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Bug 546497 - qtdemux cannot handle .mov file with multiple gif based streams
qtdemux cannot handle .mov file with multiple gif based streams
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: gst-plugins-good
git master
Other All
: Normal normal
: git master
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-08-06 01:16 UTC by Gregory Simonian
Modified: 2018-11-03 14:38 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.21/2.22

Description Gregory Simonian 2008-08-06 01:16:39 UTC
Please describe the problem:
I am trying to play a movie ( ) which is apparently a .mov encoded as a GIF with audio. I downloaded the video and tried to play it in Totem, but I instead got a "Could not decode stream" error. I have all of the codecs installed and the problem was confirmed by #gstreamer on FreeNode. I tried playing the file on Windows using Quicktime, and it played perfectly, so it couldn't be a problem with the file.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Download
2. Open using Totem

Actual results:
A very brief frame of the video displays then Totem gives a "Could not decode stream" error.

Expected results:
Ideally, the whole video should play correctly. However, #gstreamer informed me that there's no decoder for the audio. However, the movie should at least display.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
I've tried playing it with Totem, Mplayer, and VLC. Totem doesn't work. Mplayer only plays about 20 seconds of the movie. And VLC gets the length of the movie, but doesn't actually play anything.
Comment 1 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2008-08-06 06:54:58 UTC
There are indee a bunch of complaints from qtdemux:
unknown QuickTime node type QDMC
unknown QuickTime node type gif 
unknown QuickTime node type WLOC
unknown QuickTime node type \xa9cpy

codein don't know about this either:
gst_pb_utils_get_codec_description: No description available for media type: audio/x-gst-fourcc-QDMC
but that can be fixed :

qtdemux then says:
Track shorter than 20% (144/600 vs. 39203/600) of the stream found, assuming preview image or something; skipping track

and the pixbuf image loader warns:
Unrecognized image file format
ERROR: from element /playbin0/decodebin0/gdkpixbuf0: Could not decode stream.

Its certainly an intersting file:
$ mp4info
mp4info version
Segmentation fault

error: '' does not appear to be a media file

Running on
Mime Type :	video/quicktime
Length :	 0m  0s   0
	Audio:  0m  0s   0 	Video:  0m  0s   0
Video :
	0 x 0 @ 0/1 fps
Other unsuported Multimedia stream : audio/x-gst-fourcc-QDMC, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)1
Comment 2 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2008-08-06 07:10:54 UTC
What have you used to make the file?
I added some logging to dump the content of the stream:
00000000 (0x8336578): 21 f9 04 04 c8 00 ff 00 2c 00 00 00 00 c1 01 63  !.......,......c
00000010 (0x8336588): 01 00 06 fd 40 82 70 48 2c 1a 8f c8 a4 72 c9 6c  ....@.pH,....r.l
00000020 (0x8336598): 3a 9f d0 a8 74 4a ad 5a af d8 ac 76 cb ed 7a bf  :...tJ.Z...v..z.

thats not a gif image or at least it misses the header: The header would start with e.g. "GIF89a" and doing grep "GIF89a" says its there.

$ strings | grep "GIF89a" | wc -l

how many frames are supposed to be there?

Comment 3 Gregory Simonian 2008-08-06 07:30:38 UTC
I actually did not make the file, I only downloaded it. However, the movie itself is made of discrete frames, like a slide show that's narrated. When viewing it in Windows on quicktime, I counted 65 separate frames in the movie which is about 1 minute 30 seconds long. I hope that helps, and I can confirm 3 occurrences of "GIF89a" in the file on my linux box.
Comment 4 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2008-08-06 08:14:57 UTC
QDMC is QDesign Music 1, we only have a QDesign Music 2 decoder :/
Comment 5 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2008-08-06 14:03:54 UTC
It has 3 streames, where each one is a gif.

vlc says they are 450x356 and 8.333 fps and qdmc audio is mono, 44100 Hz, 705 kbit/s.

mplayer says 449x355  8bpp  0.500 fps and qdmc audio is 44100 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 15.9 kbit.

gstreamer detects the 0.5 fps too, but has issues decoding the gifs.
Comment 6 Tobias Mueller 2009-02-22 11:33:52 UTC
Reopening, as I can't see any open question.

(In reply to comment #4)
> QDMC is QDesign Music 1, we only have a QDesign Music 2 decoder :/
Is the bug about implementing the QDM1 decoder then? If so, please adopt the title and set to NEW.

If this is going to be WONTFIX, please mark the bug as such.
Comment 7 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2009-02-22 12:04:43 UTC
The clip is interesting fro various reasons (multiple channels, unusual codecs). Atleast we should be able to get the picture part working.
Comment 8 GStreamer system administrator 2018-11-03 14:38:36 UTC
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