GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 731363
Callgraphs for C# only generated for methods inside the same class
Last modified: 2014-06-11 13:43:19 UTC
Original question on Stackoverflow: In detail: When running doxygen on a C# solution/project with graphviz installed, doxygen does not generate callgraphs for calls the leave the scope of a class. This is not a graphviz bug, since doxygen doesn't even generate the files for those calls/methods for graphviz, which shows in the logfile. Below is an easy testcode. In theory, there should be callgraphs showing that Class1.SomeOtherPublicMethod() is called by Class2.ConstructingClass1() and Class2.CallingAllPublicsOfClass1(), the last method also calls Class1.SomePublicMethod() which should show up as/inside a callgraph. Instead neither of the methods inside Class2 has any callgraph and the logfile shows no "Generating caller graph for function [...]" entry for those methods. public class Class1 { public void SomePublicMethod() { Refresh(); } public void SomeOtherPublicMethod() { SomePublicMethod(); } private void SomePrivateMethod() { SomeOtherPublicMethod(); Refresh(); } private static void Refresh() { } } public class Class2 { private Class1 test2; public void ConstructingClass1() { Class1 test = new Class1(); test.SomeOtherPublicMethod(); test2 = new Class1(); } public void CallingAllPublicsOfClass1() { test2.SomeOtherPublicMethod(); test2.SomePublicMethod(); } }
this was fixed by this commit