GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 746155
Reports: html-acct-table prepend-row! & prepend-col! unknown variables
Last modified: 2018-06-29 23:39:21 UTC
The following functions cause unknown variable errors: (define (gnc:html-acct-table-prepend-row! acct-table newrow) (gnc:html-table-prepend-row! (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table) (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-html-table-cell (list x))) objects))) (define (gnc:html-acct-table-prepend-col! acct-table newrow) (gnc:html-table-prepend-col! (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table) (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-html-table-cell (list x))) objects))) In the lambdas, 'objects' has not been defined. For -prepend-row!, 'objects' should be changed to 'newrow'. For -prepend-col!, 'newrow' & 'objects' should be changed to 'newcol'. For the sake of consistency, 'objects' in the -append-row & -append-col functions could also be changed to 'newrow' & 'newcol', respectively.
Thanks for reporting this and proposing a solutions as well. I have followed your suggestion to fix this issue. It will be fixed for the upcoming 2.6.10 release.
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