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Bug 737318 - Clicking a step in the list of directions should not reset the map zoom
Clicking a step in the list of directions should not reset the map zoom
Product: gnome-maps
Classification: Applications
Component: map view
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-maps-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-09-25 02:27 UTC by Jean-François Fortin Tam
Modified: 2016-02-02 11:41 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Do not change zoom when showing turnpoint markers (1.13 KB, patch)
2014-09-25 05:34 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
none Details | Review
turnPoints: Add mini map to turnPointbubbles (5.12 KB, patch)
2014-09-30 06:25 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
none Details | Review
Screencast of having a 'show route' button. (1.52 MB, video/webm)
2014-10-08 08:03 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
mapView: Do not show turnPoint marker for stops (921 bytes, patch)
2014-10-30 12:53 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
committed Details | Review
turnPointBubble: Do not include instruction (3.20 KB, patch)
2014-10-30 12:54 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
committed Details | Review
Animate going to turnPoint (2.50 KB, patch)
2014-10-30 12:54 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
committed Details | Review
sidebar: Press route distance to show whole route (3.14 KB, patch)
2014-10-30 12:54 UTC, Jonas Danielsson
none Details | Review

Description Jean-François Fortin Tam 2014-09-25 02:27:19 UTC
It should leave me zoomed at whatever zoom I was, or auto-set an appropriate zoom level.

The problem is that this would warrant also having a "Reset zoom" button in the case you want to have the global view easily again.
Comment 1 Jonas Danielsson 2014-09-25 05:34:36 UTC
Created attachment 287036 [details] [review]
Do not change zoom when showing turnpoint markers

Thanks for creating this bug!

I tend to agree with you. I think that not altering the zoom level is the fix I want.

How about the behaviour with this patch?
Comment 2 Damián Nohales 2014-09-25 19:41:18 UTC
I don't know... user may want to have a more detailed view of a turn point. If I'm right and that is what user wants, then he needs to zoom in manually before or after press on an instruction list item.
Comment 3 Damián Nohales 2014-09-25 19:47:27 UTC
What it's true is that the current zoom when user press in an instruction list row is not enough to be useful (we cannot see a detailed view of the streets)
Comment 4 Jean-François Fortin Tam 2014-09-27 18:44:39 UTC
An alternative way to have both approaches simultaneously is that when you click one of the steps in the list of directions, it shows a GtkPopover showing a street-level minimap of that step, a temporary thing floating on top of the general map whose zoom doesn't change.
Comment 5 Jonas Danielsson 2014-09-30 06:25:15 UTC
Created attachment 287422 [details] [review]
turnPoints: Add mini map to turnPointbubbles
Comment 6 Jonas Danielsson 2014-09-30 06:32:43 UTC

So I think the effect of this is pretty cool. Note that you can also navigate in the mini map atm, do we want that?

Comment 7 Jonas Danielsson 2014-09-30 06:56:21 UTC
(Both patches are applied in the video)
Comment 8 Mattias Bengtsson 2014-09-30 07:21:02 UTC
Hm, yeah some way to get back to a map view that has the whole route in focus
would be good. The way to do this currently is to press some other way of
transportation and then back to your preferred one.

Adding to the above the problem with the current solution is that the map isn't
sufficiently zoomed in to actually view the selected turn (like Damián noted
above) and that the map is hidden behind a popover showing the same instruction
you just pressed.

I would do the following:

1) remove the instruction popover
2) add a small point marker where the turn is
3) zoom to z=16 with focus on the turn point (and do this with a transition)
4) find some good ui to re-focus on the whole route (I have an idea for this
when we get alternate routes).

I'm not very fond of adding a map inside the map like the above patch, even
though it looks cool. I feel it's a bit too much happening at the same time.

Would this solve your problem Jean-Francois?
Comment 9 Damián Nohales 2014-10-01 16:26:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Screencast:
> So I think the effect of this is pretty cool.

Yeah me too, what I like of this is that you can see the detailed turn point without loose the context of the whole route.

I think that with this approach we don't need to modify the zoom at all when user selects an instruction list row, we need to always set the zoom where the whole route is visible.

OTOH, isn't overheater to create and destroy so many GL context as we do with this approach? would be better to find some way to request Champlain the corresponding piece of map as a pixbuf to render it?

> Note that you can also navigate in the mini map atm, do we want that?

No, that's very ostentatious :)

> Thoughts?
Comment 10 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-08 08:03:20 UTC
Created attachment 288030 [details]
Screencast of having a 'show route' button.

So what about a show route overlay that appears when route is visible and route bbox is not completly visible?
Comment 11 Andreas Nilsson 2014-10-09 10:14:08 UTC
Looks good in general!
Not a super-big fan of the "Show Route" button in the map. I would rather have it as an action in the sidebar.
Perhaps as the Start point? (Continue seems to always show the same, but maybe that's just my searches?)
Or if that feels weird, perhaps as the "X km" button.
Comment 12 Dario Di Nucci 2014-10-09 10:31:35 UTC
Hello! I relly like the new turn point bubbles.
As Damiàn said please don't turn on the mini map as navigable. :)

I also like the "Show Route" button. I think that is easy to understand for the user.

I have also another idea:
1) Don't zoom but just show the bubble when an instruction is selected.
2) If the user clicks on the mini-map zoom in (removing the bubble) and show the "Show Route" button.
4) As the user clicks on the "Show Route" button, zoom back, remove the "Show Route" button and show the turnpoint bubble.
Comment 13 Mattias Bengtsson 2014-10-09 12:01:36 UTC
I like Andreas' idea to just put that on the start point (and beyond that the 4 points I made above).
Comment 14 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-09 12:12:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> Looks good in general!
> Not a super-big fan of the "Show Route" button in the map. I would rather have
> it as an action in the sidebar.
> Perhaps as the Start point? (Continue seems to always show the same, but maybe
> that's just my searches?)
> Or if that feels weird, perhaps as the "X km" button.

The problem with having it "as the Start point" is that if you have a lot of instructions the start point disappears and you need to scroll to see it.

Or am I misinterpreting what the start point means?
Comment 15 Mattias Bengtsson 2014-10-09 12:28:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> The problem with having it "as the Start point" is that if you have a lot of
> instructions the start point disappears and you need to scroll to see it.

Why is that a problem?

> Or am I misinterpreting what the start point means?

No that's the one. :)

Hm, thinking about this some more I think this would be so easy to design if we already did alternate routes since you would have to have some sort of way to choose the different routes in the sidebar anyways, and the default behaviour (if you clicked on a specific route) would be to just zoom to the bbox of that route.
Comment 16 Mattias Bengtsson 2014-10-09 12:33:47 UTC what we need is to have some ui element to click in the meanwhile. Preferably (to me) something that is already there, like the starting point. So that when we add alternatives later the UI wouldn't change too much.
Comment 17 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-09 12:42:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #16)
> what we need is to have some ui element to click in the meanwhile.
> Preferably (to me) something that is already there, like the starting point. So
> that when we add alternatives later the UI wouldn't change too much.

Well, my thinking is, the reason we want it is to have an easy way to get to the whole route while clicking around in the instruction-list, and if I am a bit down in the instruction list then I need to scroll and it's not that easy anymore.
Comment 18 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-09 13:11:28 UTC
Is it obvious that pressing the start will show the route? Can we provide some visual hint?
Comment 19 Andreas Nilsson 2014-10-09 13:18:51 UTC
Taking a step back, what is the case for seeing the entire map that is not satisfied by zooming out?
Could we make sure the route is centred while zooming out if it's in that mode?
I feel that would be a more elegant solution.
Comment 20 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-14 06:03:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> Taking a step back, what is the case for seeing the entire map that is not
> satisfied by zooming out?
> Could we make sure the route is centred while zooming out if it's in that mode?
> I feel that would be a more elegant solution.

Well, it could be several clicks to zoom out, that is one case against. Instead of having, such as Google Maps, a one-click-way to get back to a full view.

And I guess "that mode" might be tricky to define. Is it while there is a route somewhere on the map? Even if we are far from it where we are currently viewing? So if I scroll away, or search away, and try to zoom in, I get the route centered? Or is it while route is visible and we are X distance away?

It is a bit tricky. We do not have a really clean "routing mode".
Comment 21 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-30 12:53:57 UTC
Created attachment 289658 [details] [review]
mapView: Do not show turnPoint marker for stops
Comment 22 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-30 12:54:15 UTC
Created attachment 289659 [details] [review]
turnPointBubble: Do not include instruction

It feels redundant to have the instruction in the bubble
as well as on the line you just clicked.
Comment 23 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-30 12:54:22 UTC
Created attachment 289660 [details] [review]
Animate going to turnPoint

Set a linear transition and a fixed zoom for going to a
turning point.
Comment 24 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-30 12:54:28 UTC
Created attachment 289661 [details] [review]
sidebar: Press route distance to show whole route
Comment 25 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-30 12:56:59 UTC
Comment 26 Jonas Danielsson 2014-10-31 09:51:32 UTC
Review of attachment 289660 [details] [review]:

::: src/turnPointMarker.js
@@ +72,3 @@
+            Utils.once(view, 'animation-completed::go-to', (function() {
+                view.zoom_level = view.max_zoom_level - 2;

Jiri just changed the max zoom from 17 to 19 for our map source, so maybe this should be hardcoded as 16, or so, instead.
Comment 27 Jonas Danielsson 2014-11-01 13:56:36 UTC
Attachment 289658 [details] pushed as 8d299c0 - mapView: Do not show turnPoint marker for stops
Attachment 289659 [details] pushed as 65c850a - turnPointBubble: Do not include instruction
Attachment 289660 [details] pushed as 4d4f7d1 - Animate going to turnPoint