GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 61490
gnome-lokkit uses insanely long messages unsuited for translation
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
#: src/newt.c:64 msgid "" "\n" "Firewall Configuration\n" "\n" " Red Hat Linux also offers you firewall protection\n" " for enhanced system security. A firewall sits\n" " between your computer and the network, and\n" " determines which resources on your computer remote\n" " users on the network are able to access. A\n" " properly configured firewall can greatly increase\n" " the out-of-the-box security of your system.\n" "\n" " Choose the appropriate security level for your\n" " system.\n" "\n" " High Security -- By choosing High Security, your\n" " system will not accept connections that are not\n" " explicitly defined by you. By default, only the\n" " following connections are allowed:\n" "\n" " * DNS replies\n" " * DHCP -- so any network interfaces that use\n" " DHCP can be properly configured.\n" "\n" " Using this High Security will not allow the\n" " following:\n" "\n" " * Active mode FTP (Passive mode FTP, used by\n" " default in most clients, should work fine.)\n" " * IRC DCC file transfers\n" " * RealAudio(tm)\n" " * Remote X Window System clients\n" "\n" " If you are connecting your system to the Internet,\n" " but do not plan to run a server, this is the\n" " safest choice. If additional services are needed,\n" " you can choose Customize to allow specific\n" " services through the firewall.\n" "\n" " Medium Security -- Choosing Medium Security will\n" " not allow your system to have access to certain\n" " resources. By default, access to the following\n" " resources are not allowed:\n" "\n" " * ports lower than 1023 -- these are the\n" " standard reserved ports, used by most system\n" " services, such as FTP, SSH, telnet, and HTTP.\n" " * NFS server port (2049)\n" " * the local X Window System display for remote X\n" " clients\n" " * the X Font server port (This is disabled by\n" " default in the font server.)\n" "\n" " If you want to allow resources such as\n" " RealAudio(tm), while still blocking access to\n" " normal system services, choose Medium Security.\n" " You can choose Customize to allow specific\n" " services through the firewall.\n" "\n" " No Firewall -- No firewall allows complete access\n" " and does no security checking. It is recommended\n" " that this only be selected if you are running on a\n" " trusted network (not the Internet), or if you plan\n" " to do more detailed firewall configuration later.\n" "\n" " Choose Customize to add trusted devices or to\n" " allow additional incoming interfaces.\n" #: src/newt.c:130 msgid "" "\n" "Firewall Customization\n" "\n" " Choose which trusted devices and incoming services\n" " should be allowed for your network security\n" " settings.\n" "\n" " Trusted Devices -- Checking these for any of your\n" " devices allows all traffic coming from that device\n" " to be allowed. For example, if you are running a\n" " local network, but are connecting to the Internet\n" " via a PPP dialup, you could check that eth0 is\n" " trusted to allow any traffic coming from your\n" " local network.\n" "\n" " It is not recommended to enable this for devices\n" " that are connected to public networks, such as the\n" " Internet.\n" "\n" " Allow Incoming -- Enabling these options allow the\n" " specified services to pass through the firewall.\n" " Note, during a workstation-class installation, the\n" " majority of these services are not present on the\n" " system.\n" "\n" " * DHCP -- This allows DHCP queries and replies,\n" " and allows any network interfaces that use\n" " DHCP to determine their IP address. DHCP is\n" " normally enabled.\n" " * SSH -- Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol for\n" " logging into and executing commands on remote\n" " machines. It provides secure encrypted\n" " communications. If you plan on accessing your\n" " machine remotely via SSH over a firewalled\n" " interface, enable this option. You need the\n" " openssh-server package installed for this\n" " option to be useful.\n" " * Telnet -- Telnet is a protocol for logging\n" " into remote machines. It is unencrypted, and\n" " provides little security from network snooping\n" " attacks. Enabling telnet is not recommended.\n" " You need the telnet-server package installed\n" " for this option to be useful.\n" " * WWW (HTTP) -- HTTP is the protocol used by\n" " Apache to serve Web pages. If you plan on\n" " making your Web server publicly available,\n" " enable this option. This option is not\n" " required for viewing pages locally or\n" " developing Web pages. You need the Apache\n" " package installed for this option to be\n" " useful.\n" " * Mail (SMTP) -- This allows incoming SMTP mail\n"" delivery. If you need to allow remote hosts to\n" " connect directly to your machine to deliver\n" " mail, enable this option. You do not need to\n" " enable this if you collect your mail from your\n" " ISP's server by POP3 or IMAP, or if you use a\n" " tool such as fetchmail. Note that an\n" " improperly configured SMTP server can allow\n" " remote machines to use your server to send\n" " spam.\n" " * FTP -- FTP is a protocol used for remote file\n" " transfer. If you plan on making your FTP\n" " server publicly available, enable this option.\n" " You need the wu-ftpd (and possibly anonftp)\n" " packages installed for this option to be\n" " useful.\n" " * Other ports -- You can specify that other\n" " ports not listed here be allowed through the\n" " firewall. The format to use is\n" " 'port:protocol'. For example, if you wanted to\n" " allow IMAP access through your firewall, you\n" " can specify 'imap:tcp'. You can also specify\n" " numeric ports explicitly; to allow UDP packets\n" " on port 1234 through, specify '1234:udp'. To\n" " specify multiple ports, separate them by\n" " commas.\n" The two messages above are ridiciously long, and that causes a lot of trouble for translators. The problems are twofold: First of all it is very hard to translate when you have to constantly scroll up and down several pages in your editor (remember, the po format is designed for including the original text and the translation in the same document, so it's nice if the original text and the translation both fit in a screenful of editor window). The other problem is more serious. Gettext uses something called fuzzymatching and fuzzymarking when the original message is changed (can be anything from a typo that was fixed, an uppercase-lowercase change, or large parts of the message rewritten). Messages that have had their original text changed are marked "fuzzy" so that the translator can update its translation accordingly. However, there is no other indication on a fyzzy-marked message of what in the message that was changed. On a small or normal-sized message it is usually trivial or at least easy to spot what was changed, but when the messages are ridiciously large like this, it becomes a large obstacle and near impossible. Gettext was simply not designed to deal with messages that are complete short stories. Proposed solution: Split up the messages above into multiple messages (multiple gettext calls). Something like one message per paragraph is probably a good strategy.
Splitting the string up makes the code a lot uglier. I appreciate there are problems but 1. diff will tell you what changed in a text 2. that text should very very rarely change I think this is a tool problem not a lokkit one.
Have you tried using diff on a po file? A po file is not source code, it's more like a flat text file key-value database, and diffs become so cluttered with "changes" that they are hardly useful at all. Combined with the fact that gnome-lokkit uses gettext, gettext is the tool to use for gnome-lokkit, and that hardly no other software I have ever encountered has these insanely long messages, I find it really difficult to believe that this is anything other than a problem with gnome-lokkit. True, the proposed changes will require changes to your source code that maybe won't look pretty to code purists, but I can hardly see that as an argument for making life a hell for translators. suggested the following: msg = g_strconcat (_("part 1"), _("part 2"), ..., _("part n"), NULL); g_free (msg); I dont find that ugly at all.
Another thing that makes the life easier for the translator is to use automatic line wrapping. In the case of a gtk label, you can set it to use automatic line wrapping. Incidentally, this also makes the life easier for the visually impaired user that uses a big font, because his window now fits the screen. This may or may not apply to a console application.
This isnt all a gtk application, and yes I have used awk/diff/patch on long and short strings in .po files. I've not really had a problem
The i18n problem isn't resolved...
Closed. Period. As maintainer I'm making a final ruling. If you dont like it fine
Fine with me then. But isn't "WONTFIX" a more appropriate resolution? It is a bug, but one that won't be fixed.