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Bug 600227 - maximized terminal closes when closing a maximized window which is over it
maximized terminal closes when closing a maximized window which is over it
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 599181
Product: metacity
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Metacity maintainers list
Metacity maintainers list
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-10-31 14:39 UTC by mmonaco27
Modified: 2010-05-24 04:16 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description mmonaco27 2009-10-31 14:39:07 UTC
This doesn't happen every time for me, but to reproduce:

1) Open gnome-terminal
2) Maximize terminal
3) Open another window (like firefox or gedit)
4) Maximize it
5) close the new window by pressing the 'x'
6) the terminal will close unexpectedly

I do not know if this is a more general bug with metacity or something like that, or what really triggers it, however the only thing I've noticed  this with is gnome-terminal. I've noticed it with firefox, thunderbird, and gedit on top.

I'm running on Arch linux.
Comment 1 Christian Persch 2009-10-31 15:57:33 UTC
Not reproducible here.

Anyway, the X button is handled by the window manager; -> metacity

Please also specify the exact version number of gnome-terminal and metacity.
Comment 2 Benjamin BELLEC 2010-04-16 09:04:00 UTC
Bug still present in Fedora 13 Beta.

I have this bug on two PC (one x86 and one x86_64, both with ATI free drivers).
Comment 3 mmonaco27 2010-05-24 04:16:08 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 599181 ***