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Bug 744816 - VideoNode::setCurrentFrame() material assert fails after updating QStandardItemModel
VideoNode::setCurrentFrame() material assert fails after updating QStandardIt...
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: qt-gstreamer
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: git master
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-02-19 20:45 UTC by Randy Spruyt
Modified: 2017-12-13 14:26 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Fix (1.00 KB, patch)
2017-03-09 11:13 UTC, Aleix Pol
none Details | Review
Version of the patch with autotest (1.00 KB, patch)
2017-03-10 01:20 UTC, Aleix Pol
none Details | Review
Fix, patch with autotest (5.08 KB, patch)
2017-03-10 11:05 UTC, Aleix Pol
none Details | Review
New version of the patch that doesn't require an install (5.33 KB, patch)
2017-03-24 14:28 UTC, Aleix Pol
none Details | Review

Description Randy Spruyt 2015-02-19 20:45:01 UTC
void VideoNode::setCurrentFrame(GstBuffer* buffer)
    Q_ASSERT (m_materialType == MaterialTypeVideo);

fails after a QStandardItemModel::setData() is called on a role that should not affect the surface. 

The QStandardModel is simple:

QHash<int,QByteArray> VideoSceneModel::roleNames() const
    QHash<int, QByteArray> retVal;
    retVal[VideoSceneModelRole_openGLsurface] = "role_videoSceneModelOpenGLSurface";
    retVal[VideoSceneModelRole_X] = "role_videoSceneModelX";

I can set the x position manually in QML just fine. The video plays fine. However when we bind the x position in XML to the model role, updating the x position is triggering an event that causes the video node to be destroyed somewhere. i.e.

// set X position from 0 to 500
QModelIndex modelIndex = index( 0, 0 );
if( modelIndex.isValid() )
    setData( modelIndex, 500, VideoSceneModelRole_X );

Which is emitting some sort of change signal that ends up in:

QSGNode* QtQuick2VideoSinkDelegate::updateNode(QSGNode *node, const QRectF & targetArea)
GST_TRACE_OBJECT(m_sink, "updateNode called");
    bool sgnodeFormatChanged = false;

    VideoNode *vnode = dynamic_cast<VideoNode*>(node);
    if (!vnode) {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT(m_sink, "creating new VideoNode");
        vnode = new VideoNode;

vnode is null, causing a new VideoNode to be created. This in turn sets a black surface. Since the video is still playing, the next 

void VideoNode::setCurrentFrame(GstBuffer* buffer)
    Q_ASSERT (m_materialType == MaterialTypeVideo);


Interestingly, if you stick a breakpoint on 

g_signal_emitv(values,, detail, &returnValue);

in signal.cpp, the call sometimes work fine. The video changex to x=500 and everything keeps goign. this seems like it could be race condition/execution order related

here is the assert failure on the material stack trace:
0	__GI_raise		56	0x7ffff4b42e37	
1	__GI_abort		89	0x7ffff4b44528	
2	QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff5486b76	
3	qt_assert(char const*, char const*, int)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff54817ab	
4	VideoNode::setCurrentFrame	videonode.cpp	49	0x7fffd3270791	
5	QtQuick2VideoSinkDelegate::updateNode	qtquick2videosinkdelegate.cpp	98	0x7fffd3271c9f	
6	gst_qt_quick2_video_sink_update_node	gstqtquick2videosink.cpp	265	0x7fffd3272a32	
7	g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__POINTER_DOUBLE_DOUBLE_DOUBLE_DOUBLE	gstqtvideosinkmarshal.c	221	0x7fffd326d5a2	
8	g_closure_invoke	/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff432f285	
9	??	/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff4340e62	
10	g_signal_emitv	/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff4348541	
11	QGlib::Private::emit	signal.cpp	190	0x7ffff48ebac3	
12	QGlib::Private::EmitImpl<void* (void*, double, double, double, double)>::emit(void*, char const*, QGlib::Quark, void* const&, double const&, double const&, double const&, double const&)	emitimpl.h	78	0x7ffff79a1ae9	
13	QGlib::emit<void*, void*, double, double, double, double>	emitimpl.h	113	0x7ffff79a1659	
14	QGst::Quick::VideoItem::updatePaintNode	videoitem.cpp	113	0x7ffff79a0c26	
15	QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNode(QQuickItem*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72ee3e6	
16	QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72ef7c3	
17	QQuickWindowPrivate::syncSceneGraph()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72f0ba9	
18	??	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72bedd5	
19	??	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72bf4ad	
20	QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff6a228f4	
21	QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff6a26506	
22	QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff56ccc84	
23	QTimerInfoList::activateTimers()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff57269c4	
24	??	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff5726c6d	
25	g_main_context_dispatch	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff4059ecd	
26	??	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff405a1b0	
27	g_main_context_iteration	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff405a25c	
28	QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff57275b3	
29	QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff56caeab	
30	QCoreApplication::exec()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff56cfdc5	
31	main	main.cpp	72	0x405230	

here is the stack trace that causes the material to be set to black after a new vnode is created (which is likely more useful):
0	VideoNode::setMaterialTypeSolidBlack	videonode.cpp	40	0x7fffd32706a8	
1	VideoNode::VideoNode	videonode.cpp	28	0x7fffd3270617	
2	QtQuick2VideoSinkDelegate::updateNode	qtquick2videosinkdelegate.cpp	34	0x7fffd3271651	
3	gst_qt_quick2_video_sink_update_node	gstqtquick2videosink.cpp	265	0x7fffd3272a32	
4	g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__POINTER_DOUBLE_DOUBLE_DOUBLE_DOUBLE	gstqtvideosinkmarshal.c	221	0x7fffd326d5a2	
5	g_closure_invoke	/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff432f285	
6	??	/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff4340e62	
7	g_signal_emitv	/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff4348541	
8	QGlib::Private::emit	signal.cpp	190	0x7ffff48ebac3	
9	QGlib::Private::EmitImpl<void* (void*, double, double, double, double)>::emit(void*, char const*, QGlib::Quark, void* const&, double const&, double const&, double const&, double const&)	emitimpl.h	78	0x7ffff79a1ae9	
10	QGlib::emit<void*, void*, double, double, double, double>	emitimpl.h	113	0x7ffff79a1659	
11	QGst::Quick::VideoItem::updatePaintNode	videoitem.cpp	113	0x7ffff79a0c26	
12	QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNode(QQuickItem*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72ee3e6	
13	QQuickWindowPrivate::updateDirtyNodes()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72ef7c3	
14	QQuickWindowPrivate::syncSceneGraph()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72f0ba9	
15	??	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72bedd5	
16	??	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff72bf4ad	
17	QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff6a228f4	
18	QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff6a26506	
19	QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff56ccc84	
20	QTimerInfoList::activateTimers()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff57269c4	
21	??	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff5726c6d	
22	g_main_context_dispatch	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff4059ecd	
23	??	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff405a1b0	
24	g_main_context_iteration	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/		0x7ffff405a25c	
25	QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff57275b3	
26	QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff56caeab	
27	QCoreApplication::exec()	/home/dev/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/lib/		0x7ffff56cfdc5	
28	main	main.cpp	72	0x405230
Comment 1 Randy Spruyt 2015-02-19 20:46:33 UTC
to clarify, the VideoSceneModelRole_openGLsurface role has a  QGst::Quick::VideoSurface* in it.
Comment 2 Randy Spruyt 2015-04-07 13:12:34 UTC
"I can set the x position manually in QML just fine. The video plays fine. However when we bind the x position in XML to the model role, updating the x position is triggering an event that causes the video node to be destroyed somewhere. i.e."

typo, I can set the x position manually in C++ just fine. When we bind x to a QML object, changing the x value triggers a dataChanged() event for the VideoSceneModelRole_openGLsurface role as well. 

If you manually supress signals in QStandardItemModel::setData(), i.e. blockSignals( true );

and emitDataChanged() manually without the VideoSceneModelRole_openGLsurface, we can work around the problem. 

To boil down the issue, the QGst::Quick::VideoSurface object (usually) crashes when it attempts to handle a dataChanged() event.
Comment 3 Aleix Pol 2017-03-09 11:13:05 UTC
Created attachment 347541 [details] [review]

This fixes the crash, if somebody can accept the fix, that would be great.
Also it will need a release eventually.
Comment 4 Diane Trout 2017-03-09 18:36:14 UTC
(In reply to Aleix Pol from comment #3)
> Created attachment 347541 [details] [review] [review]
> Fix
> This fixes the crash, if somebody can accept the fix, that would be great.
> Also it will need a release eventually.

Were you able to trigger the crash? Any chance you have a small program that triggers it? (AKA can we have a test for the bug, and then show the fix fixes it?)
Comment 5 Aleix Pol 2017-03-10 01:20:01 UTC
Created attachment 347591 [details] [review]
Version of the patch with autotest

Now with a test case
Comment 6 Diane Trout 2017-03-10 05:06:27 UTC
The second patch looks the same as the first to me.
Comment 7 Aleix Pol 2017-03-10 11:05:21 UTC
Created attachment 347615 [details] [review]
Fix, patch with autotest

You were right, silly git.
Comment 8 Diane Trout 2017-03-11 06:45:26 UTC
The tests didn't run correctly for me... But I think my test environment is broken. Will try to replicate over the weekend.
Comment 9 Aleix Pol 2017-03-13 15:13:10 UTC
Comment 10 Diane Trout 2017-03-14 18:30:07 UTC
I have made mistakes with git, and have confused myself.

So I have two repositories, because at first I didn't have the permissions to, and then I didn't know the right policies to commit to the freedesktop repository

So the other repository is at

The have drifted a bit.

What was the commit you based your fix on? did you do make test? how many of the tests passed for you?
Comment 11 Aleix Pol 2017-03-14 22:38:40 UTC
I'm using git://

commit 0384481b2f670b3db1a147a1ac0c5ea24c66554e
Author: Diane Trout <>
Date:   Sat Mar 21 13:08:29 2015 -0700

    gst_message_new_application fails when passed a NULL structure
Comment 12 Aleix Pol 2017-03-17 04:04:10 UTC
Comment 13 Diane Trout 2017-03-17 06:12:32 UTC
That commit builds for you?

I'm trying that commit and it won't build with out this patch. Well some of the tests wont build. I used cmake -DQT_VERSION=5 -DQTGSTREAMER_TESTS=ON

I did see your test case fails at least some of the time without the fix and seems to work with the fix added.


index 2d66ba1..7ed2bdf 100644
--- a/src/QGst/message.h
+++ b/src/QGst/message.h
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class QTGSTREAMER_EXPORT ApplicationMessage : public Message
     QGST_WRAPPER_FAKE_SUBCLASS(Application, Message)
     static ApplicationMessagePtr create(const ObjectPtr & source,
-                                        const Structure & structure);
+                                        const Structure & structure=Structure());
 /*! \headerfile message.h <QGst/Message>
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class QTGSTREAMER_EXPORT ElementMessage : public Message
     static ElementMessagePtr create(const ObjectPtr & source,
-                                    const Structure & structure);
+                                    const Structure & structure=Structure());
 //maybe do: SEGMENT_START (internal)
Comment 14 Aleix Pol 2017-03-17 12:12:34 UTC
Correct. tests/auto/refpointertest.cpp won't build for me either.
Comment 15 Diane Trout 2017-03-24 07:08:00 UTC
Ok I pushed a fix for refpointer test, and now all the tests build

I'm now trying to run the reproducer...

I tend to do "mkdir build ; cmake -D<stuff> .."
to build cmake projects in a separate directory so in build/tests/auto I had to symlink the test qml file for it to be found

ln -s ../../../tests/auto/videoitemtest.qml 

Might it be possible to use the cmake source directory variable to add a path to find the qml file?

I needed to install qml-module-qtquick2 and qml-module-qtquick2 to satisfy the qml file dependencies.

Now I'm trying to figure out what the environment variable settings are necessary to get the test to run

It looks like it works with this command when I'm in build/tests/auto:

QML2_IMPORT_PATH=../../src/qml/quick2/ GST_PLUGIN_PATH=../../elements/gstqtvideosink/ ./qtquick2test ********* Start testing of QtQuick2Test *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.7.1, Qt 5.7.1 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 6.3.0 20170124)
PASS   : QtQuick2Test::initTestCase()
PASS   : QtQuick2Test::testLaunch()
PASS   : QtQuick2Test::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 3 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 95ms
********* Finished testing of QtQuick2Test *********

And it fails when I remove the fix. 

unfortunately make test fails because some of the above variables aren't being set. Do you think you could figure out how to add them to the test runners environment?
Comment 16 Aleix Pol 2017-03-24 14:28:07 UTC
Created attachment 348649 [details] [review]
New version of the patch that doesn't require an install

There you go :)
Comment 17 Diane Trout 2017-03-25 03:46:50 UTC
Thanks that worked great!.

commit ea0d273008316e875a2f6496c0f5f3fa1fcfb6b8
Author: Aleix Pol <>
Date:   Fri Mar 10 01:50:33 2017 +0100

    Fix crash when the VideoItem moves in the SceneGraph
    When the item is recreated it should set the format on the new node,
    otherwise we get the crash.
    BUG: 744816

Since you're still using it what do you think about renaming QGst/Memory to QGst/QGstMemory? its a problem with case sensitive file systems described in bug 763201
Comment 18 Aleix Pol 2017-03-27 15:11:08 UTC
We don't use QGst/Memory, so that wouldn't be an issue for us.
Comment 19 Aleix Pol 2017-12-13 13:44:50 UTC
Is it possible to get a release with this fix in? it's been over half a year...
Comment 20 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2017-12-13 14:26:14 UTC
QtGStreamer is basically unmaintained. If someone wants to take up maintainership of it, please let us know.