GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 699297
Image Properties should prominently show Title and Comments
Last modified: 2021-06-19 08:46:03 UTC
Shotwell can save a "title" and "comments" in the image metadata. This can be seen in eog's Image Properties' Details tab, as Image Data: User Comment and XMP IPTC: dc:title[1] The Shotewell developers seem to have given some thought to what to use for title and comments. Assuming that they are indeed using appropriate metadata for this, it would make sense to show these commonly-used pieces of information more prominently, for instance in the General tab.
As there are several possibilities to save a comment in an image file, this will need some mechanism that implements a fallback through the various tags/metadata systems in the style of XMP -> Exif -> JPEG/PNG comment.
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