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Bug 667702 - Special paste undo error
Special paste undo error
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: GUI
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-01-11 16:01 UTC by S
Modified: 2012-01-11 18:59 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description S 2012-01-11 16:01:59 UTC
Using Gnumeric 1.10.17 on latest Ubuntu.

1. Open new sheet, go to A1, enter "=1+1".
2. Go to A2, enter "=1+1+1".
3. Copy cell A1.
4. Paste special into A2 value only.
5. A2 now contains "2".
6. Undo.
7. A2 now contains "3" instead of "=1+1+1".

This is obviously wrong.

8. Interestingly enough: do another undo, then a redo, and you will get "=1+1+1".

Comment 1 Morten Welinder 2012-01-11 18:59:55 UTC
This problem has been fixed in the development version. The fix will be available in the next major software release. Thank you for your bug report.