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Bug 538632 - Brasero won't create audio CDs from movie files
Brasero won't create audio CDs from movie files
Product: brasero
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 0.7
Assigned To: Brasero maintainer(s)
Brasero maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-06-16 15:47 UTC by Pedro Villavicencio
Modified: 2008-12-13 12:58 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Pedro Villavicencio 2008-06-16 15:47:22 UTC
this bug has been filed here:

"In Gutsy, Serpentine allowed you to drag and drop a movie file into its main window and it would automatically extract the audio from the movie for burning onto an audio CD. In Brasero on Hardy Alpha 4, when I try to add a movie to an audio CD, I get the error: "<name of movie> can't be handled by gstreamer: Make sure the appropriate codec is installed." However, I'm fairly certain that gstreamer *can* handle the movie, since I can play it with totem (which uses a gstreamer backend by default - I didn't replace totem-gstreamer with totem-xine).

Steps to reproduce:
1. Launch Brasero.
2. Select Audio project.
3. Browse to Desktop/Examples.
4. Drag Experience ubuntu.ogg to the main section on the right. Note the error message.
5. Minimize Brasero.
6. Double-click on Examples on the desktop.
7. Double-click on Experience ubuntu.ogg. Note the file plays just fine in Totem."

Comment 1 Philippe Rouquier 2008-12-13 12:58:55 UTC
Thanks for the report. You're running an old version of brasero and this feature was recently enabled (in 0.8.3 I think). Please upgrade.