GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 784720
bluetooth: Center empty states in the panel
Last modified: 2017-07-12 00:04:11 UTC
I have crafted a patch for fix, in my opinion, an annoying thing in the alternative version in the Bluetooth panel. The empty states are vertically aligned filling th page, this is not a bad thing for the old version but in the newer alt version is a bit annoying in terms of design when you maximizes the screen. I think that the attached patch covers all possible cases but I'm not completly sure. Thanks.
Created attachment 355210 [details] [review] bluetooth: Center empty states in the panel For the new or alternative version of Control Center, the Bluetooth empty state will be vertically alligned to the center for any app window size. Otherwise when the Bluetooh is powered and available, the align will be as always. This changes do not affect to the old version because the windows size (for the old version) is always the same and small enought to be in the center in any case.
Review of attachment 355210 [details] [review]: This patch can be simplified by factoring out into a single call to "gtk_widget_set_valign()" after the if()s, and using a "GtkAlign valign" variable
Created attachment 355362 [details] [review] bluetooth: Center empty states in the panel Apply the changes
Attachment 355362 [details] pushed as 88b6561 - bluetooth: Center empty states in the panel