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Bug 523455 - Where Am I doesn't work in OOo Writer
Where Am I doesn't work in OOo Writer
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: High normal
: 2.24.0
Assigned To: Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie)
Orca Maintainers
Depends on: 527229
Blocks: 404411 523438
Reported: 2008-03-19 21:23 UTC by Rich Burridge
Modified: 2008-04-27 20:33 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

debug.out while performing the task (15.34 KB, text/plain)
2008-03-30 00:57 UTC, Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie)
regression test version (127.85 KB, text/plain)
2008-03-30 01:09 UTC, Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie)

Description Rich Burridge 2008-03-19 21:23:00 UTC
Test 1 of 2 FAILED: /home/richb/gnome/orca/trunk/test/keystrokes/oowriter/ KP-Enter once to do a 'single-click' where-am-I operation
     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application spanish - Writer Frame spanish - Writer RootPane ScrollPane Document view Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR! $l'",
     "     VISIBLE:  'Hm! She is made of harder stuff!', cursor=17",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'paragraph'",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Hm! She is made '",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'selected'",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application Frame spanish - Writer RootPane ScrollPane Document view Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR! $l'",
     "     VISIBLE:  'Hm! She is made of harder stuff!', cursor=17",

Test 2 of 2 FAILED: /home/richb/gnome/orca/trunk/test/keystrokes/oowriter/ KP-Enter twice to do a 'double-click' where-am-I operation
     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application spanish - Writer Frame spanish - Writer RootPane ScrollPane Document view Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR! $l'",
     "     VISIBLE:  'Hm! She is made of harder stuff!', cursor=17",
     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application spanish - Writer Frame spanish - Writer RootPane ScrollPane Document view Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR! $l'",
     "     VISIBLE:  'Hm! She is made of harder stuff!', cursor=17",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'paragraph'",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Hm! She is made '",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'selected'",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'paragraph'",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear. Fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise. And ruthless efficiency. Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency. And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope. Our four. No. Amongst our weapons. Amongst our weaponry, are such elements as fear, surprise. I'll come in again. NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms - Oh damn! Now old lady, you have one last chance. Confess the heinous sin of heresy, reject the works of the ungodly. Two last chances. And you shall be free. Three last chances. You have three last chances, the nature of which I have divulged in my previous utterance. Hm! She is made '",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'selected'",
     "SPEECH OUTPUT: ''",
     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application Frame spanish - Writer RootPane ScrollPane Document view Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR! $l'",
     "     VISIBLE:  'Hm! She is made of harder stuff!', cursor=17",
     "BRAILLE LINE:  'soffice Application Frame spanish - Writer RootPane ScrollPane Document view Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR! $l'",
     "     VISIBLE:  'Hm! She is made of harder stuff!', cursor=17",
Comment 1 Rich Burridge 2008-03-25 19:23:34 UTC
When running the regression test and the single
KP_Enter is pressed, the where-am-I outputs braille but no
speech. In the bug_435226.debug file at this point we have:

73 label=<>
73 name=<Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR!>
67 label=<>
67 name=<Document view>
  name=Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR!    
  keybinding=['', '', '']
  parent label=
  parent name=Document view
  parent role=unknown
Finding top-level object for
--> view
--> - Writer
73 name=<Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR!>
73 label=<>


If the test is run manually (and also synchronously to remove
that potential difference), then at the same point we get:

73 label=<>
73 name=<Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR!>
67 label=<>
67 name=<Document view>
  name=Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR!    
  keybinding=['', '', '']
  parent label=
  parent name=Document view
  parent role=unknown
Finding top-level object for
--> view
--> - Writer
--> - Writer
73 label=<>
_getTextContents: caretOffset=16, nSelections=1
_getTextSelection: selection start=0, end=16
_getTextSelection: selected text=<Hm! She is made >
first text utterances=['', 'paragraph', 'Hm! She is made ']
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'paragraph'
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Hm! She is made '
text utterances=['selected', '']
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'selected'
73 name=<Hm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch the COMFY CHAIR!>
73 label=<>


I haven't worked out why there is a difference yet.

Comment 2 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2008-03-26 17:16:59 UTC
Rich and I took a look at this yesterday.  Seems that the problem is not the regression test.  If you try the following:

1. Launch Orca

2. Open the document of your choice either via Nautilus or via the 

3. Arrow around for good measure (not necessary; merely a sanity
   check that Orca is doing the right thang).

4. Press KP_Enter for a basic whereAmI.

Orca will say jack.

At this point, the hierarchy looks like this:

+- name='soffice' role='application'
  +- name='None' role='frame' <----- No name
    +- name='spanish - Writer' role='root pane'
      +- name='None' role='panel'
        +- name='None' role='scroll pane'
          +- name='Document view' role='unknown'
            +- name='None' role='paragraph'

If you then quit Orca (leaving the OOo Writer window open), relaunch it, and redo steps 3 and 4 above, everything works as expected and the hierarchy looks like this:

+- name='soffice' role='application'
  +- name='spanish - Writer' role='frame' <----- Named
    +- name='spanish - Writer' role='root pane'
      +- name='None' role='panel'
        +- name='None' role='scroll pane'
          +- name='Document view' role='unknown'
            +- name='None' role='paragraph'

In's WhereAmI Class we have this:

   def _speakParagraph(self, obj, basicOnly):
        """OpenOffice Calc cells have the role "paragraph" when
        they are being edited.

        top = self._script.getTopLevel(obj)
        if top and" Calc"):
            self._speakCalc(obj, basicOnly)
        elif top and" Writer"):
            self._speakText(obj, basicOnly)

top is the frame, it doesn't endwith anything, hence we don't speak anything.

So.... This seems like another instance of the isSpreadSheetCell() bug/problem/fix:  We can't count on the frame having a name so if we need to do this check, we need to potentially look at the root pane name as well (or instead?).

This initially also struck me as YAOOB bug:  Why aren't we getting the frame name?  But then I tried the above steps with Accericser (launched Accerciser first, then launched Writer for the same document, and took a look at the hierarchy).  Accerciser knows what the name of the frame is.  So.... Why don't we?

Will:  Is there anything we could be doing to cause us to not have the correct frame name?

If you watch the screen very closely when performing the above steps, there seems to be a second (less than a second really) where the frame name goes from the generic Writer stuff to nothing to the document name + the generic Writer stuff.  Any chance we're getting the name during the transition and storing it?
Comment 3 Willie Walker 2008-03-26 18:12:35 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Will:  Is there anything we could be doing to cause us to not have the correct
> frame name?
> If you watch the screen very closely when performing the above steps, there
> seems to be a second (less than a second really) where the frame name goes from
> the generic Writer stuff to nothing to the document name + the generic Writer
> stuff.  Any chance we're getting the name during the transition and storing it?

The two things that come to mind are:

1) pyatspi is caching it, which is something we desire for performance reasons

2) an object:property-change:accessible-name event might not be issued 
   when the name changes

I believe the reason you'd see it in Orca and not in Accerciser is that the cache might be more persistent in Orca if Orca hangs on to a window reference somehow between calls.

As an experiment to see if it is cache related, you might try adding this line in your ~/.orca/ file:

orca.settings.cacheValues = False

It *should* tell pyatspi not to cache data.
Comment 4 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2008-03-26 18:28:08 UTC
> As an experiment to see if it is cache related, you might try adding this line
> in your ~/.orca/ file:
> orca.settings.cacheValues = False

Bingo!  If I add that line, the bug in question goes away; remove it and the bug comes back.  Thanks!!

<thinking out loud>  I wonder if we can (and should try to) detect this condition and dump the cache data for the frame rather than do the _speakParagraph() hack I suggested above.
Comment 5 Willie Walker 2008-03-26 18:36:55 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> > As an experiment to see if it is cache related, you might try adding this line
> > in your ~/.orca/ file:
> > 
> > orca.settings.cacheValues = False
> Bingo!  If I add that line, the bug in question goes away; remove it and the
> bug comes back.  Thanks!!

Cool.  We now know the source of the problem.  Thanks for investigating this.

> <thinking out loud>  I wonder if we can (and should try to) detect this
> condition and dump the cache data for the frame rather than do the
> _speakParagraph() hack I suggested above.

Do you see *any* events that might give us a clue that something has changed?  If so, we could try to dump the cache there.  To experiment with this, I think you can add an event to pyatspi.constants.CACHE_EVENTS (look at at-spi/pyatspi/ to see the source).
Comment 6 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2008-03-30 00:57:47 UTC
Created attachment 108254 [details]
debug.out while performing the task

Seems that we've already got the right events.  I don't think we're correctly updating the cache as a result.  Here's what I think is taking place:

1. Window activated.  Frame has no name. (ln 1)
   Frame goes into the cached objects.

2. Root pane gets focus.  It has no name. (ln 61)
   Root pane goes into the cached objects.

3. object:property-change:accessible-name for the root pane. (ln 115)
   This event is one of types defined in at-spi/pyatspi/
   for cache dumping.  Root pane leaves the cache (and winds up going
   back in there with its new name).

4. object:property-change:accessible-name for the frame. (ln 165)
   Again, we dump the frame from the cache and put it back in with
   its new name.

If we ask for the hierarchy at this point, we get:

+- name='soffice' role='application'
  +- name='spanish - Writer' role='frame' <-- Yea!
    +- name='spanish - Writer' role='root pane'

BUT if we ask for the ancestry, we get:

+- name='soffice' role='application'
  +- name='None' role='frame' <-- Oops!
    +- name='spanish - Writer' role='root pane'

Turns out that one of the things that gets cached in pyatpsi's property cache is the parent.  Thus at step 3, our newly-named root pane has amongst its properties a parent of ROLE_FRAME which has no name.  At step 4, we update the cache for the object of ROLE_FRAME (hence we get the correct name when was ask for the hierarchy), but we don't re-update any children in the cache whose parent is that frame (hence the frame still has no name when we ask for the ancestry).

I dunno what the best or the most pythonic way to solve this problem is (and knowing me I didn't do either). ;-) That said, if you add this at the beginning of accessible._updateCache(), the problem goes away and the frame has a name, whereAmI works, etc.*

  for key, value in _ACCESSIBLE_CACHE.items():
    if value.__dict__.get('parent') == event.source:
        del _ACCESSIBLE_CACHE[key]

* As long as you're performing the task live.  When the regression tests are run the frame is still nameless. :-(
Comment 7 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2008-03-30 01:09:07 UTC
Created attachment 108255 [details]
regression test version

During the test:

1. Window activated.  Frame has no name. (ln 1)
   Frame goes into the cached objects (I assume)

2. Root pane gets focus.  It has no name. (ln 33)
   Root pane goes into the cached objects (I assume)

3. object:property-change:accessible-name for the root pane. (ln 60)
   This event is one of types defined in at-spi/pyatspi/
   for cache dumping.  Root pane leaves the cache (and winds up going
   back in there with its new name -- I assume).  BUT, the new name
   is still None. (????)

4. object:property-change:accessible-name for the frame. (ln 164)
   Again, we dump the frame from the cache and put it back in with
   its new name. (Which is also None)

But somehow, magically, by the time we have the caret-moved event at line 292, the root pane has its correct name.  Not sure when that happened or if something similar occurred with the frame (and if so why dumping the cache as described in the previous comment didn't make a difference).

I don't get it.... :-(
Comment 8 Willie Walker 2008-03-31 14:28:58 UTC
I think this may be a question for Eitan -- Mr. Pyatspi himself.  :-)  Eitan, any ideas?
Comment 9 Eitan Isaacson 2008-03-31 18:34:23 UTC
Uh Oh.
Do we sense cracks in the fool-proof caching mechanism?
I'll look at this today/tomorrow.
Comment 10 Eitan Isaacson 2008-04-09 21:09:14 UTC

I was talking out of my back end yesterday.
Yeah, this is a pyatspi caching bug. Nothing to do with OpenOffice.

Essentially, if a cache is invalidated for a certain accessible, the invalidation is not persisted across all paper weights. So our cache updates were lacking, to say the least.
Comment 11 Eitan Isaacson 2008-04-24 19:10:50 UTC
Ok, I gave the test above ( a run, and with current trunk of pyatspi it works fine. Could I close this? Someone want to do the honors?
Comment 12 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2008-04-24 21:46:44 UTC
Confirmed.  You fixed it, feel free to do the honors. :-)  Thanks!!
Comment 13 Eitan Isaacson 2008-04-27 20:33:54 UTC
Thanks Joanie for reporting back. This bug is fixed with pyatspi trunk.