao:identifier (?urn) rdf:type (?urn) nie:dataSource(?urn) ( EXISTS { ?urn nao:hasTag nao:predefined-tag-favorite } ) ( EXISTS { ?urn nco:contributor ?contributor FILTER ( ?contributor != ?creator ) } ) tracker:coalesce(nfo:fileCreated (?urn), nie:contentCreated (?urn)) nfo:width (?urn) nfo:height (?urn) nfo:equipment (?urn) nfo:orientation (?urn) nmm:exposureTime (?urn) nmm:fnumber (?urn) nmm:focalLength (?urn) nmm:isoSpeed (?urn) nmm:flash (?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type COUNT (?item) AS ?count WHERE { ?urn a nfo:DataContainer. ?item a nmm:Photo; nie:isPartOf ?urn.  } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && (fn:contains (?type, 'nfo#DataContainer') && ?count > 0 && (fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:')     || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))))}ORDER BY DESC (?mtime) LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: Query Elapsed: 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT ?urn nie:url (?urn) nfo:fileName (?urn) nie:mimeType (?urn) nie:title (?urn) tracker:coalesce (nco:fullname (?creator), nco:fullname (?publisher), '') tracker:coalesce (nfo:fileLastModified (?urn), nie:contentLastModified (?urn)) AS ?mtime nao:identifier (?urn) rdf:type (?urn) nie:dataSource(?urn) ( EXISTS { ?urn nao:hasTag nao:predefined-tag-favorite } ) ( EXISTS { ?urn nco:contributor ?contributor FILTER ( ?contributor != ?creator ) } ) tracker:coalesce(nfo:fileCreated (?urn), nie:contentCreated (?urn)) nfo:width (?urn) nfo:height (?urn) nfo:equipment (?urn) nfo:orientation (?urn) nmm:exposureTime (?urn) nmm:fnumber (?urn) nmm:focalLength (?urn) nmm:isoSpeed (?urn) nmm:flash (?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type  WHERE { ?urn a nmm:Photo; nao:hasTag nao:predefined-tag-favorite.   } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && nie:mimeType(?urn) != 'image/gif')}ORDER BY DESC (?mtime) LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: Query Elapsed: 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT ?urn nie:url (?urn) nfo:fileName (?urn) nie:mimeType (?urn) nie:title (?urn) tracker:coalesce (nco:fullname (?creator), nco:fullname (?publisher), '') tracker:coalesce (nfo:fileLastModified (?urn), nie:contentLastModified (?urn)) AS ?mtime nao:identifier (?urn) rdf:type (?urn) nie:dataSource(?urn) ( EXISTS { ?urn nao:hasTag nao:predefined-tag-favorite } ) ( EXISTS { ?urn nco:contributor ?contributor FILTER ( ?contributor != ?creator ) } ) tracker:coalesce(nfo:fileCreated (?urn), nie:contentCreated (?urn)) nfo:width (?urn) nfo:height (?urn) nfo:equipment (?urn) nfo:orientation (?urn) nmm:exposureTime (?urn) nmm:fnumber (?urn) nmm:focalLength (?urn) nmm:isoSpeed (?urn) nmm:flash (?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type COUNT (?item) AS ?count WHERE { ?urn a rdfs:Resource. OPTIONAL {?item a nmm:Photo; nie:isPartOf ?urn}  } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && ((fn:contains (?type, 'nfo#DataContainer') && ?count > 0 && (fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:')     || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) || (fn:contains (?type, 'nmm#Photo') && nie:mimeType(?urn) != 'image/gif')))}ORDER BY DESC (?mtime) LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: Query Elapsed: 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type  WHERE { ?urn a nmm:Photo  } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && nie:mimeType(?urn) != 'image/gif')}
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: Query Elapsed: 0
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type COUNT (?item) AS ?count WHERE { ?urn a nfo:DataContainer. ?item a nmm:Photo; nie:isPartOf ?urn.  } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && (fn:contains (?type, 'nfo#DataContainer') && ?count > 0 && (fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:')     || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))))}
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type  WHERE { ?urn a nmm:Photo; nao:hasTag nao:predefined-tag-favorite.   } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && nie:mimeType(?urn) != 'image/gif')}
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(?urn) WHERE {{    SELECT ?urn rdf:type (?urn) AS ?type COUNT (?item) AS ?count WHERE { ?urn a rdfs:Resource. OPTIONAL {?item a nmm:Photo; nie:isPartOf ?urn}  } GROUP BY (?urn)  }  OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:creator ?creator . } OPTIONAL { ?urn nco:publisher ?publisher . } FILTER (((((fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Desktop')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Downloads')   || fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures')   )  && !fn:contains (nie:url (?urn), 'file:///home/josh/Pictures/Exports')) || fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:local:') || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) && (true) && ((fn:contains (?type, 'nfo#DataContainer') && ?count > 0 && (fn:starts-with (nao:identifier (?urn), 'photos:collection:')     || (?urn = nfo:image-category-screenshot))) || (fn:contains (?type, 'nmm#Photo') && nie:mimeType(?urn) != 'image/gif')))}
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: photos_dlna_renderers_manager_proxy_new_cb DLNA renderers manager initialized
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Encoding raw
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Dimensions: 14 x 14
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
(gnome-photos:16196): GdkPixbuf-DEBUG: 	Copy pixels == false
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosBaseItem.Instances = 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosItemManager.Instances = 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosOffsetController.Instances = 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosPipeline.Instances = 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosSelectionController.Instances = 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosSource.Instances = 0
** (gnome-photos:16196): DEBUG: PhotosTrackerController.Instances = 0
Comment 6 Josh Berkus 2017-08-07 17:52:58 UTC
It appears to be searching the right directories, but not finding any images even though images are present.

Also, none of that explains why "settings" is not clickable.
Comment 7 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 18:13:31 UTC
*** Bug 787822 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 18:15:42 UTC
(In reply to Debarshi Ray from comment #2)
> Indeed. I tested with Fedoras 24 and 26. Looks like a regression in gtk+,
> and not specific to Wayland.

It wasn't a regression in gtk+, but a reasonable behaviour change that exposed a bug in the application.
Comment 9 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 18:26:50 UTC
Created attachment 365262 [details] [review]
application, source-manager: Add an option to run without any content
Comment 10 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 18:27:04 UTC
Created attachment 365263 [details] [review]
spinner-box: Hide it when stopped even if it didn't animate
Comment 11 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 18:27:16 UTC
Created attachment 365264 [details] [review]
preview-nav-buttons: Hide the controls even if they didn't animate
Comment 12 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 18:41:00 UTC
Fixed in master, gnome-3-26 and gnome-3-24. That's Fedora >= 26. Sadly, Fedora 25 is a bit too old now, and the inert hyperlink isn't that critical an issue.

As for the lack of any photos, see the "Missing content" section in

Or try:
$ tracker info /path/to/file/in/Pictures/folder

Anyway, that's going to be a different bug than the hyperlink. So, I am closing this one now. Feel free to open another if you want to pursue the missing images.

Thanks for stopping by!
Comment 13 Piotr Drąg 2017-12-08 18:47:03 UTC
c0b6077a4bfc9a5160fbc51e2609a11371a84c18 broke the string freeze.
Comment 14 Debarshi Ray 2017-12-08 19:04:25 UTC
(In reply to Piotr Drąg from comment #13)
> c0b6077a4bfc9a5160fbc51e2609a11371a84c18 broke the string freeze.

Sorry about that. I'll revert it because it's not part of the actual bug-fix. It's just a tool for development and testing.