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Bug 759711 - every time I wake the computer, I get new notifications about mounted drives
every time I wake the computer, I get new notifications about mounted drives
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 753351
Product: gnome-online-accounts
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME Online Accounts maintainer(s)
GNOME Online Accounts maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-12-20 22:09 UTC by Andreas Nilsson
Modified: 2015-12-21 18:14 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Andreas Nilsson 2015-12-20 22:09:08 UTC
Not sure if this bug belongs in Nautilus or here. Feel free to reassign.

Every time I bring back the computer from sleep, I get a new notification about my owncloud drive and google drive being mounted, as I have them set up in GOA.

The thing is also that these don't go away if I close the laptop and they get unmounted. This results in tons of notifications after a couple of days use.

To reproduce:
1. Connect GOA to a owncloud or google account.
2. Make sure Files is on in the GOA prefs.
3. Close the laptop lid.
4. Open the laptop lid.
5. Close the laptop lid.
6. Open the laptop lid.
7. Close the laptop lid.
8. Open the laptop lid.

You will now have 3 notifications with the same info.
Comment 1 Debarshi Ray 2015-12-21 18:14:36 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 753351 ***