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Bug 670513 - Allow setting a color profile system-wide
Allow setting a color profile system-wide
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Color
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Hughes
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-02-21 07:03 UTC by Hernando Torque
Modified: 2012-02-21 19:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Hernando Torque 2012-02-21 07:03:25 UTC
Wishlist: I'd like to be able to set a color profile system-wide from the 'Color' page in g-c-c, because:

a. This seems to be a more common task on multi-user desktops than having different profiles for different users, and

b. On systems where all users use the same color profile, this would get rid of that unpleasant visual transition when logging in (switch to the profile after showing the "uncalibrated" background - at least that's what I get with Ubuntu's default LightDM greeter).

Ubuntu bug report:
Comment 1 Richard Hughes 2012-02-21 13:55:52 UTC
There's actually code in colord to support exactly this, but it never got added in 3.2 as we couldn't find a good place to put the button, or if the button should set just one device systemwide or all of them. Any ideas?
Comment 2 Richard Hughes 2012-02-21 16:31:49 UTC
(you can use a super-power user feature, by selecting the profile and pressing the menu button on your keyboard, but that's not going to be the way you do this long term)
Comment 3 Hernando Torque 2012-02-21 18:14:20 UTC
Oh, now that's what I call an easter egg! ;)

Setting all devices/profiles system-wide ("Make default what I see on the 'Color' page!") can be problematic, e.g.:

* Users U1 and U2. Monitors M1 and M2.
* U1 calibrates M1 and M2, applies configuration system-wide.
* U2 changes profile for M2.
* New monitor M3 arrives.
→ System-wide configuration would overwrite the other user's profile for monitor M2.

So, if a per-device setting is the goal, I'd probably place an "Apply Profile System-wide"-like button where the "Add profile" and "Calibrate..." buttons are when selecting a device:
Comment 4 Richard Hughes 2012-02-21 19:24:49 UTC
commit 2606d607b280666727811fb551ddbfee4edea3b5
Author: Richard Hughes <>
Date:   Tue Feb 21 19:23:26 2012 +0000

    color: Ensure the profile system-wide button is visible
Comment 5 Hernando Torque 2012-02-21 19:54:32 UTC
Functional and subtle, thanks! :-)