GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 728007
White column/row text
Last modified: 2014-04-11 16:36:40 UTC
1. New Gnumeric --> Observe that column/row names are black, except the selected which is red. 2. Load file, for example by picking a recent file. --> Observe that column/row names are white, except the selected which is red. ...on *some* machines. No valgrind events.
I have added debug code for this. Turn on with GNM_DEBUG=item-bar-style The problem exhibits itself just by starting Gnumeric. On my home machine I don't see the problem at all. Not with gtk+ 3.8.?, not with gtk+ 3.10.4, not with gtk+ 3.10.8. Not with any choice of gtk theme. Not with the win32 build either (but I have seen a complaint that someone else did see it a few months back). I get the debug info: Non-white item bar text Non-white item bar text Non-white item bar text Non-white item bar text Non-white item bar text Non-white item bar text On my work machine which has gtk+ 3.10.4 I always see the problem. I'll add the exact output tomorrow, but it starts with "White item bar text". We have no business ever getting white text there (unless something picks a theme with actual white text set).
At work: White item bar text White item bar text White item bar text White item bar text Non-white item bar text Non-white item bar text
Just seen that it does not happen from me if I first open a file from the command line, the file manager, or another program. It seems to just happen if we first open gnumeric with an empty new document.
I believe this is fixed now. Please confirm. Specifically I believe the problem was that when we replace a pristine workbook with a new one, we were getting the colours while the gui was insensitive.
Confirmed fixed.
This problem has been fixed in our software repository. The fix will go into the next software release. Thank you for your bug report.