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Bug 652420 - GogThemes leaked
GogThemes leaked
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: Charting
git master
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Jean Bréfort
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-06-13 01:33 UTC by Andreas J. Guelzow
Modified: 2011-06-25 14:34 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

sample file (9.51 KB, application/gnumeric)
2011-06-13 01:33 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
gnumeric file showing the differences in gobjects (22.16 KB, application/gnumeric)
2011-06-17 18:36 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
object logs (135.90 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-17 18:49 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
new object logs (141.13 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-18 17:23 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
even newer object logs (137.94 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-19 20:59 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
liststore logs with and without... (1.47 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-19 21:37 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
liststore logs with and without (2.75 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-20 14:59 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
liststore "with" log using libunwind (54.35 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-20 18:24 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
Isolate model while constructing it (1.55 KB, patch)
2011-06-21 13:24 UTC, Morten Welinder
none Details | Review
liststore "with" log using libunwind with crazy patch (54.50 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-21 14:19 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
Potential workaround (1.12 KB, patch)
2011-06-21 19:18 UTC, Morten Welinder
none Details | Review
gtkcombobox trace (58.31 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-22 15:44 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow
ubuntu gtk patches (50.88 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-06-22 17:12 UTC, Andreas J. Guelzow

Description Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-13 01:33:45 UTC
Created attachment 189793 [details]
sample file

go_font_free: assertion `font->ref_count == 1' failed
Comment 1 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-13 01:35:22 UTC
Open the attached file 
Select the graph
Open its properties window
add a linear trendline to Series1

Three occurrences of:
** (gnumeric:15859): CRITICAL **: go_font_free: assertion `font->ref_count == 1' failed
Comment 2 Jean Bréfort 2011-06-13 07:33:27 UTC
I'm unable to replicate with latest git.
Comment 3 Morten Welinder 2011-06-13 13:03:36 UTC
Unable to reproduce with git as-of Friday.
Comment 4 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-13 16:53:37 UTC
Strange, it is 100% consistent for me with current git.
Comment 5 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-13 16:57:15 UTC
Breakpoint 1, go_font_free (font=0x8181ea0) at go-font.c:41
41		g_return_if_fail (font->ref_count == 1);
(gdb) p font->ref_count
$2 = 2
(gdb) p font
$3 = (GOFont *) 0x8181ea0
(gdb) p *font
$4 = {ref_count = 2, font_index = 2, desc = 0x817f980, underline = 0, 
  strikethrough = 0, color = 0}
(gdb) p font->desc
$5 = (PangoFontDescription *) 0x817f980
(gdb) p *font->desc
$6 = <incomplete type>
(gdb) c

** (/home/aguelzow/gnumeric/bin/gnumeric:7366): CRITICAL **: go_font_free: assertion `font->ref_count == 1' failed

Breakpoint 1, go_font_free (font=0x817ec30) at go-font.c:41
41		g_return_if_fail (font->ref_count == 1);
(gdb) p font->ref_count
$7 = 24
(gdb) c

** (/home/aguelzow/gnumeric/bin/gnumeric:7366): CRITICAL **: go_font_free: assertion `font->ref_count == 1' failed

Breakpoint 1, go_font_free (font=0x8181e58) at go-font.c:41
41		g_return_if_fail (font->ref_count == 1);
(gdb) p font->ref_count
$8 = 2
Comment 6 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-13 17:05:05 UTC
I can even get those messages in a simpler way:

Open the attached file 
Select the graph
Open its properties window
Comment 7 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-16 20:13:53 UTC
I see three occurrences of:
** (gnumeric:15859): CRITICAL **: go_font_free: assertion `font->ref_count ==
1' failed
also when using ./samples/excel12/chart-tests-excel.xlsx instead of the attached file.
Comment 8 Morten Welinder 2011-06-17 03:06:17 UTC
The refcount error means we leaked something.

It is likely a ref held by another object that is leaked in your configuration,
but not in mine.
Comment 9 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 04:13:36 UTC
2 of the three GOFonts that have problems with my setup are created through a call to go_style_set_font_desc by gog-theme.

The third one is apparently the main font (created initially and reffed and  unreffed a very large number of times), it seems to like to end with 24 refs.
Comment 10 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 04:17:57 UTC
The two gog-theme related fonts have a very short gog-theme history:

when they are created we have:

** (gnumeric:30520): WARNING **: created 0x9208fb8 = 1      (for the hash)

** (gnumeric:30520): WARNING **: ref added 0x9208fb8 = 2    (for the style used by the theme)

** (gnumeric:30520): CRITICAL **: go_font_free: assertion `font->ref_count == 1' failed    where it still has the 2 refs. 

So clearly the style used by the theme is leaking.
Comment 11 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 04:24:43 UTC
so in the theme initialization there are 25 new styles created. for two of them special fonts are used the remaining 23 have the default font associated wit them when the style is initially created.

This matches the extra references: 23 + 1 + 1 since at freeing time the fonts have 24 + 2 + 2 rather than the expected 1 + 1 + 1.

I would say that this would be a very unlikely coincidence.
Comment 12 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 04:33:01 UTC
The leak requires a graph properties dialog to be opened so the question is what happens with themes at that time?
Comment 13 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 05:27:44 UTC
Well the themes are loaded into the model for the combobox. That references the themes. Are we sure that the model gets deleted when we are done?
Comment 14 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 05:33:17 UTC
If I try to break in gog_theme_finalize then in the described actions,I never break.

If I skip the opening of the property dialog then we break when exiting.
Comment 15 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 07:08:40 UTC
When closing the graph guru, gtk_combo_box_dispose is called which should unref its model. Nevertheless, gtk_list_store_finalize is never called. as a consequence the themes are not unreffed and so hold onto the GOFonts.

This should be a gtk+ problem unless we are holding onto a reference to the list store (directly or indirectly).
Comment 16 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 18:36:22 UTC
Created attachment 190146 [details]
gnumeric file showing the differences in gobjects

This gnumeric file shows the differences in column B are objects left alive with the properties dialog that are new or have changed references. Column E are teh reference counts without the properties dialog.

Note that there are 3 GtkListStores, one of them will hold the references to the themes.
Comment 17 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-17 18:49:07 UTC
Created attachment 190148 [details]
object logs
Comment 18 Morten Welinder 2011-06-18 15:58:40 UTC
I see GOMarker leaks if I displays something that has a marker selector on
it.  I believe go_marker_palette_render_func leaks these.
Comment 19 Morten Welinder 2011-06-18 16:26:23 UTC
GOMarker and GtkBuilder leaks fixed.
Comment 20 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-18 17:23:09 UTC
Created attachment 190175 [details]
new object logs

What I see after these fixes. The GOFont warnings are still there too.
Comment 21 Morten Welinder 2011-06-19 00:20:52 UTC
We leak the styles in the theme because we leak the theme:

 - 0x9f9a200, GogTheme: refs=1
 - 0x9f9a120, GogTheme: refs=1
Comment 22 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 03:24:15 UTC
And I would think we are leaking the GogThemes because we are leaking the GtkListStore containing those GogThemes (and holding a reference to them):

one of:
 - 0xa64ad50, GtkListStore: refs=3
 - 0xb5605e88, GtkListStore: refs=3
 - 0xa51cf98, GtkListStore: refs=3

And they are probably leaked because the corresponding GtkComboBox is leaked:

 - 0xa52fb08, GtkComboBox: refs=3 name="GtkComboBox"
 - 0xa52fa20, GtkComboBox: refs=5 name="GtkComboBox"
 - 0xa52f938, GtkComboBox: refs=2 name="GtkComboBox"
Comment 23 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 03:27:48 UTC
although as mentioned earlier, gtk_combo_box_dispose is called which should unref
its model. It isn't clear why there are 3 refs to the ListStore where it shouldn't really ever have more than 2.
Comment 24 Morten Welinder 2011-06-19 13:02:44 UTC
 - 0xa51cf98, GtkListStore: refs=3

 ++ Created object 0xa62b990, GtkBuilder
 ++ Created object 0xa51ce98, GtkAdjustment
 ++ Created object 0xa51ced8, GtkAdjustment
 ++ Created object 0xa51cf18, GtkAdjustment
 ++ Created object 0xa51cf58, GtkAdjustment
 ++ Created object 0xa51cf98, GtkListStore      <--- That one
 ++ Created object 0xa64ad50, GtkListStore
 ++ Created object 0xa61b968, GtkHBox
 ++ Created object 0xa61b9c0, GtkVBox
 ++ Created object 0xa595428, GtkLabel
 ++ Created object 0x9fc6cf0, GtkAlignment
 ++ Created object 0xa553d30, GtkTable
 ++ Created object 0xa5954a8, GtkLabel
 ++ Created object 0xa595528, GtkLabel
 ++ Created object 0xa5955a8, GtkLabel
 ++ Created object 0xa518030, PangoContext
 ++ Created object 0xa595628, PangoLayout

That would appear to be created from a ui file with four adjustments
and two GtkListStore.  That is surely go-style-prefs.ui  The leaking
item looks like it's model1 which is attached to widget fill_type_menu.
Comment 25 Morten Welinder 2011-06-19 18:17:57 UTC
 - 0xa64ad50, GtkListStore: refs=3

That's the other one from the list above.  A wild guess is that the leak
is related to the size group and that it's unrelated to the theme leak.
Comment 26 Morten Welinder 2011-06-19 18:34:49 UTC
 - 0xb5605e88, GtkListStore: refs=3

Note, that the address doesn't look like the other addresses.  Normally
that would mean it's allocated from a different thread.

 ++ Created object 0xa4075b0, GtkArrow
 ++ Created object 0xa180f08, GtkWindow
 ++ Created object 0xa10c220, GtkMenu
 ++ Created object 0xa595328, GtkTreeViewColumn
 ++ Created object 0xa52f938, GtkComboBox
 ++ Created object 0xa152b98, GtkCellRendererText
 ++ Created object 0xa592570, GtkButton
 ++ Created object 0x9fc6dc0, GtkAlignment
 ++ Created object 0xa61b910, GtkHBox
 ++ Created object 0xa61c6f8, GtkImage
 ++ Created object 0xa5953a8, GtkLabel
 ++ Created object 0xb5605e88, GtkListStore    <--- That one
 ++ Created object 0xa5fed60, GOMarker
 ++ Created object 0xa63fe90, GogStyle
 -- Finalized object 0xa5fed60, GOMarker
 ++ Created object 0xa5fed80, GOMarker

This is likely the one we're interested in.
Comment 27 Morten Welinder 2011-06-19 18:41:30 UTC
New and improved
should show column types for GtkTreeModel leaks.  That should tell us
which list store it is.

After that, try
and you just might be told of all refs and unrefs.  If you compile with libunwind
you might even get stack traces.

In principle, that is -- I haven't actually tested any of this.
Comment 28 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 20:59:01 UTC
Created attachment 190229 [details]
even newer object logs

object logs with the new and improved gobject-list
Comment 29 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 21:03:14 UTC
After that, try
and you just might be told of all refs and unrefs.

Hmm, I translated that for me into the command:
GOBJECT_LIST_FILTER=GTK_LIST_STORE GOBJECT_LIST_DISPLAY=all LD_PRELOAD=~/git/gobject-list/ GNM_DEBUG=close-displays jhbuild run gnumeric

which shortens the "Still Alive" section to exactly 0 entries. And the entries prior are all "-- Finalized object (...)"
Comment 30 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 21:19:19 UTC
Okay, if I change this to:
LD_PRELOAD=~/git/gobject-list/ GNM_DEBUG=close-displays
jhbuild run gnumeric

then I get a long list of Finalized interspersed with:

 ++ Created object 0x88c7cc8, GtkListStore
 ++ Created object 0x88c7d08, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7d08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7cc8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 ++ Created object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 ++ Created object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 ++ Created object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 ++ Created object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 ++ Created object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 +  Reffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 +  Reffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 +  Reffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 +  Reffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 ++ Created object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5
 ++ Created object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore
 ++ Created object 0x8836418, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 6
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 7
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 8
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 9
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 10
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 11
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 15
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 15 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 19
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 19 -> 20
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 6
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 7
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 8
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 9
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 10
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 11
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 15
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 15 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 19
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 19 -> 20
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 20 -> 21
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 21 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 6
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 7
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 8
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 9
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 8
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 7
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 8
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 9
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 10
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 11
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 12
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 11
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 10
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 10
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 11
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 23
 +  Reffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 24
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 24 -> 23
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 23 -> 22
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 17
 +  Reffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 15
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 22 -> 21
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 21 -> 20
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 20 -> 19
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 19 -> 18
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 18 -> 17
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 17 -> 16
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 16 -> 15
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 15 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 11
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 10
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 9
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 8
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 7
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 6
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 5
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 4
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e26688, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 15 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 11
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 10
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 9
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 8
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 7
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 6
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 5
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 4
 -  Unreffed object 0x8836418, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 11
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 10
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 9
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 8
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 7
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 6
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 5
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 4
 -  Unreffed object 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7d08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7d08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x88c7d08, GtkListStore
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7cc8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7cc8, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x88c7cc8, GtkListStore
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x89c1098, GtkListStore
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x88c7f08, GtkListStore
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x89c0e90, GtkListStore
 -  Unreffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x89faa58, GtkListStore
 -  Unreffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
 -  Unreffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
 -  Unreffed object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
 -- Finalized object 0x89fa918, GtkListStore

Still Alive:
 - 0x8e26688, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray]
 - 0x8836418, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray]
 - 0x8e265c8, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray,GObject]

Considering that I am only opening a file, selecting the graph, open the properties dialog , cancel, close window, I am not sure what this liststore tango is about.
Comment 31 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 21:23:28 UTC
Hmm, just opening Gnuemric, bringing up then file open dialog, cancelling and then closing Gnumeric yields:

Still Alive:
 - 0x9519708, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray]
 - 0x93f3610, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray]
Comment 32 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 21:36:49 UTC

static void
hook_g_object_finalize (GObject *obj)
  char *typ = g_strdup (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (obj));
  G_LOCK (objects_lock);
  g_hash_table_remove (objects, obj);
  G_UNLOCK (objects_lock);
  real_g_object_finalize (obj);
  if (object_filter (typ))
      g_printerr (" -- Finalized object %p, %s\n", obj, typ);
      print_trace ();
  g_free (typ);

one gets rid of the finalize stuff.
Comment 33 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 21:37:52 UTC
Created attachment 190230 [details]
liststore logs with and without...

Hiding all toolbars seems to reduce clutter too.
Comment 34 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 21:40:59 UTC
This just doesn't look right:
 ++ Created object 0x9fabcd0, GtkListStore
 +  Reffed object 0x9fabcd0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 +  Reffed object 0x9fabcd0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5

How does the GtkListStore ref get to 3?

Note that the same happens also for the other two GtkListStores that leak!
Comment 35 Morten Welinder 2011-06-19 22:19:40 UTC
> How does the GtkListStore ref get to 3?

We only catch calls to ref and unref that the linker can see.  It is
possible that some calls within libgobject are not intercepted.
Comment 36 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-19 22:39:05 UTC
I just find is suspicious that of all the GtkListStores created the 3 that appear to start off with 3 visible refs are the once that are leaked.
Comment 37 Morten Welinder 2011-06-20 01:36:06 UTC
We might need to hook into g_object_ref_sink.
Comment 38 Morten Welinder 2011-06-20 14:26:12 UTC
New and improved
also hooks into g_object_ref_sink and, more importantly, the GValue
operations that involve GObjects.
Comment 39 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-20 14:59:20 UTC
Created attachment 190281 [details]
liststore logs with and without

These are the logs with respect to GtkListStore again with or without. We now don't have an initial skip to 3 at the beginning.

Nevertheless, considering that when I open the property dialog, the theme page is hidden, I find it very surprising that the GtkListStore in question shows so much ref/unref activity.
Comment 40 Morten Welinder 2011-06-20 16:51:35 UTC
The gui uses list-stores too, so you get a lot of noise.  However, if you
grep for 0x960e2a0 you get only 60 hits.  Any luck with libunwind?
Comment 41 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-20 17:26:48 UTC
For a list store that is just created, stuffed with 2 items and then never used 60 hits seem to be excessive for me.

How do I link with libunwind?
Comment 42 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-20 18:24:16 UTC
Created attachment 190304 [details]
liststore "with" log using libunwind
Comment 43 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-20 20:12:51 UTC
If in gog_graph_populate_editor I comment out:
		for (ptr = theme_names; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
			theme = gog_theme_registry_lookup (ptr->data);
			gtk_list_store_append (model, &iter);
			/* gtk_list_store_set (model, &iter, */
			/*                     0, gog_theme_get_local_name (theme), */
			/*                     1, theme, */
			/*                     -1); */
			/* if (strcmp (ptr->data, graph_theme_name) == 0) */
			/* 	index = count; */
		/* gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), index); */

		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo), "changed", G_CALLBACK (cb_theme_changed), graph);

the gtkliststore still leaks.

If I also comment out the gtk_list_store_append the leak disappears.

So the leak appears to be directly or indirectly caused by the gtk_list_store_append
Comment 44 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-20 20:23:57 UTC
We probably should be using gtk_list_store_insert_with_values instead of gtk_list_store_append followed by gtk_list_store_set since this will save a bunch of signals.

It doesn't seem to affect the leak though!
Comment 45 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 01:59:22 UTC
What is the precise gtk+ version here?  This has all the marks of a gtk+
Comment 46 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-21 04:03:51 UTC
Comment 47 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 13:23:39 UTC
I have 2.22.1.  The diffs from that to yours is mostly docs and renames.
I went through the whole thing and nothing stands out.

On a crazy hunch, please try building the model while not connected
anything.  The upcoming patch should do.  With this, I see...

Howdy 0xc393a0: 3
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
A 0xc393a0: 0 2
B 0xc393a0: 0 2
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
C 0xc393a0: 0 2
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
D 0xc393a0: 0 2
A 0xc393a0: 1 2
B 0xc393a0: 1 2
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
C 0xc393a0: 1 2
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
D 0xc393a0: 1 2
Howdy 0xc393a0: 2
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 3
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 6
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 7
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 7 -> 8
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 8 -> 9
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 10
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 10 -> 11
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 11 -> 12
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 12 -> 13
 +  Reffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 14
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 14 -> 13
 -  Unreffed object 0xc393a0, GtkListStore; ref_count: 13 -> 12
Comment 48 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 13:24:29 UTC
Created attachment 190363 [details] [review]
Isolate model while constructing it

Crazy patch.
Comment 49 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-21 14:19:24 UTC
Created attachment 190364 [details]
liststore "with" log using libunwind with crazy patch

with the crazy patch
Comment 50 Jean Bréfort 2011-06-21 14:26:33 UTC
May be ubuntu patched gtk+?
Comment 51 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-21 15:14:39 UTC

ubuntu uses the following list of patches:
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  1931 2011-04-13 16:36 001_static-linking-dont-query-immodules.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   738 2011-04-13 16:36 002_static-linking-dont-build-perf.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  2143 2011-04-13 16:36 003_gdk.pc_privates.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow 72279 2011-04-13 16:36 004_gtk+-ximian-gtk2-filesel-navbutton-5.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  2563 2011-04-13 16:36 005_support_disabling_x11_extensions.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  6562 2011-04-13 16:36 009_gtk-export-filechooser.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   541 2011-04-13 16:36 011_immodule-cache-dir.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  1519 2011-04-13 16:36 012_ubuntu-set-grab-add.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   644 2011-04-13 16:36 015_default-fallback-icon-theme.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   664 2011-04-13 16:36 022_disable-viqr-im-for-vi-locale.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  2802 2011-04-13 16:36 041_ia32-libs.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   666 2011-04-13 16:36 042_treeview_single-focus.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow 41902 2011-04-13 16:36 043_ubuntu_menu_proxy.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow 51132 2011-04-13 16:36 044_grips.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   469 2011-04-13 16:36 060_ignore-random-icons.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  3086 2011-04-13 16:36 062_dnd_menubar.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  3505 2011-04-13 16:36 063_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  1061 2011-04-13 16:36 064_gir_build_workaround.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  2861 2011-04-13 16:36 065_gir_set_packages.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   842 2011-04-13 16:36 071_no_offscreen_widgets_grabbing.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  3351 2011-04-13 16:36 072_indicator_menu_update.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow 10628 2011-04-13 16:36 091_bugzilla_tooltip_refresh.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  1146 2011-04-13 16:36 092_default_to_xdg_document_dir.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  3792 2011-04-13 16:36 093_gtk3_gtkimage_fallbacks_use.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  5408 2011-04-13 16:36 094_git_fileselector_error.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  2545 2011-04-13 16:36 095_git_menus_scrolling.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  2549 2011-04-13 16:36 096_git_gtkprintsettings.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow   927 2011-04-13 16:36 097_statusicon_image_fallback.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 aguelzow aguelzow  9229 2011-04-13 16:36 100_overlay_scrollbar_loading.patch

How does this list compare with debian?
Comment 52 Jean Bréfort 2011-06-21 15:30:14 UTC
Debian has:

Comment 53 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 16:54:24 UTC
As an experiment, I took the log from comment 49 and did:

    zgrep 0xa016a80 ~/Download/logfile.gz >~/aaa

together with my similar log:

    grep 0xc393a0 ~/eee2 | sed -e 's/0xc393a0/0xa016a80/' >~/bbb

(mapping my address for that GtkListStore into the Andreas' address.)

The interesting part is that the diffs are small:

$ diff -u ~/aaa  ~/bbb
--- /home/welinder/aaa	2011-06-21 12:47:53.644223000 -0400
+++ /home/welinder/bbb	2011-06-21 12:48:36.423398000 -0400
@@ -65,4 +65,7 @@
  -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 5
  -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 5 -> 4
  -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 3
- - 0xa016a80, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray,GObject]
+ -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
+ -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
+ -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
+ -- Finalized object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore

So the ref and unref sequences follow each other nicely.

I am going to try to create a little more textual context than this so I
can see which triple-unref is missing.
Comment 54 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 17:53:56 UTC

gunzip < ~/Download/logfile.gz | perl -ne 'if (/^#(\d+)/) { next if $1>1; s/ \+ \[.*\]//; }if (/0xa016a80/) { print "\n\n\n$_"; $p=1; next;} $p=0 if (/^ /); print if $p;' >~/lll
cat ~/eee2 | perl -ne 'if (/^#(\d+)/) { next if $1>1; s/ \+ \[.*\]//; } s/0xc39d30/0xa016a80/; if (/0xa016a80/) { print "\n\n\n$_"; $p=1; next;} $p=0 if (/^ /) ; print if $p;' >~/mmm

diff -u ~/lll ~/mmm
--- /home/welinder/lll	2011-06-21 13:37:46.970340000 -0400
+++ /home/welinder/mmm	2011-06-21 13:38:02.951343000 -0400
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
  +  Reffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 4 -> 5
 #0  g_object_ref
-#1  gtk_cell_view_set_model
+#1  gtk_combo_box_set_model
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
  +  Reffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 4
 #0  g_object_ref
-#1  gtk_cell_view_set_model
+#1  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
  +  Reffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 6 -> 7
 #0  g_object_ref
-#1  gtk_cell_view_set_model
+#1  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
  +  Reffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 9 -> 10
 #0  g_object_ref
-#1  gtk_cell_view_set_model
+#1  gtk_combo_box_set_model
@@ -383,4 +383,24 @@
- - 0xa016a80, GtkListStore: refs=3 cols=[gchararray,GObject]
+ -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
+#0  g_object_unref
+#1  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection
+ -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
+#0  g_object_unref
+#1  gtk_tree_row_reference_free
+ -  Unreffed object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
+#0  g_object_unref
+#1  gtk_tree_row_reference_free
+ -- Finalized object 0xa016a80, GtkListStore
+#0  hook_g_object_finalize
+#1  g_object_unref

The first few differences in who-called-ref/unref are probably just
due to static functions and lack of debug information around.
The three extra unrefs are the ones that make sure I do not have a leak.

Here are the stack traces for these:

 -  Unreffed object 0xc39d30, GtkListStore; ref_count: 3 -> 2
#0  g_object_unref + [0x0000008b]
#1  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection + [0x000025a6]
#2  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection + [0x00003fda]
#3  g_object_unref + [0x00000174]

 -  Unreffed object 0xc39d30, GtkListStore; ref_count: 2 -> 1
#0  g_object_unref + [0x0000008b]
#1  gtk_tree_row_reference_free + [0x0000005e]
#2  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection + [0x000025bb]
#3  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection + [0x00003fda]
#4  g_object_unref + [0x00000174]

 -  Unreffed object 0xc39d30, GtkListStore; ref_count: 1 -> 0
#0  g_object_unref + [0x0000008b]
#1  gtk_tree_row_reference_free + [0x00000067]
#2  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection + [0x000025bb]
#3  gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection + [0x00003fda]
#4  g_object_unref + [0x00000174]

Note: I only trust the items with a low offset in brackets, so the
latter two come from gtk_tree_row_reference_free.  Other than that
I don't trust it.
Comment 55 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 18:59:32 UTC
Updated stack traces:

  • #0 g_object_unref
    at gobject-list.c line 700
  • #1 gtk_combo_box_unset_model
    at gtkcombobox.c line 2453
  • #2 gtk_combo_box_finalize
    at gtkcombobox.c line 5488
  • #3 g_object_unref
    from /lib64/
  • #4 gtk_table_forall
    at gtktable.c line 935
  • #0 g_object_unref
    at gobject-list.c line 700
  • #1 IA__gtk_tree_row_reference_free
    at gtktreemodel.c line 2136
  • #2 gtk_combo_box_unset_model
    at gtkcombobox.c line 2459
  • #3 gtk_combo_box_finalize
    at gtkcombobox.c line 5488
  • #4 g_object_unref
    from /lib64/
  • #5 gtk_table_forall
    at gtktable.c line 935
  • #6 gtk_container_destroy
    at gtkcontainer.c line 1072
  • #0 g_object_unref
    at gobject-list.c line 700
  • #1 IA__gtk_tree_row_reference_free
    at gtktreemodel.c line 2137
  • #2 gtk_combo_box_unset_model
    at gtkcombobox.c line 2459
  • #3 gtk_combo_box_finalize
    at gtkcombobox.c line 5488
  • #4 g_object_unref
    from /lib64/
  • #5 gtk_table_forall
    at gtktable.c line 935

Comment 56 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 19:06:39 UTC
Hmm...   bugzilla butchered that one.

From your log it appears that the GtkComboBox is being leaked.
Hence it's not that strange that it doens't free its refs.
Comment 57 Morten Welinder 2011-06-21 19:18:28 UTC
Created attachment 190388 [details] [review]
Potential workaround
Comment 58 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-21 21:11:00 UTC
You are right. The GtkComboBox leaks and so of course its model. Your potential workaround appears to work fine (of course the GtkComboBox still leaks afterwards).

I think we should apply your workaround and probably also to the other two GtkComboBoxes whose models leak in this situation (and any other GtkComboBox that we are using).
Comment 59 Morten Welinder 2011-06-22 00:19:23 UTC
Workaround committed.

I don't see a reason to add workarounds for the other combos unless they
cause visible trouble.  Newer gtk+ unsets the model itself in the dispose
Comment 60 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-22 00:36:32 UTC
I guess then this can be considered fixed?
Comment 61 Morten Welinder 2011-06-22 01:39:47 UTC
I'd love to know why we leak the combo box.

Could you create a log with filter GtkComboBox, please?
Comment 62 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-22 15:44:58 UTC
Created attachment 190449 [details]
gtkcombobox trace
Comment 63 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-06-22 17:12:37 UTC
Created attachment 190456 [details]
ubuntu gtk patches
Comment 64 Morten Welinder 2011-06-25 14:34:06 UTC
Nothing stand out.  For now assume Ubuntu takes care of their bugs
eventually.  (And pigs fly.)