GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 503237
A LaTeX-style \cite capability.
Last modified: 2007-12-12 19:16:38 UTC
In our plasma modelling group we have been happy doxygen users for a long time now. After all these years of using doxygen, we feel that one feature is still missing: LaTeX-style bibliography support (a \cite command). In my (C++) code, I would like to be able to write: /** Nifty class implements the Nifty algorithm that has been * discussed in \cite{Dijk2007/1}. */ struct NiftyClass { // ... }; Dijk2007/1 would be a BibTeX entry, declared in a bibtex file myrefs.bib, say. (The fact that Doxygen uses this file, and perhaps others as well, could be configured in the .doxy file, or somewhere else.) The idea is that doxygen compiles a bibliographic reference from the .bib files and the\cite commands. That would be a separate HTML page, similar to those generated by the \todo and \bug tags. Then, in the doxygen-output (in particular the HTML-docs) for the NiftyClass we would see something like: Nifty class implements the Nifty algorithm that has been discussed in [42]. Where [42] would be a clickable reference to the appropriate anchor on the generated bibliography page. Could such feature be considered? We would welcome it very much!
I think you unintentially posted the bug 3 times, so I'll mark this as a dup of #503239 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 503239 ***