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Bug 543022 - Exchange plugin unusable if Global Catalog server setting is blank
Exchange plugin unusable if Global Catalog server setting is blank
Product: Evolution Exchange
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Connector
Other All
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: Connector Maintainer
Ximian Connector QA
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-07-15 03:11 UTC by tim
Modified: 2011-05-11 04:21 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.21/2.22

Description tim 2008-07-15 03:11:11 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1. Set up an Exchange email account
2. Leave the Global Catalog server blank
3. Try Use the email account for around ten minutes

Stack trace:
It does not actually crash. It freezes. 
Please see 
for more user cases

Some users report massive CPU load during the freeze.

Other information:
Adding the address of the exchange server into this field stops the problem following a restart of exchange.
Comment 1 Akhil Laddha 2008-07-16 04:53:22 UTC
Thanks for taking the time to report this bug.
Without a stack trace from the crash it's very hard to determine what caused
it.Can you get us a stack trace? Please see
for more information on how to do so. Thanks in advance!

Please start evolution and exchange-storage process in separate terminals, when evolution hangs, do 'ctrl+c' and then 't a a bt' , paste the traces here. 
Comment 2 tim 2008-07-16 05:09:02 UTC
Rather than reinvent the wheel, please see the launchpad bug linked above, where some users added extensive documentation and technical analysis of the bug.

Comment 3 Akhil Laddha 2008-07-16 05:26:05 UTC
I don't see any traces there
Comment 4 tim 2008-07-16 05:54:40 UTC
I am not a developer, so my apologies, but what is the attachment here 
on the post of 2008-05-16  which has an attachment containing two straces of evolution

this author went on to say:

"I can confirm I am having the same issue. If an exchange account is enabled, it happens whether the new/reply email is sourced from the exchange account or any other account. If I disable the exchange account and restart evolution, this problem doesn't occur.

And to clarify, its not when you open up a separate window to view an existing email, only when you create a new window or reply to an email. It seems to be tied to any editable email window.

If anyone wants to wade through a strace file, I've attached two files. One experiencing the problem, and the other with the exchange account turned off so it doesn't cause the problems. Both were simply starting Evolution, open a "new email" window, letting it sit for ~60 seconds, and then closing Evolution. Look for the calls futex, writev, poll, gettimeofday, and read. They appear to be ones causing the problems. The easiest way to find it is to open both files up side-by-side and search for "gettimeofday" step for step. About 10-15 instances down, you'll start to see major repetition with gettimeofday and the other calls on the evolution-spike file." 

Comment 5 Brett 2008-09-10 15:24:51 UTC
I am having the same problem, but I do have an address in the Global Catalog List field.

I use KDE, so I can't generate a  stack trace using Bug Buddy, but I would be happy to generate one using some other method if someone will tell me how.

This bug is quite frustrating.  Basically requires me to force-shutdown and restart evolution after almost every single email I send....

So for me to reproduce this bug:

1. Set up an Exchange email account
2. Include a valid LDAP server in the Global Catalog List field (limit GAL responses to 500)

3. Use the email account for around ten minutes
4. Try to send email via exchange account.

Comment 6 Akhil Laddha 2009-09-03 12:49:05 UTC
Is it still valid in 2.26.x ?
Comment 7 Akhil Laddha 2011-05-10 13:07:43 UTC
Can you please check again whether this issue still happens in Evolution 2.32.2 or 3.0 and update this report by adding a comment and changing the "Version"
field? Thanks a lot.
Comment 8 tim 2011-05-10 23:16:46 UTC
I can't test this any longer, sorry.