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Bug 635583 - Investment transaction created from Scheduled Transaction cannot be edited
Investment transaction created from Scheduled Transaction cannot be edited
Product: GnuCash
Classification: Other
Component: Scheduled Transactions
Other Windows
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Christian Stimming
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-11-23 05:27 UTC by Chris
Modified: 2018-06-29 22:48 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Chris 2010-11-23 05:27:53 UTC
Create a Scheduled Transaction to purchase a mutual fund for a fixed dollar amount.
The transactions created from this schedule always have $1 price, and the number of shares is equal to the scheduled amount. These transactions cannot be modified to correct price and shares. The price seems stuck at $1.
Comment 1 David Carlson 2012-03-19 21:48:08 UTC
I believe that I have further information for this bug.

Using GnuCash 2.4.10-1 in Windows 7 Pro SP1:

1. I allow the Scheduled Transactions feature create a stock purchase for a certain number of shares of a money market fund for $1.00 US per share price which I entered as the transaction was created by the Since Last Run assistant.

2.  Later I decide that the transaction was incorrect, it should have been for a different number of shares, in my case, at the same price.

3.  Starting form the Open Subaccounts view of the brokerage account, if I try to change the transaction, I can change the number of shares and the total purchase amount, but I cannot change the number of dollars transferred from the parent account.  The editor insists on creating an Imbalance amount instead of accepting my change to the correct transfer amount.

4.  Using the junp function to go to the direct parent account view of the same transaction, I see exactly the same behavior, where it will not let me correct the dollars transferred from the parent account, but again creating an imbalance entry.

5.  Again using the jump function to go the security account view of the same transaction, there I can change the number of dollars arriving from the parent account for the purchase and no imbalance entry is created.

6.  Staying in the security account view and continuing to try changing the share price, I find that changing the number of shares will change the total cost or changing the total cost will change the number of shares, but the price per share cannot be changed.

This is as Chris initially reported.
Comment 2 David Carlson 2012-03-20 05:32:02 UTC

7.  Changing back to the parent account view, I see that the dollar amount appears to be zero and it does not reduce the balance in the parent account.

8.  Create a new transaction from scratch in the security account view with the correct number of shares and dollar amount and transfer amount from the parent account.

9.  Jump to the parent account view of the transaction.  The transfer amount for the same transaction which was just created from scratch is the incorrect amount from the original scheduled transaction.

10.  Change the incorrect amount in the parent account view.  Finally everything is correct on the parent account side.  Note that the reconcile status matched the status in the bad transaction.

11.  Now delete the bad transaction.

12.  Return to the Security account view of the new replacement transaction.  Note that the number of shares and total number of dollars does not match what was visible in the parent account view of the same new replacement transaction.

13  Again correct the number of shares, the total dollars and the transfer amount of the new replacement transaction.

14. Return again to the parent account view of the replacement transaction.  It finally is correct.
Comment 3 David Carlson 2012-03-20 05:45:54 UTC
I forgot to mention that before step 8 I made an attempt to duplicate the offending transaction and found that it too was flawed.  That is why I proceeded to create a new transaction from scratch.

If I perform step 10 from the Security account view, I am prompted to verify the price per share and the transaction is correct in both views without further manipulation.

Tricky, isn't it.
Comment 4 John Ralls 2018-06-29 22:48:04 UTC
GnuCash bug tracking has moved to a new Bugzilla host. The new URL for this bug is Please continue processing the bug there and please update any external references or bookmarks.