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Bug 606878 - [apexsink] crashes when changing volume in rhythmbox
[apexsink] crashes when changing volume in rhythmbox
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: gst-plugins-bad
Other Solaris
: Normal critical
: 0.10.18
Assigned To: Tim-Philipp Müller
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 606949
Reported: 2010-01-13 17:14 UTC by Christian Thalinger
Modified: 2010-01-27 15:21 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Christian Thalinger 2010-01-13 17:14:49 UTC
Well, this one is a bit of a problem and I thought long about where to file that bug.

I'm running OpenSolaris and I'm using Rhythmbox and gstreamer provided by the distribution.  Since OpenSolaris does not ship non-free software, I built the gst-plugins-bad myself and installed the apexsink library.  This worked for some time but it broke with one of the OpenSolaris builds, but I can't remember which one (I could find out if required).

Asking the OpenSolaris guys won't be very much help I guess since I'm using non-supported software, so I'm asking here for help.

To reproduce bug I just have to use the apexsink as musicaudiosink and press on the volume symbol in Rhythmbox.  It also crashes when doing:

$ rhythmbox-client --volume-up

Here is a stacktrace of the core:

$ pstack core
core 'core' of 15541:	rhythmbox
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 c9a648ef strchr   (807c1f0, 3fbe8bb1, 8679388, 1) + f
 c8473700 g_object_set_valist (90a1220, c346923c, 8045df8, c84742e0) + 22c
 c847430d g_object_set (90a1220, c346923c, d72571db, 3fbe8bb1, 0, 3c) + 39
 c344a926 gst_play_sink_set_volume (8eac018, d72571db, 3fbe8bb1, c3443d1a) + d2
 c3443e9b gst_play_bin_set_property (8eaa178, 11, 8045f70, 8f56ad8) + 19b
 c8473b62 g_object_set_valist (8eaa178, c89f604c, 8046018, c84742e0) + 68e
 c847430d g_object_set (8eaa178, c89f604c, d72571db, 3fbe8bb1, 0, 0) + 39
 c89efdbc gst_stream_volume_set_volume (8eaa178, 1, 20000000, 3fdf81f8) + 70
 c9865704 set_playbin_volume (8131418, 3efc0fc1, 8046098, c9865c09) + a4
 c9865c62 impl_set_volume (8131418, 3efc0fc1, 80460b8, c9861ab2) + 72
 c9861acc rb_player_set_volume (8131418, 3efc0fc1, 1, 0) + 30
 c97ff38a rb_shell_player_sync_volume (816e800, 0, 1, c97fcf9e) + 106
 c97fd1e4 rb_shell_player_set_property (816e800, 7, 8046210, 8214218) + 260
 c8473b62 g_object_set_valist (816e800, c989a094, 80462b8, c84742e0) + 68e
 c847430d g_object_set (816e800, c989a094, 1f81f820, 3fdf81f8, 0, c99cc458) + 39
 c97fb739 rb_shell_volume_widget_changed_cb (8311828, 1f81f820, 3fdf81f8, 81a5000) + 41
 c84875da g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE (8314048, 0, 2, 8b27b40, 8046458, 0) + 6a
 c846f63a g_closure_invoke (8314048, 0, 2, 8b27b40, 8046458, ffffffff) + d6
 c8485c2c signal_emit_unlocked_R (8305358, 0, 8311828, 0, 8b27b40, 8311828) + d94
 c8484a88 g_signal_emit_valist (8311828, 1a6, 0, 804664c) + 9c8
 c8484c89 g_signal_emit (8311828, 1a6, 0, 1f81f820, 3fdf81f8, c84ab398) + 25
 c91dff4e gtk_scale_button_scale_value_changed (8313090, 816b038, 0, c8486e9e) + 4e
 c8486eef g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (816fa98, 0, 1, 8cbf6b0, 8046828, c91dff00) + 5f
 c846f92a g_type_class_meta_marshal (816fa98, 0, 1, 8cbf6b0, 8046828, 174) + 46
 c846f63a g_closure_invoke (816fa98, 0, 1, 8cbf6b0, 8046828, 96be970) + d6
 c8486551 signal_emit_unlocked_R (8082438, 0, 8313090, 0, 8cbf6b0, 8313090) + 16b9
 c8484a88 g_signal_emit_valist (8313090, 132, 0, 8046a1c) + 9c8
 c8484c89 g_signal_emit (8313090, 132, 0, c91c08f0) + 25
 c91c0aa9 gtk_range_adjustment_value_changed (8296708, 8313090, 8046b08, c8486e9e) + 1c9
 c8486eef g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (8314768, 0, 1, 8cbf3c0, 8046c48, 0) + 5f
 c846f63a g_closure_invoke (8314768, 0, 1, 8cbf3c0, 8046c48, 1) + d6
 c8485c2c signal_emit_unlocked_R (8193278, 0, 8296708, 0, 8cbf3c0, 8296708) + d94
 c8484a88 g_signal_emit_valist (8296708, 131, 0, 8046e3c) + 9c8
 c8484c89 g_signal_emit (8296708, 131) + 25
 c90c0a76 gtk_adjustment_value_changed (8296708, 8192408, 8046e68, c90c0278) + 3e
 c90c02cd gtk_adjustment_set_value (8296708, 1f81f820, 3fdf81f8, c91c1fa9) + 6d
 c91c20eb gtk_range_real_change_value (8313090, 1, 1f81f820, 3fdf81f8, 816b038, c84ab398) + 14f
 c9181a45 _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__ENUM_DOUBLE (8173898, 8047050, 3, 9218b50, 8047078, c91c1f9c) + 81
 c846f92a g_type_class_meta_marshal (8173898, 8047050, 3, 9218b50, 8047078, 184) + 46
 c846f63a g_closure_invoke (8173898, 8047050, 3, 9218b50, 8047078, 96be970) + d6
 c8486551 signal_emit_unlocked_R (81704b8, 0, 8313090, 80471c0, 9218b50, 14) + 16b9
 c8484882 g_signal_emit_valist (8313090, 135, 0, 804726c) + 7c2
 c8484c89 g_signal_emit (8313090, 135, 0, 1, 1f81f820, 3fdf81f8) + 25
 c91bff9f update_slider_position (8313090, 1, 32, 32) + 157
 c91c012d gtk_range_button_release (8313090) + c9
 c91dfd0e gtk_scale_button_scale_release (8313090, 8c54290) + 86
 c9181692 _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED (80d5fe8, 80474f0, 2, 8b25e78, 8047518, c91dfc88) + 76
 c846f92a g_type_class_meta_marshal (80d5fe8, 80474f0, 2, 8b25e78, 8047518, b4) + 46
 c846f63a g_closure_invoke (80d5fe8, 80474f0, 2, 8b25e78, 8047518, 96be950) + d6
 c8486551 signal_emit_unlocked_R (81503d8, 0, 8313090, 8047660, 8b25e78, 14) + 16b9
 c8484882 g_signal_emit_valist (8313090, 3b, 0, 804770c) + 7c2
 c8484c89 g_signal_emit (8313090, 3b, 0, 8c54290, 804772c, 826ec80) + 25
 c929b116 gtk_widget_event_internal (8313090, 8c54290, 8047758, c929acc4) + 246
 c929ad59 gtk_widget_event (8313090, 8c54290, 8047798, c91800cd) + ad
 c918014a gtk_propagate_event (8313090, 8c54290, 80477c8, c917ec3a) + 9a
 c917ef9e gtk_main_do_event (8c54290, 0, 8047808, c94d3585) + 372
 c94d35ba gdk_event_dispatch (8161200, 0, 0, c9924d28) + 5a
 c9924eee g_main_context_dispatch (8150f68, 0, 871ae88, 9) + 262
 c992559f g_main_context_iterate (8150f68, 1, 1, 8065ea0) + 483
 c9925bc9 g_main_loop_run (8c425b0, c93dfbe8, 8047978, c917e8d0) + 1dd
 c917e8db gtk_main (80479a0, 8296788, 0, 1, 29, c9b8afcc) + b7
 080545fd main     (1, 80479d4, 80479dc, 80530bf) + 4cd
 0805311d _start   (1, 8047ae8, 0, 819afe4, 8047b3a, 8047b7c) + 7d
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
 c9aefd19 __lwp_park (8c6f250, 81d90c8) + 19
 c9ae931d cond_wait_queue (8c6f250, 81d90c8, 0, c9ae9846) + 60
 c9ae98be __cond_wait (8c6f250, 81d90c8, c69bee78, c9ae9903) + 86
 c9ae9911 cond_wait (8c6f250, 81d90c8, 0, c9ae9944) + 24
 c9ae9959 pthread_cond_wait (8c6f250, 81d90c8, c69beee8, c98fc202) + 21
 c98fc2f5 g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (81d9168, 0, 0, c98fc372) + 101
 c98fc3c7 g_async_queue_pop (81d9168, 8ccdc90, 8b15c28, c984c509) + 63
 c984c223 action_thread_main (820f038, 8c5de90, 200, c994d1de) + 93
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (8c5de90, c9b83000, c69befe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa0a00) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa0a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 12 / thread# 12  --------------------
 c9af3cb5 __nanosleep (c357de60, c357de68, 8eb0010, c994fd36) + 15
 c994fd6d g_usleep (186a0, 8ca10b8, c357df88, c11879d1) + 45
 c11882f1 gst_ximagesink_event_thread (8eb0010, 8c96b60, 200, c994d1de) + 93d
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (8c96b60, c9b83000, c357dfe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa1a00) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa1a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 14 / thread# 14  --------------------
 c9aefd19 __lwp_park (8ec2340, 920c450) + 19
 c9ae931d cond_wait_queue (8ec2340, 920c450, 0, c9ae9846) + 60
 c9ae98be __cond_wait (8ec2340, 920c450, c0e0e878, c9ae9903) + 86
 c9ae9911 cond_wait (8ec2340, 920c450, c0e0e8b8, c9ae9944) + 24
 c9ae9959 pthread_cond_wait (8ec2340, 920c450, c0e0e8b8, c8a25a6a) + 21
 c8a25ae2 gst_base_sink_wait_preroll (90a1220, c0e0e944, ac44, 3b9aca00) + 86
 c10da64b gst_base_audio_sink_render (90a1220, 8c62640, c0e0eab8, c8a28841) + 1d23
 c8a288ea gst_base_sink_render_object (90a1220, 94190c8, 0, 8c62640) + 222
 c8a2a2a7 gst_base_sink_queue_object_unlocked (90a1220, 94190c8, 0, 8c62640, 1, 2a) + 2a7
 c8a2b188 gst_base_sink_chain_unlocked (90a1220, 94190c8, 0, 8c62640) + 468
 c8a2b3c8 gst_base_sink_chain_main (90a1220, 94190c8, 0, 8c62640) + 130
 c8a2b428 gst_base_sink_chain (94190c8, 8c62640, c0e0ec28, c85360f2) + 34
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (94190c8) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9197d40, 1, 8c62640, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9197d40, 8c62640, e0000, c851e58c, 9460dc8) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (9460dc8, 8c62640, c0e0ed08, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9460dc8) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8cee9d0, 1, 8c62640, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8cee9d0, 8c62640, e0000, c851e58c, 8f60008) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (8f60008, 8c62640, c0e0ede8, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f60008) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f5fcb0, 1, 8c62640, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f5fcb0, 8c62640, c0e0eec8, c11c4267) + 5c
 c11c4344 gst_queue_loop (8f5fcb0, 8c03e40, 8f5fcb0, c855d82f) + 5e0
 c855da61 gst_task_func (96cfb60, 8b1a760, c0e0ef48, c855ec3a) + 255
 c855ec5a default_func (8b1a760) + 2e
 c994e953 g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (8079f28, 8c03e40, 200, c994d1de) + c3
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (8c03e40, c9b83000, c0e0efe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa2200) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa2200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 29 / thread# 29  --------------------
 c9af49e5 __pollsys (8c5da00, 8, 0, 0, c7aa3a00, c9b83000) + 15
 c9a98814 poll     (8c5da00, 8, ffffffff, c99332a4, 8cafe04) + 4c
 c99332bc g_poll   (8c5da00, 8, ffffffff, c992512a) + 24
 c9925565 g_main_context_iterate (8cafe00, 1, 1, 93ae4d0) + 449
 c9925bc9 g_main_loop_run (8c8bdd0, 0, 0, c822e672) + 1dd
 c822e687 link_io_thread_fn (0, 93ae4d0, 200, c994d1de) + 1f
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (93ae4d0, c9b83000, c0b11fe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa3a00) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa3a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 31 / thread# 31  --------------------
 c9aefd19 __lwp_park (8ef6720, 93632c8) + 19
 c9ae931d cond_wait_queue (8ef6720, 93632c8, 0, c9ae9846) + 60
 c9ae98be __cond_wait (8ef6720, 93632c8, c0913ea8, c9ae9903) + 86
 c9ae9911 cond_wait (8ef6720, 93632c8, 8f66960, c9ae9944) + 24
 c9ae9959 pthread_cond_wait (8ef6720, 93632c8, 9355d88, c855d82f) + 21
 c855d9d8 gst_task_func (8f98bb8, 912b498, c0913f48, c855ec3a) + 1cc
 c855ec5a default_func (912b498) + 2e
 c994e953 g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (8079f28, 8f66960, 200, c994d1de) + c3
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (8f66960, c9b83000, c0913fe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa4a00) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa4a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 128 / thread# 128  --------------------
 c9aefd19 __lwp_park (8e293b8, 8c0a4c8) + 19
 c9ae931d cond_wait_queue (8e293b8, 8c0a4c8, 0, c9ae9846) + 60
 c9ae98be __cond_wait (8e293b8, 8c0a4c8, c0a115e8, c9ae9903) + 86
 c9ae9911 cond_wait (8e293b8, 8c0a4c8, 0, c9ae9944) + 24
 c9ae9959 pthread_cond_wait (8e293b8, 8c0a4c8, 0, c11c2f7c) + 21
 c11c34ef gst_queue_chain (8f5fbe8, 8c721e0, c0a116c8, c85360f2) + 593
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f5fbe8) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f5fd78, 1, 8c721e0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f5fd78, 8c721e0, 81a3970, c11c7a3a) + 5c
 c11c7dfb gst_tee_handle_data (81a3970, 8c721e0, 0, c11c8012) + 3cf
 c11c806c gst_tee_chain (8f5fb20, 8c721e0, c0a11868, c85360f2) + 84
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f5fb20) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f601d8, 1, 8c721e0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f601d8, 8c721e0, e0000, c851e58c, 8ceeb80) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (8ceeb80, 8c721e0, c0a11948, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8ceeb80) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f5f990, 1, 8c721e0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f5f990, 8c721e0, 1c271a1f, 2b) + 5c
 c8a3e205 gst_base_transform_chain (8f5f8c8, 8c721e0, c0a11a48, c85360f2) + 17d
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f5f8c8) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f5f800, 1, 8c721e0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f5f800, 8c721e0, 1c271a1f, 2b) + 5c
 c8a3e205 gst_base_transform_chain (8966718, 92159a0, c0a11b48, c85360f2) + 17d
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8966718) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8ceeaa8, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8ceeaa8, 92159a0, e0000, c851e58c, 8f600f0) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (8f600f0, 92159a0, c0a11c28, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f600f0) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8ceec58, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8ceec58, 92159a0, e0000, c851e58c, 8f602c0) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (8f602c0, 92159a0, c0a11d08, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f602c0) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f90f08, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f90f08, 92159a0, 1c271a1f, 2b) + 5c
 c8a3e205 gst_base_transform_chain (8f90e40, 92159a0, c0a11e08, c85360f2) + 17d
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f90e40) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8966588, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8966588, 92159a0, 1c271a1f, 2b) + 5c
 c8a3e205 gst_base_transform_chain (8f90d78, 92159a0, c0a11f08, c85360f2) + 17d
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f90d78) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f8a100, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f8a100, 92159a0, e0000, c851e58c, 8f93238) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (8f93238, 92159a0, c0a11fe8, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f93238) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f98010, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f98010, 92159a0, 81a3dc0, c11c7a3a) + 5c
 c11c7dfb gst_tee_handle_data (81a3dc0, 92159a0, 0, c11c8012) + 3cf
 c11c806c gst_tee_chain (8f90a58, 92159a0, c0a12188, c85360f2) + 84
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (8f90a58) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9197c68, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9197c68, 92159a0, e0000, c851e58c, 9460ce0) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (9460ce0, 92159a0, c0a12268, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9460ce0) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9419000, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9419000, 92159a0, 1c271a1f, 2b) + 5c
 c345e0d3 gst_selector_pad_chain (91384e8, 92159a0, c0a12388, c85360f2) + 7a7
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (91384e8) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9460bf8, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9460bf8, 92159a0, e0000, c851e58c, 9197b90) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (9197b90, 92159a0, c0a12468, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9197b90) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8eb43e0, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8eb43e0, 92159a0, e0000, c851e58c, 9197ab8) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (9197ab8, 92159a0, c0a12548, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9197ab8) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9442710, 1, 92159a0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9442710, 92159a0, ac44, 8) + 5c
 c0f87876 gst_mad_chain (9442648, 8eb4ad0, c0a127a8, c85360f2) + 13ba
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9442648) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (94420d0, 1, 8eb4ad0, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (94420d0, 8eb4ad0, c0a12868, c9ae81e6) + 5c
 c0fd48cd gst_mp3parse_emit_frame (0, 1, 1bb1, 0) + 711
 c0fd6237 gst_mp3parse_chain (9442008, 9215a90, c0a12ad8, c85360f2) + edb
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9442008) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9222990, 1, 9215a90, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9222990, 9215a90, c0a12bc8, c57cbb4a) + 5c
 c57cc8fb gst_tag_demux_chain (9222f08, 9215a90, c0a12c18, c85360f2) + dcb
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9222f08) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9222e40, 1, 9215a90, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9222e40, 9215a90, c0a12cc8, c11ca9f2) + 5c
 c11caa32 gst_type_find_element_chain (9222d78, 9215a90, c0a12d18, c85360f2) + 5a
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9222d78) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (8f83b90, 1, 9215a90, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (8f83b90, 9215a90, e0000, c851e58c, 9323238) + 5c
 c851e5ab gst_proxy_pad_do_chain (9323238, 9215a90, c0a12df8, c85360f2) + 2b
 c853657d gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (9323238) + 499
 c8536ebd gst_pad_push_data (9222cb0, 1, 9215a90, c8536fe3) + 481
 c8537004 gst_pad_push (9222cb0, 9215a90, 79c000, 0) + 5c
 c8a373e9 gst_base_src_loop (9222cb0, 93b2fb8, 9222cb0, c855d82f) + 6a1
 c855da61 gst_task_func (8262c80, 8ffafc8, c0a12f48, c855ec3a) + 255
 c855ec5a default_func (8ffafc8) + 2e
 c994e953 g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (8079f28, 93b2fb8, 200, c994d1de) + c3
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (93b2fb8, c9b83000, c0a12fe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa4200) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa4200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 201 / thread# 201  --------------------
 c9aefd19 __lwp_park (8e7fa40, 920c4f0) + 19
 c9ae931d cond_wait_queue (8e7fa40, 920c4f0, 0, c9ae9846) + 60
 c9ae98be __cond_wait (8e7fa40, 920c4f0, c0c10ee8, c9ae9903) + 86
 c9ae9911 cond_wait (8e7fa40, 920c4f0, c0c10f50, c9ae9944) + 24
 c9ae9959 pthread_cond_wait (8e7fa40, 920c4f0, c0c10f48, c0c10f4c) + 21
 c10e0693 audioringbuffer_thread_func (9460eb0, 96882d0, 200, c994d1de) + 473
 c994d303 g_thread_create_proxy (96882d0, c9b83000, c0c10fe8, c9aef9de) + 133
 c9aefa33 _thrp_setup (c7aa3200) + 9b
 c9aefcc0 _lwp_start (c7aa3200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Comment 1 Wim Taymans 2010-01-14 10:45:07 UTC
It has a volume property of type int instead of the expected float. I'll try to make playbin more tolerant to that.
Comment 2 Wim Taymans 2010-01-14 11:51:30 UTC
This should fix it. The next step is to make sure playsink checks the property type before using it.

commit 9356b9df101dcad36430e300b1c3b1192869d6ce
Author: Wim Taymans <>
Date:   Thu Jan 14 12:47:15 2010 +0100

    apexsink: change volume property to a double
    Change the volume property from int to a double so that playbin2 can use it.
    Keep the volume internally as a percent for now with the default 75% mapped to
    a volume of 1.0.
    some cleanups, add some FIXME and comments.
    Fixes #606878
Comment 3 Christian Thalinger 2010-01-14 13:48:51 UTC
Wow, that was quick.  Thanks!
Comment 4 Christian Thalinger 2010-01-14 14:50:43 UTC
The fix works, thank you again for that.  But the sink volume is now lower than before and I can't change it.  I usually used to set volume=90 as apexsink option but I tried several values and it does not change.
Comment 5 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2010-01-24 21:45:30 UTC
Christian, you would now need to set it as e.g. volume=1.2.
Comment 6 Christian Thalinger 2010-01-27 15:21:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Christian, you would now need to set it as e.g. volume=1.2.

It's weird.  Setting the volume works, yes, and it's very loud then, but when I change the volume in Rhythmbox to 100% it's lower than before.

Another odd (and annoying) thing is that when I start to play a song it's always at 100% volume (the 100% with volume=1.2, means louder than Rhythmbox' 100%), regardless of what volume setting I have in Rhythmbox.